Title: Bellwork 82207
1Bellwork 8/22/07
- Name the three types of syllogisms
- Give an example of each
- Final Draft of Artifact 1
- 6 syllogisms
3Ever playedHorse?
- Now its your turn to play Horse
- Philosophy Style
4Horse Philosophy Style
- Two teams
- Coin flip will decide first team
- One speaker at a time
- If correct, you decide the speaker for the
other team - If incorrect, you get a letter, other team goes
- First team to spell Nietzsche looses
5Whos Nietzsche?
6Friedrich Nietzsche
- 19th century philosopher
- Existential
- Went insane towards the end of his life
- Died of pneumonia
7Lets begin
- First there will be a category or example given
- Questions and categories will become more
difficult as we go along - Once again, if your team is the first to spell
Nietzsche, you will be uber-pwnd
8Tough or Tender
13Its so Logical
14Logic, like philosophy, is ________ ________.
15Instead of depending on emotion, superstition,
etc. logic focuses upon _______.
16Without logic, ___________________.
- We wouldnt have philosophy.
17Who was the ancient Greek philosopher was the
first to systemize logic?
18Give an example of how logic is used today
- Math, Science, Computers, Google
19Next category, 3 Laws of Thought
20Ill give you an example, you give me the Law
21Nietzsche was a philosopher
22Nietzsche either died insane or he did not die
23Nietzsche was both a brilliant and insane.
24Nietzsche was either insane or brilliant.
- Law of Excluded Middle
- insane or not-insane
25Lying is both right and wrong.
26Either you want to date me or you think I smell
like cabbage.
27Basic Arguments
28An argument is not ___________.
- Yelling, Fighting
- Emotional. Slanderous
- Name Calling, Rude
- Disrespectful, or Irrational
29The minimum number of premises required in an
30What connects the premises to the conclusion?
31Words/phrases such as accordingly, thus, and as a
result signal what?
32Words/phrases such as since, because, and for
signal what?
33Whats what?
34That girl said shed go out with me Friday night
if I got tickets to the concert. Accordingly,
Ive got a date Friday night because I scored the
35That girl said shed go out with me Friday night
if I got tickets to the concert. Accordingly,
Ive got a date Friday night because I scored the
36We may infer that it is raining out because the
streets are wet and a street cleaner did not come
through today.
37We may infer that it is raining out because the
streets are wet and a street cleaner did not come
through today.
38You will be given a list of signals on the quiz
39Deductive vs. Inductive
40__________ goes from general to particular
41Conclusion is only probable, not necessary
42Arguments are valid or invalid
43__________ goes from observations to
44Arguments are judged on degree of probability
45Conclusion follows logically from the premises
46All Vail High School students are smart Shawn is
a Vail High School student. Therefore, Shawn
47Most people who own Jaguars are richJoey owns a
JaguarJoey is probably rich.
48Valid or Invalid.True or False
- You must correctly identify both
49All mammals have lungsThis bear is a mammalThis
bear has lungs
50All mammals have lungsThis bear is a mammalThis
bear breathes air
51All men are immortalSocrates is a manSocrates
is immortal
52No students have jobsThis boy is a studentThis
boy has money
54Some students have jobsThis boy is a
studentThis boy may have a job.
55If you go to the zoo, they will keep you in a
cage.You went to the zoo.Therefore you are now
in a cage.
56Either you are a cat person or a dog person.You
are not a dog person. Therefore you are a cat
57No fish have gills.My pet is a fish.Therefore,
my pet does not have gills.
58Random Trivia
59Who said that Every argument finally rests upon
something that cannot be proven
60How did Descartes die?
61Name the 3 approaches to philosophy.
- Speculative, Analytic, Existential
62What philosopher/psychologist coined the terms
Tough and Tender Minded?
63Put these in order from earliest to most
recentAristotle, Socrates, Plato
64What was the name of the ancient Greek
philosophers who collected money for teaching
65Quiz Tomorrow
- 30 pts.
- Identify
- Fill in the blank
- Give an argument
66Nietzsche says,Good Luck!