Title: GUI Design in MIDP
1GUI Design in MIDP
- AWT and SWING are not supported in MIDP, since
- Limited resources in MIDP
- No mouse
- No Window
- Class hierarchy of GUI in MIDP
3(No Transcript)
4- All MIDP GUI classes are in the lcdui package
- import javax.microedition.lcdui.
- Only one Displayable can be displayed, Screen or
Canvas - Four kinds of Screen
- Predefined Components List, Alert, and TextBox
- Container Form
- A list is a screen of choices
- Three types of lists
- Exclusive Choice List enables the user to
select one and only one element - Multiple Choice List enables the user to select
zero or more elements - Implicit List enables the user to select one
element and execute an action on it
6- An example ListTest.java
- Exclusive choice and multiple choice
- Add Commands to catch the conform events
List l new List(List Test, Choice.EXCLUSIVE)
l.append (Item 1, null)
7- Another example IMPListTest.java
- Action will be invoked once a choice is selected
- Just have to check whether command is
List l new List(List Test, Choice.IMPLICIT) l
.append (Item 1, null)
public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable
s) if (c List.SELECT_COMMAND)
- An alert is a screen that gives users error
messages or status information - AlertType
- Alarm, Confirmation, Error, Info, Warning
- setTimeout(t) set the time for which the Alert
is to be shown - An example AlertTest.java
- Text boxes are editable screens that can display
one or more lines of text - Constructor
- TextBox(title, text, maxSize, constraints)
- Constraints
10- An example TextBoxTest.java
- Methods
- setString(string)
- Insert(string, position)
new TextBox("TextBox??", "initial text", 256,
- A form is a screen that can contain an arbitrary
mixture of items images, text fields, gauges,
choice groups, and so on
12Form Items
- Forms contain one or more items, each of which
can have a label - Items
- StringItem, ImageItem, TextField, DateField,
Guage, ChoiceGroup - getLabel(), setLabel(label) defined in class Item
13- StringItem StringItemTest.java
- getText(), setText()
14- ImageItem provides layout control when Image
objects are added to a Form or to an Alert
ImageItemTest.java - Image Object
- Image.createImage("/icons/Icon.png")
- ImageItem
- ImageItem(label string, image object, layout,
atlText) - Item layout
15Exception Handling in Java
- What's an Exception and Why Do I Care?
- Your First Encounter with Java Exceptions
- Java's Catch or Specify Requirement
- Dealing with Exceptions
- Throwing Exceptions
16What's an Exception and Why Do I Care?
- An exception is an event that occurs during the
execution of a program that disrupts the normal
flow of instructions - Throwing an exception
- Exception handler
17- Advantages
- Separating Error Handling Code from "Regular"
Code - Propagating Errors Up the Call Stack
- Grouping Error Types and Error Differentiation
- Often exceptions fall into categories or groups
- Exception hierarchy
18method1 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â try
                   call method2
               catch (exception)
               method2 throws exception
               call method3 method3 throws
exception                call readFile
19(No Transcript)
20Your First Encounter with Java Exceptions
- The InputFile class example
- compile the file and read the errors
- fis new FileInputStream(filename)
- compiler errors
-  Exception java.io.FileNotFoundException must be
caugth, or it must be declared in throw clause of
this method - Except handling
- catch it
- handling the exception
21Java's Catch or Specify Requirement
- Catch
- A method can catch an exception by providing an
exception handler for that type of exception - Specify
- If a method chooses not to catch an exception,
the method must specify that it can throw that
22- Checked exceptions
- run-time exception - is not checked by compilers
- checked exception - checked by compilers
- Exceptions that can be thrown within the scope of
the method - exceptions that are thrown directly by the method
with Java's throw statement, and - exceptions that are thrown indirectly by the
method through calls to other methods
23Catching and Handling Exceptions
- Specifying the exceptions thrown by a method
- the try block
- the catch block(s)
- the finally block
try            . . . catch (SomeThrowable
variable) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Java statements catch
( . . . ) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â . . . finally
24Specifying the Exceptions Thrown by a Method
- Specifying the exceptions thrown but not catched
by a method in method declaration - Â Public void writeList() throws IOException,
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - The exception will then be handled by the caller
25Throwing Exceptions
- The throw statement
- Â throw someThrowableObject
- The Throwable class and its subclasses
- Errors, Exception, RuntimeException
- One can create his own exception classes
