Title: JAVNE NABAVE Znacenje edukacije i javnosti
1JAVNE NABAVEZnacenje edukacije i javnosti
- HGK-a, Zagreb, 11. svibanj 2009
2TI Source Book
- Malo je poslova koji toliko izazivaju iskuenje
korupcije slubenika no to su javne nabave. Iako
je pitanje je li to najceci oblik korupcije u
javnom sektoru, on je bez sumnje zastraujuce
rairen i o njemu se najvie pie
- Nabava roba i usluga treba niti ekonomicna
- Odluke trebaju biti potene i nepristrane
- Proces treba biti transparentan
- Postupak treba biti pravno reguliran
- Predvideni postupci odgovornosti
- Medunarodni natjecaji ne smiju diskriminirati
(15/7,5) - Vii dokazi podobnosti
5World Bank
- Basic principles governing the Banks Procurement
- Policies
- the need for economy and efficiency
- to give all eligible bidders equal opportunity
to compete - as a development institution, encourage the
development of - domestic contracting in the Borrowing country
- the importance of transparency in the
procurement process.
6Obrazovanje T I
- Public procurement authorities should
- Ensure that internal and external control and
auditing bodies are independent and functioning
effectively, and that their reports are
accessible to the public. Any unreasonable delays
in project execution should trigger additional
control activities. - Separate key functions to ensure that
responsibility for demand assessment,
preparation, selection, contracting, supervision
and control of a project is assigned to separate
bodies. - Apply standard office safeguards, such as the use
of committees at decision-making points and
rotation of staff in sensitive positions. Staff
responsible for procurement processes should be
well trained and adequately remunerated. - Promote the participation of civil society
organisations as independent monitors of both the
tender and execution of projects.
7Article 9Public procurement and management of
public finances
- 1. Each State Party shall, in accordance with the
fundamental principles of its legal system, take
the necessary steps to establish appropriate
systems of procurement, based on transparency,
competition and objective criteria in
decision-making, that are effective, inter alia,
in preventing corruption.
8Article 9aPublic procurement and management of
public finances
- Such systems, which may take into account
appropriate threshold values in their
application, shall address, inter alia - (a) The public distribution of information
relating to procurement procedures and contracts,
including information on invitations to tender
and relevant or pertinent information on the
award of contracts, allowing potential tenderers
sufficient time to prepare and submit their
9Article 9b Public procurement and management of
public finances
- (b) The establishment, in advance, of conditions
for participation, including - selection and award criteria and tendering rules,
and their publication - (c) The use of objective and predetermined
criteria for public procurement decisions, in
order to facilitate the subsequent verification
of the correct application of the rules or
10Article 9dPublic procurement and management of
public finances
- (d) An effective system of domestic review,
including an effective system of appeal, to
ensure legal recourse and remedies in the event
that the rules or procedures established pursuant
to this paragraph are not followed - (e) Where appropriate, measures to regulate
matters regarding personnel responsible for
procurement, such as declaration of interest in
particular public procurements, screening
procedures and training requirements.
11Article 9/2Public procurement and management of
public finances
- 2. Each State Party shall, in accordance with the
fundamental principles of its legal system, take
appropriate measures to promote transparency and
accountability in the management of public
finances. Such measures shall encompass, inter
alia - (a) Procedures for the adoption of the national
budget - (b) Timely reporting on revenue and expenditure
- (c) A system of accounting and auditing standards
and related oversight - (d) Effective and efficient systems of risk
management and internal control and - (e) Where appropriate, corrective action in the
case of failure to comply with
12Kako korupcija kvari nabave
- Selekcija prema specifikaciji
- Nepotpuni podaci
- Namjetanje dogovorom
- Privilegirane informacije
- A Hrvatska ..
