Title: Conclusions
1Photogrammetric Process Schematic
Conclusions Results of accuracy evaluations
suggest that LIDAR data may prove most useful in
expediting the location process. With LIDAR,
terrain information would be available to
designers much sooner so preliminary analysis can
commence. Initial terrain data collection would
not be as dependent on environmental conditions
(sun angle, cloud cover), since LIDAR is not
affected by such conditions in the same manner as
photogrammetry. This would allow data to be
collected more days throughout the year. The
increased availability of data would allow
terrain to be analyzed earlier in the location
process, allowing issues to be identified and
addressed at an earlier time. In this manner,
the utilization of LIDAR data collection could
produce time and cost savings by allowing
expedient data collection to occur on a large
corridor scale, which only limited areas being
mapped by more time consuming and costly means.