Title: Final Report for The Central Intelligence Agency
1Final Report for The Central Intelligence
- Opening- Lauren Corsi, CEO
- Research -Brian Jensen
- Marketing Campaign
- Advertising - Norm Thom
- Public Relations Randy Holyfield
- Conclusion - Michelle OCallaghan, CCO
3Advertising Campaign
4Objectives of Advertising and Promotion
- Increase awareness of the CIA as an employer
- Dispel CIA myths
- Increase the number of qualified CIA applicants
- Increase understanding of the CIA
- All objectives were aimed at our target market
engineering, international business, law, and
foreign language students
- Get target market thinking about CIA
- Create interest in a career with CIA
- Use CIA myths to break through clutter, and later
dispel those myths - Hold an informational event on campus with a CIA
- Follow Gen Y Through Our Four Week Campaign
7Week One October 18th-24th
- Chalking
- www.cia.gov
- High traffic areas
- Norlin library
- Target buildings
- Flyers handed out
- around campus, which
- featured the CIAs URL
8Week Two October 25th-31st
- Continued Chalking
- Apply for a job
- While distributing flyers Gen Y associates
dressed in - Black suits and sunglasses
- Espionage-themed attire
- 2nd week flyer
- Were watching you. Come look at us.
9Week Three November 1st-7th
- Continued campaign events from weeks 1 2
- In addition
- Informational Booths
- Leeds Business School
- Engineering Center
- Law School
- November 3rd November 10th
- Ran informational crossword puzzle ad in the
Colorado Daily
10Booth Details
- Operated by two students
- Interested students were able to get information
- Pamphlets, QA, informational DVDs
- Distributed promotional items
- Target candidates received a flyer about the
final event
11Week Four November 8th -14th
12November 10th, 2004 from 4-6pm
CLUB 156 -
- Located in the UMC
- A hip, trendy, student run facility that usually
holds concerts, as well as large student
organization gatherings
13CLUB 156
- CIA keynote speaker
- Many students came with their resumes
- Reached capacity!
- Door-prize raffle
- CIA representative answered questions throughout
the evening
- Raffle tickets given to those in attendance
- 103 stubs counted
- This did not include those who came in late or
failed to receive a ticket - Estimated attendance was around 200
15Event QuestionnaireGiven out during the event
- Main topics covered
- How did you learn about our event?
- Was this event informative?
- Did our event increase your interest in the CIA?
16Event Questionnaire Results
- Prior to this semester 55 of respondents had
considered a career with the CIA - 91 would consider a career with the CIA after
our campaign - Most effective methods
- Chalking 52
- Word of Mouth 41
- Was it informative?
- 96 said yes
17Additional Comments from Event Questionnaire
- Many people would have liked more
representatives - Everyone enjoyed the food
- Very informative
- I enjoyed the speaker
18Advertising Budget
19Advertising Budget Cont.
20Advertising Budget Cont.
22Additional questions added to the final survey
- - Have you noticed advertisements or promotions
for the CIA around campus in the last few weeks? - If yes
- have these advertisements increased your
interest in the CIA at all? - have these advertisements changed your
impressions of the CIA? - what types of advertisements or promotions did
you notice?
23Results gathered from surveys
- 219 final surveys collected
- 85 of respondents who are strongly interested in
a career with the CIA have been exposed to an
advertisement - Increased from 25 in our preliminary findings
24Results Continued
- Pre-campaign implementation 15 of respondents
had been exposed to any form of CIA advertising - Post-campaign implementation 70 of respondents
had been exposed to CIA advertising
25Results Continued
- Percentage of respondents who have spoken with a
CIA recruiter increased from - 2 pre-campaign to 5 post-campaign
26What type of advertising did you notice?
27Results Continued
- 70 noticed our CIA advertisements
- 69 of respondents interested in the CIA as an
employer had an increase in interest as a result
of our advertising - 48 of ALL respondents have increased interest in
the CIA as an employer as a result of our
28Research Budget
29PR and Publicity
30Objectives of Public Relations
- Raise awareness of the CIA as an employer
- Create buzz surrounding the CIA
- Inform students about the Club 156 event
- Acquire donations from local businesses for the
Club 156 event - Document the campaign through photographs
- Contacted relevant publications and get them to
mention our campaign through press releases - Media Kits
- Contacted local businesses
- Via telephone and in-person
- Solicitation letter
32Public Relations
- Terminated
- Use of PR would allow for greater reach on campus
- Use of PR would have decreased advertising
expenses - Lost creditability
- Break through the clutter
- PR would have provided better understanding of
our project
33Public Relations Budget
34Publications Budget
35Budget Analysis
- Total Budget
- 3,500 allocated
- 3,338.67 used
- Remaining funds allocated for clean-up
- With the additional 1000 we were able to
purchase - Lawn signs
- Additional food for the event
- Additional decorations for the event
- Door prizes
- Increase flyers and invitations
- Spray chalk
- Increase newspaper advertising
36Suggestions for the Future
- If the CIA would like to continue involvement on
college campuses - Increase number of available recruiters
- Follow-up with interested students
- Clearly define parameters of PR
- Ensure mutual understanding of project
- Multiple events to increase reach of target
- Gen Y completed a successful 4 week campaign
- We successfully
- Raised awareness
- Dispelled myths
- Encouraged students to consider the CIA as a job