13- Public procurement. By end 2005, Member States
should carry out a significant part of public
procurement electronically. The forthcoming
adoption of the legislative package of public
procurement Directives, which sets out the
regulatory framework for conducting public
procurement electronically, should be a turning
point for the spread of electronic public
procurement across Europe. The legislative
process the new legislation is likely to be
finally adopted by the end of 2003 beginning of
2004. In parallel, within the framework of the
IDA 2003 work programme specific actions are
scheduled on electronic public procurement which
should result in a better understanding of
functional requirements for e-procurement systems
and tools. The Commission will, next year,
present an Action Plan (which will include both
legislative and non-legislative measures) for a
co-ordinated approach across the EU. -
14Action plan for the implementation of the legal
framework for electronic public procurement
- Member States are required to implement the new
legal framework by 31 January 2006, but slippages
cannot be excluded. Early adoption of the new
e-procurement provisions is essential to avoid
barriers to and distortion of competition. It is
also very important for the rapid development and
the effective use of e-procurement by economic
operators. Member States should deploy all
efforts to comply with the Directives deadline
15Action plan for the implementation of the legal
framework for electronic public procurement
- If online procurement is generalised, it can save
governments up to 5 on expenditure and up - to 50-80 on transaction costs for both buyers
and suppliers. While it is difficult to quantify - competition and efficiency benefits for the EU as
a whole, greater competition and efficiency - in public procurement markets can impact -
directly and indirectly - on the whole economy - and play an important role in achieving the
Lisbon objectives. - http//ec.europa.eu/yourvoice/consultations/index_
16Edukacija LEAP (Learning and Education to
Advance Procurement).
- Introduction to Public Procurement covers the
building blocks that form the foundation of
procurement. This college provides an overview of
public procurement, functionality of the
purchasing cycle, and professionalism. - Legal Aspects of Purchasing introduces the law of
contracts, draft development, and management by
addressing issues such as software agreements and
ethical professional obligations.
17Edukacija LEAP (Learning and Education to
Advance Procurement).
- Contract Administration introduces contract
management and the administration thereof. - Planning, Scheduling, and Requirement Analysis
explores the strategic planning process,
emphasizing the role of the procurement
practitioner. - Sourcing in the Public sector delves into the
value of competition in government and the
acquisition process in the purchasing cycle. - Developing and Managing RFPs in the Public
Sector provides step-by-step processes involved
in Request for Proposals (RFPs), including
evaluation methods, negotiations, and contract
writing.Advanced LEAP courses, which will lead to
the Executive Certificate in Public Procurement,
will be available beginning in early 2005.
18- Education and Training
- The Center assists NIGP in developing its
training programs. Moreover, through the School
of Public Administration, PPRC has been
developing public procurement courses, graduate
and undergraduate, and provided Executive
Certificate in Public Procurement. These courses
and the certificate program will be delivered in
spring 2005 through the School of Public
Administration. - According to its plan, FAU will offer these
academic degree programs on-line and/or on
campuses of various partner universities across
the United States and possibly in Canada.
19Obrazovanje T I
- Public procurement authorities should
- Implement a code of conduct that commits the
contracting authority and its employees to a
strict anti-corruption policy. The policy should
take into account possible conflicts of interest,
provide mechanisms for reporting corruption and
protect whistleblowers. - Allow a company to tender only if it has
implemented a code of conduct that commits the
company and its employees to a strict
anti-corruption policy. - Maintain a blacklist of companies for which there
is sufficient evidence of their involvement in
corrupt activities. Debar blacklisted companies
from tendering for the authoritys projects for a
specified period of time.
20Obrazovanje T I
- Public procurement authorities should
- Ensure that all contracts between the authority
and its contractors, suppliers and service
providers require the parties to comply with
strict anti-corruption policies. This may best be
achieved by requiring the use of a project
integrity pact committing the authority and
bidding companies to refrain from bribery. - Ensure that public contracts above a low
threshold are subject to open competitive
bidding. - Provide all bidders, and preferably also the
general public, with easy access to information
about all phases of the contracting process,
including the selection and evaluation processes
and the terms and conditions of the contract and
any amendments.
21Obrazovanje T I
- Public procurement authorities should
- Ensure that no bidder is given access to
privileged information at any stage of the
contracting process, especially information
relating to the selection process. - Allow bidders sufficient time for bid preparation
and for pre-qualification requirements when these
apply. - Ensure that contract change orders that alter
the price or description of work beyond a
cumulative threshold are monitored at a high
level, preferably by the decision-making body
that awarded the contract.