Title: Reducing energy input into arable production
1Reducing energy input into arable production
- Jim Orson
- The Arable Group
2Northern Europe competitive with USComplete
production costs for wheat (/t)
3Average wheat yields (t/ha)
Effective fungicides
Effective herbicides
Increase in N
Semi-dwarf varieties
4Energy required to produce 1 tonne of bread wheat
Total Energy 2.46 GJ/tonne
From a Defra Project report IS0205 by Williams
and Audsley, Cranfield University
5N fertiliser half the energy for wheat production
but 80 of GHG emissions
Source Rickeard et al., 2004
6Nitrous oxide (N20)
A very stable greenhouse gas with a life-time of
over 100 years 1 kg/ha N2O 320 kg/ha CO2
Natural processes account for about 65 of
emissions, the remainder is anthropogenically
produced The main source of the anthropogenic
emissions are the use of artificial fertilisers
(29), manure fertilisers (26), fossil fuel
combustion (19), biomass destruction
(13), nylon production (12)
7N fertiliser half the energy for wheat production
but 80 of GHG emissions
A climate unfriendly technology
A climate friendly technology
Source Rickeard et al., 2004
8Organic less energy, more nutrient polluting
and similar global warming potential per tonne
From Defra Project report IS0205 by Williams and
Audsley, Cranfield University
9Parry et al 2005
10Options for reducing bag nitrogen
- Manures/waste not enough to go round nitrate
leaching and greenhouse gases - Placement of nitrogen small savings
- Improved mining of soil mineral nitrogen
- crops prefer using bag nitrogen rather than soil
mineral nitrogen the undoing of RB209 - Reducing N dose to optimise energy use rather
than optimise margins? - Use legumes to generate nitrogen in the crop
11Uptake of N in grain, Marr 2006
Up to 200 kg/ha, 54 of applied N in grain
12Optimising economic yield, Marr 2006
maximum yield
61 optimum
13Optimising energy output small reduction in N
dose Margin over nitrogen cost (/ha) according
to alcohol price (p/litre), Marr 2006
N cost 0.42p/kg
14New Farming Systems
- Main site at Morley
- Linked to the STAR project at Otley
- Aim to maintain or increase financial margins and
decrease carbon footprint - Advisory committee
J C Mann Trust
15The holy grail?Wheat with legume roots
16But is it the Holy Grail?
Matches supply with demand? And Probable heavy
leaching losses and expensive seed? Why not have
the separate plants and use climate friendly
pesticides to control crop competition and N
release and use precision farming techniques to
top up N?
17(No Transcript)
18Shallow cultivations to save fuelEstablishment
Source John Bailey
19Looking to the Future
Cultivations and establishment strip tillage
20The future
- Exploiting both old and new agricultural
technologies are the key to meeting the varied
demands of food production - Change is in the air!