26- ChoiceGroup a group of selectable elements
intended to be placed within a Form
ChoiceGroupTest.java - ChoiceGroup
- new ChoiceGroup("ChoiceGroupTest",
Choice.EXCLUSIVE) - Only EXCLUSIVE and MULTIPLE are allowed
ChoiceGroupTest2.java - new ChoiceGroup("ChoiceGroupTest",
27- TextField
- Similar to previous TextBox
- Gauge a bar graph display of a value intended
for use in a form GaugeTest.java - Constructor
- Gauge(label, interactive, maxValue, initValue)
- Methods
- setValue()
- getValue(value)
28- DateField an editable component for presenting
date and time information that may be placed into
a Form DateFieldTest.java - Constructor
- DateField(label, mode, timeZone)
- Mode DateField.DATE, DateField.TIME, and
DateField.DATE_TIME - Date is different in MIDP and J2ME
- Date.toString() in MIDP output a digit string
instead of time string
29public void itemStateChanged(Item item)
Calendar c Calendar.getInstance()
DateField tmp (DateField) item Date d
tmp.getDate() f.append("out "
d.getTime()) c.setTime(d)
f.append("real" c.toString())
30- Tiker - a piece of text that runs continuously
across the display TickerTest.java - Ticker can be add to any Screen except Canvas
- f.setTicker(ticker) -- f is a form
- f.getTicker().setString(new string)
- Method
- setString(string), getString()
- The Canvas class is a base class for writing
applications that need to handle low-level events
and to issue graphics calls for drawing to the
display - The Canvas extends from Displayable
- Only one Displayable can be displayed, Screen or
32Event Delivery in Canvas
- paint(Graphics g)
- showNotify()
- hideNotify()
- keyPressed()
- keyRepeated()
- keyReleased()
- pointerPressed()
- pointerDragged()
- pointerReleased()
- the CommandListener's commandAction() method
33Other Methods of Canvas
- getHeight(), getWidth()
- getGameAction(keyCode)
- getKeyCode(gameAction)
- repaint()
- hasPointerEvents()
- hasPointerMotionEvents()
- hasRepeatedEvents()
- isDoubleBuffered()
- For drawing graphics in Canvas
- Setting methods
- setColor, setFont(), setGrayScale(),
setStrokeStyle(), translate() - Drawing methods
- drawChar(), drawChars(), drawString(),
drawSubString(), drawLine(), drawRect(),
drawArc(), drawRoundRect(), fillArc(),
fillRect(), fillRoundRect(), drawImage()
35Using Canvas
- Define your own Canvas class by extending from
class Canvas - Override paint() for drawing graphics
- Override event handling methods to handle low
level events - Use your own Canvas as previous Displayable
classes - Instantiate your own Canvas object and set it to
the display
36Checking Size of Canvas
- Methods
- getHeight(), getWidth()
- An example
- SizeCanvas.java
- SizeMIDlet.java
- Two class in a MIDlet suite, but only one MIDlet
- drawString(string, x, y, anchor)
- Anchor
37Coordination Systems of Canvas
- Methods
- translate(x, y) translate origin to (x, y)
- getTranslateX(), getTranslateY()
- An Example
- OrigTransCanvas.java
- OrigTransMIDlet.java
int step width/5 for(int i1 ilt5 i)
g.fillRect(0, 0, step, step)
g.translate(step, step)
38Navigating Picture Using Coordinate Translation
- An example
- NavigateCanvas.java
- NavigateMIDlet.java
- this
- Image, drawImage()
- repaint()
g.translate(newX, newY) g.drawImage(image, 0, 0,
if (s nc c leftCmd)
nc.setppingXY(stepX, 0) nc.repaint() else
if (s nc c rightCmd)
nc.setppingXY(-stepX, 0) nc.repaint()
- Methods for setting color
- setColor(r, g, b), setColor(rgb),
setGrayScale(value) - Methods for getting color
- getRedComponent(), getGreenComponent(),
getBlueComponent(), getColor(), getGrayScale() - Methods for query color information
- isColor(), numColors()
40- Setting background color
- g.setGrayScale(255)
- g.fillRect(0, 0, width-1, height-1)
- Setting foreground color
- g.setGrayScale(0)
- g.drawRect(0, 0, 50, 50)
- StrokeStyle
- setStrokeStyle(style)
- Graphics.SOLID or Graphics.DOTTED
41Drawing Shapes
- Drawing methods
- drawLine(), drawRect(), drawArc(),
drawRoundRect(), fillArc(), fillRect(),
fillRoundRect() - An example
- BarCanvas.java, BarMIDlet.java
g.setColor(0xFFFFFF) g.fillRect(0, 0, width-1,
42Low Level Events
- Show events
- showNotify(), hideNotify(), paint(), repaint(),
serviceRepaints() - Key events
- keyPressed(), keyRepeated(), keyReleased(),
hasRepeated() - KeyCode
KEY_STAR - Method getKeyName(keyCode) returns a string
43- Game action events
- getGameAction(keyCode), getKeyCode(gameAction)
- gameAction
- An example
- GameActionCanvas.java, GameActionMIDlet.java
- protected methods
44- Pointer events
- Usually used with touch-sensitive screen
- Methods
- hasPointerEvents(), hasPointerMotionEvents(),
pointerPressed(), pointerReleased(),
45Handling Large Image
- Use GameAction to navigate the large image
- An example
- NavigateCanvas2.java NavigateMIDlet2.java
46protected void keyPressed(int keyCode) int
gameAction getGameAction(keyCode)
switch(gameAction) case UP steppingXY(0,
stepY) break case DOWN steppingXY(0,
-stepY) break case LEFT steppingXY(stepX,
0) break case RIGHT steppingXY(-stepX,
0) break repaint()