Stuff - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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(If we have time, and just to demonstrate how disjointed a lecture can become ArrayList's. ... Another logic tool that you can use to prove that your program ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Stuff

  • Midterm exam in JEF234 on March 9th from 7-9pm.

Last Time
  • Debugging, including the use of the debugger in

  • Proving Correctness.
  • Assertions and Invariants
  • (If we have time, and just to demonstrate how
    disjointed a lecture can become ArrayLists. If
    we dont get to them in class, please read over
    these few slides.)

Program Correctness
  • Another logic tool that you can use to prove that
    your program is correct is the use of
  • Special assertions are called
  • Preconditions,
  • Postconditions
  • Invariants.
  • Essentially, an assertion is just a statement
    that describes a condition that should be true at
    a given point in your program.
  • An assertion could just be a comment.
  • Java provides the use of the assert command,
    that can do something useful in the event that
    the condition turns out to be false.

Pre- Post- Conditions
  • These assertions are made at the beginning of a
    method (pre-condition) and at the end of the
    method (post-condition).
  • A precondition
  • Specifies what is true before the method
  • Describes the assumptions under which the method
  • Satisfying the preconditions is the
    responsibility of the calling method (or user).
  • A postcondition
  • Specifies what is true after the method executes.
  • Describes the effects of the code.
  • Satisfying the postconditions is the
    responsibility of the person coding the method.

Pre- Post- Conditions - Cont.
  • These conditions form part of the specifications
    of the method.
  • A piece of code is said to be correct if the
    postconditions will be satisfied for all possible
    states of the preconditions.
  • It is not always possible to completely prove
    correctness by this definition.
  • Sometimes all you can say is that the
    postconditions will be satisfied whenever the
    method terminates normally.
  • This is called partial correctness.

Pre- Post- Conditions - Cont.
  • For example, a little method to see if a number
    is prime
  • public static boolean isPrime (int n)
  • for (int i 2 i i lt n i)
  • if (n i 0) return false
  • return true
  • // end is Prime method

Pre- Post- Conditions - Cont.
  • Add pre- and post- conditions
  • // pre n is gt 2
  • public static boolean isPrime (int n)
  • for (int i 2 i i lt n i)
  • if (n i 0) return false
  • return true
  • // end is Prime method
  • // post true if n is prime, false
  • // otherwise

  • Invariants are assertions that are placed at
    strategic positions within the code.
  • Invariants state what is true at this position.
  • If the program logic is correct, then one
    insertion should lead from the one before and the
    last insertion should prove the post-condition to
    be true.
  • Next slide has our little method with invariants
    put in as comments

  • // pre n is gt 2
  • public static boolean isPrime (int n)
  • for (int i 2 i i lt n i)
  • // inv1 n has no factors between 2 and i-1
  • if (n i 0)
  • // inv2 i divides n evenly, therefore // n
    is not prime
  • return false
  • // inv3 n has no factors between 2 and i
  • // end for loop
  • // inv4 n has no factors between 2 and// n,
    therefore n is prime
  • return true
  • // end is Prime method
  • // post true if n is prime, false otherwise

Invariants - Cont.
  • Note how the invariants below depend on the
    invariants above. The invariant above must be
    true in order to allow the invariant below to be
  • Also, the invariants above the return statements,
    inv3 inv4, when combined, prove the
    post-condition to be true.
  • So, if you can chain together the invariants
    between the pre- and post- conditions, and thus
    prove that the post condition is true, then you
    have proved the correctness of your program.

Invariants - Cont.
  • In essense, the process is all about forming a
    contract between the pre- and post- conditions.
  • Having proved the correctness of your program,
    you are now ready to subject your program to a
    thorough testing with real values.
  • Since you can not test every possible input
    value, your proof of correctness along with some
    testing must be sufficient to give you confidence
    that your method works.

Aside Loop Invariants
  • inv1 is called a loop invariant, because it
    is inside the loop.
  • For this kind of invariant
  • Make sure it is true when the loop starts.
  • Make sure it stays true each time through the
  • Does the invariant lead to the desired condition
    when the loop terminates?
  • Make sure the loop will terminate!

Program Correctness - Cont.
  • For the example above, you could have walked
    through the logic in your head to prove that it
    works. Was all this fancy stuff necessary?
  • The use of assertions has two purposes
  • It can help to provide documentation of your
  • Pre- and Post- conditions are an important part
    of the documented specifications of your code.
  • More complex methods would be difficult to walk
    through without some kind of commenting to
    indicate the progression of the logic.

