Title: Cognitive Systems Engineering
1Cognitive Systems Engineering
Cognitive Systems Engineering Center
Center for Cognitive Systems Engineering Risø
National Laboratory, Denmark In collaboration
with Center for Human-Information
Interaction University of Washington, Seattle,
2Cognitive Systems Engineering
Cognitive Systems Engineering Center
- Motivational problem- world wide
- Information systems and technology are being
developed at an accelerated pace - Use is spreading rapidly, but
- Our understanding of how humans interact at work
with information other people - and technology
is very limited - Many systems and technologies do not serve their
users effectively
3 Dynamic and collaborative
Cognitive Systems Engineering Center
- To be competitive work has become
- Collaborative, different perspectives from
multiple disciplines, teams, organisations and
countries - Dynamic with rapidly changing information and
tasks - Information is no longer just out there create
and seek it!
4Cognitive Systems Engineering
Cognitive Systems Engineering Center
- Field study of work at Microsoft - software
- We thrive on chaos?
- Field study of work at Danfoss components for
trucks - There is a lot of stuff that looks interesting,
but when I see it I dont know whether I am going
to need it, and when I need it I dont remember
where I saw it and whether it was excatly what I
needed - Field study of work at Boeing - aviation
5Cognitive Systems Engineering
Cognitive Systems Engineering Center
- Real life problem driven, not discipline driven
- Cognitive Systems Engineering (Rasmussen,
Pejtersen, Goodstein) 1994 - work with autonomous actors
- contraints imposed by other peoples intentions
- interdependences among teams tasks
- Selforganised
- Empirical and conceptual development is needed
6Cognitive Systems Engineering
Cognitive Systems Engineering Center
- Mission
- To carry out basic research in Cognitive Work
Analysis - Develop models to help design Ecological
Information Systems and collaboratories - Research based education in Cognitive Systems
7 Research focus
Cognitive Systems Engineering Center
- Information intensive, collaborative, dynamic,
selforganised work - I usually ask the group if there are others that
previously have had similiar problemsWe spend a
lot of time discussing the things in the group,
and we establish small scenarios and experiments
to try to get information on our problem - Knowledge exploration and information retrieval
- Information creation and sharing
- Information structures and knowledge organisation
8Cognitive Systems Engineering
Cognitive Systems Engineering Center
- Holistic, crossdisciplinary work analysis
- Systems theory
- Control theory
- Ecological psycology
- Organisational sociology
- Engineering-law seeking and predictive models
- Humanities -interpretation of particular events
- Domain competence
9Cognitive Systems Engineering
Cognitive Systems Engineering Center
- Joint activities
- Research projects
- Ph.D programmes
- Faculty exchange programmes
- Teaching Programmes for the community, industry
,agences - Bi-annual workshop on Cognitive Systems
Engineering - Publication
- Funding, proposal writing
10Cognitive Systems Engineering
Cognitive Systems Engineering Center
- Common Vision
- International impact on research, design and
evaluation of ecological information systems and
collaboratories - Internationally attractive for visiting
researchers and students - Critical mass of researchers
- New information system concepts that serve users
11Cognitive Systems Engineering
Cognitive Systems Engineering Center
- Benefits
- Develop conceptually through research
collaboration - Information science
- Engineering
- Software science
- Psycology
- Antropology
- Social science
- Develop conceptually through teaching