Title: Week 4 Vocab
1Week 4 Vocab
Insurgent Animosity Devoid Garbled decadence
2Insurgent (adj)
Rising up in revolt
When the peaceful protest took on insurgent
tones, the governor called in the riot police.
3Animosity (n)
Active dislike hatred hostility
Itchy and Scratchy have such an animosity toward
each other that they are constantly at each
other's throats.
4Devoid (adj)
Entirely without completely lacking empty
The teacher's lecture was so devoid of interest
that the students slept through it.
5Garbled (adj)
Confused, mixed up, distorted
Because the cell phone message was garbled, Jen
thought Ben said"Oh no, I'm through with you
too" when really he said "Bono is the singer of
6Decadance (n)
Decay, decline, deterioration
After two decades of neglect, the abandoned
building was in a state of decadance.