Invariants Triangle Example
  • Remember the example of the triangles?
  • It contains a logic error, but no syntax errors
    it compiles and runs fine.
  • It took many random test cases to determine that
    there was a logic error.
  • Here is the code with assertions (squished)

  • // pre a,b,c gt 0 and form a triangle
  • public static String testTriangle (int a, int b,
    int c)
  • if (a b)
  • if (b c)
  • return "equilateral" //inv1 ab, bc,
  • else
  • return "isosceles" //inv2 ab, b?c, ?a?c
  • else
  • if (b c)
  • return "isoscles" //inv3 a?b, bc, ?a?c
  • else
  • return "scalene" //inv4 a?b, b?c, a?c or
  • //end testTriangle
  • // post all possibilities have been tested

Not so!
Invariants Triangle Example Cont.
  • Now it is easier to see that not all
    possibilities have been tested. A situation can
    be reached where a?b, b?c, but ac is unknown.
  • So there is a break in the logic between inv4 and
    the post condition.

Program Correctness - Cont.
  • In Java versions gt 1.4, assertions can be put in
    the code using the assert command, where they
    can actually do something useful.
  • Use assert when you are having problems
    debugging a particular piece of code.
  • You can use a compilation switch to tell the
    compiler to ignore all assertions when it does
    the final compile on your code this way you
    dont have to take them out of the source code!
  • (Available in JBuilder 9 and 2005, Eclipse 3.1)

The Java assert Keyword
  • Syntax
  • assert expression1
  • assert expression1 expression2
  • expression1 must evaluate to a boolean result.
    For the second syntax, expression2 provides a
    String for the AssertionError that will be thrown
    when expression1 evaluates to false.

Using Assertions in Code - Cont.
  • By default, code is compiled with the assert
    command being treated as a comment - so they do
    not have to be removed when not needed.
  • You have to tell the compiler to enable
    assertions for them to work.
  • Make sure that your assert statement is passive.
    It should not do anything with variable
    contents or change how the program runs.
  • In this way, ignoring the assertions should not
    affect the program.

Using assert, Cont.
  • How is using assert different from just throwing
    an exception directly?
  • It is easier to do, and the invoking method does
    not have to worry about catching an exception.
  • You have the option of compiling and running your
    program in such a way that assertions can be
    ignored, speeding up the execution of your code.
  • During program development, enable assertions.
    Once done, disable them.
  • You can leave all your assert statements in your
    source code!

Aside Using Assertions in Eclipse
  • To add the command line parameter
  • -ea for enable assertions
  • Go to Run on the menu bar, then choose Run.
  • In the window that opens, choose the Arguments
    tab and enter -ea (without the quotes) in the
    VM arguments box.
  • This parameter gets reset when you exit Eclipse.
  • Without this setting, Eclipse will treat assert
    commands just like comments (it ignores them!).

Best Reference on Assertions
  • http//

ArrayList Class
  • The size of an array always has to be declared
    before it can be used.
  • Once an array has been given a size, it cannot be
    changed (in Java).
  • (How would you re-size an array to make them more
  • An ArrayList is another kind of data structure -
    a Collection, that does not need to be sized

ArrayList Class, Cont.
  • It resides in java.util, so you will need
  • import java.util.ArrayList
  • Syntax to create an ArrayList in Java 5.0
  • ArrayListlttypegt list_name new
  • type must be an Object, it cannot be a
    primitive type.

ArrayList Class, Cont.
  • Note - no size declaration!
  • For example, to create an ArrayList called
    myList to hold Doubles
  • ArrayListltDoublegt myList new ArrayListltDoublegt()
  • ArrayList itself is a generic type Object in
  • You must use the lt gt to give the ArrayList a type.

ArrayList Class, Cont.
  • To add elements to the collection, for example
  • myList.add(new Double(456.78))
  • To get the size of the collection, invoke the
    size() method
  • int myListSize myList.size()

ArrayList Class, Cont.
  • The get(index) method returns the Object at the
    given index. Note that index positions are
    numbered from zero (of course!).
  • The set(position, new_value) method changes the
    Object at the given position.
  • To insert an element, invoke add(position,
    new_value). All elements are moved up, and the
    new value is added at the given position.
  • The method, remove(position) removes the element
    at the provided position.

ArrayList Class, Cont.
  • Once you have accessed an element of an
    ArrayList, you do not have to cast it back to the
    type of the List, it is already of the list type.
  • For example, to get the number back out of the
    first element in myList
  • double aVal myList.get(0).doubleValue()
  • (Before Java 5.0 the element would have to have
    been cast to be of type Double, first.)
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