Title: Majordomo mailing list
1Majordomo mailing list
2Majordomo Mailing List
- Version 1.94.4
- A single email address to distribute email to any
number of recipients (or members on the list)
3Can be moderated or unmoderated
- Unmoderated freely subscribed by anyone
- Moderated subscription must be approved by the
list owner - Limitation not for
- HTML coded email
- Attachments
4To create a new mailing list
- Complete form CF-48 Departmental Mailing List
Application Form - URL http//www.hku.hk/ccoffice/forms/cf48.pdf
- Mailing list name must be of lower case
alphanumeric characters (a to z, 0 to 9) and the
- sign only - E.g. course-1234
- List owner (or moderator) will be notified of a
password to manage the list
5To subscribe or unsubscribe from a list by the
- Send an email to majordomo_at_hkusua.hku.hk
- In the mail body, include the following commands
- to subscribe to the list
- subscribe ltlist namegt ltemail addressgt
- to unsubscribe from the list
- unsubscribe ltlist namegt ltemail addressgt
6Manage members e-addresses in the list by the
list owner
- Send an email to majordomo_at_hkusua.hku.hk
- In the mail body, include the following commands
- To approve a users request to subscribe
- approve ltpasswordgt subscribe ltlist namegt ltemail
addressgt - To approve a users request to unsubscribe
- approve ltpasswordgt unsubscribe ltlist namegt ltemail
7To send a mail to all members on the list
- Simply send an email to ltlist namegt_at_hkusua.hku.hk
- Example list-12345_at_hkusua.hku.hk
8List owner needs to approve a mail to a moderated
- The list owner will receive a mail with the
following header - From owner-ltlistnamegt_at_hkusua.hku.hk
- Subject BOUNCE ltlistnamegt Approval Required.
9List owner to approve a mail
- Forward the mail to ltlistnamegt_at_hkusua.hku.hk
- For the mail body,
- at the first line,input the following line
- Approved ltpasswordgt
- then add a blank line
- delete all headers that are in the email body
except the lines that begin with 'Date', 'From',
and 'Subject'. - then add another blank line
- then followed by the original mail to be
- Example
- Approved list_password
- Date date_here
- From myAddress_at_hku.hk
- Subject my opinion
- ltOriginal mail starts heregt
10Point to notes when using Majodomo mailing list
- Plain text must be used at all time
- Do not use any fancy style from Outlook
11Point to notes when using Majodomo mailing list
- Do not send attachment if the list is moderated
- Avoid sending attachment if the list contains
many users - If your attachment is 2 MB and your list has 100
members, the system has to distribute 200 MB of
data to 100 email addresses. - Instead, in the mail, use URL links to web page
referencing the attachments.
12Point to notes when using Majodomo mailing list
- If a member is going on vacation and uses
vacation auto-notification mail to notify his
correspondents - first Un-subscribe from the list!
13Thank you