Title: Our Interdisciplinary Unit: The Harlem Renaissance
1Our Interdisciplinary UnitThe Harlem Renaissance
- By
- Deyior Dunbar Yasmin Brown
2Class and Student DescriptionApril 20, 2004
- Fairleigh Dickinson High School is a school that
is culturally and economically mixed environment
that relies heavily on cooperative learning and
new innovative learning strategies, such as,
project learning. The classes are eighty-minutes
reflecting the schools recent adoption of block
scheduling. The class is made up of sixteen
students that are broken up into four groups.
These groups of four are composed of students
with diverse learning abilities. Girls and boys
are encouraged to work together to create a sense
of balance and reality. The unit will
incorporate English as well as the disciplines of
social studies to help students find obvious
connections between the two.
- Since there are a vast majority of students of
the 21st century who do not enjoy English or
history, we have come up with a way to include
both of these subjects while enabling the student
to not only learn, but to also have fun. The
students of FDHS are giving an average
performance when it comes to these two subjects.
We, the teachers, know that they can do better so
we came up with a fun and exciting project that
will combine English and history together to
benefit the students understanding of the subject
matter and in the end to benefit their grades. - We, the teachers, realized that if we had made
this a one subject project, it may engage the
students learning, so we tried another approach
by combining both of the subjects to make a more
interesting and exciting project. This project
requires skills from both subjects. It allows
for an equal amount of history and English to be
used and an equal amount of both the subjects to
be learned. - Our students will have an exciting time with
this project because it enables the students to
use their individual skills. There is something
for everyone to do in this project.
4Interdisciplinary Unit for Harlem Renaissance
April 20, 2004
- Purpose/Goal To show the impact that African
American literature and culture has had
on history and present day conditions. - Objective Participants will demonstrate the
ability to analyze historical
figures of the Harlem Renaissance that
have had positive influences on how we live
today. The participants research will
allow them to draw - conclusions that they
can apply to their skit and script. - Anticipatory Using the topic that will be
researched, the students will complete
the first two steps of the Set KWL chart.
(What do I know? What do I want to know?) -
5 Activity Students will create a play that
incorporates historic figures, events,
social and political conditions that
have had a significant effect on our
society today. The students play must
be twofold in regards to
making connections between the past (Harlem
Renaissance) and the
present. Essential 1. How has the
Harlem Renaissance influenced history in regards
to Questions literature?
2. What literacy, social, and
political figures were involved in the
Harlem Renaissance?
3. What were the effects of the
Harlem Renaissance on African
Americans and the American society as a
whole? (Look at the big
picture. Make connections. Outcome
Written typed script that accurately reflects
their historically based
performance. This will incorporate the various
forms of multi-intelligence.
Research, writing, acting, creating props, and
observation/analysis. Closure The
play will be recorded by video. This video will
be critically analyzed
to find both strong and weak points. The KWL
chart should be
completed with what the participants learned.
6Day to Day Lesson Plan
- Day 1 ?
- Anticipatory Set Using the topic that will be
researched, the students will complete the first
two steps of the KWL chart. (What I know? What I
want to know?) - Lesson Development From one what do I want to
learn? Students will identify a topic to
research and submit it for teachers approval. - Closure Students will share their topic with
class and begin to form groups of four according
to the topic of interest. - Day 2 ?
- Anticipatory Set Imagine you are a playwright
and you are going to research the topic, Harlem
Renaissance. What are some resources that you
can use? - Lesson Development Students will find sources
related to their topics. They are required to
have resources from 2 books, 1 magazine, 1
newspaper, and 1 website. - Closure Students will share with the class what
they have found so far.
7DDLP continued
- Day 3 ?
- Anticipatory Set (continuation of day 2)
Status Report on where students left off and
where students are going. - Lesson Development Students will continue to
find the sources that were related to their
topics. Again, they are required to have
resources from 2 books, 1 magazine, 1 newspaper,
and 1 website. - Closure Students will continue to share with
the class what they have found and the teacher
will approve or disapprove the resources found. - Day 4 ?
- Anticipatory Set Today, you are going to take
your work a step further. While imagining that
you are a playwright, you are also acting as a
reporter. - Lesson Development ONLY after the 5 resources
have been approved by the teacher, will the
students be able to take their work a step
further. They will begin to do in depth research
on the Harlem Renaissance in accordance to the
historic and literary perspectives. - Closure After individual research is done,
students will go back to their groups and share
what they have found.
8DDLP continued
- Day 5 ?
- Anticipatory Set (continuation of day 4)
- Lesson Development (continuation of day 4)
Students will continue to individually, do their
in depth research on the Harlem Renaissance in
accordance to the historic and literary
perspectives. - Closure After individual research is done,
students will go back to their groups and share
what they have found. - Day 6 ?
- Anticipatory Set (continuation of day 4)
Status Report of individual research work. - Lesson Development Students are given this day
as a safety net so that if they had not yet
gathered all required information from the
previous days, they are allowed to finish doing
so, today. For the groups who have finished the
research part of the project, they are to start
putting all research together to form the first
draft of the script. - Closure Students will share with class where
they are at this point. At this time, they could
either request for more time for more research or
they can ask questions about the layout of the
first draft of the script.
9DDLP continued
- Day 7 ?
- Anticipatory Set Today, students will now think
about or remember what we discussed yesterday
regarding note taking. Yesterdays discussion on
note taking will be key component in writing your
first drafts of the script. What are the key
elements that are needed or required for a
script? - Lesson Development Students are to put all
gathered research and/or information into one,
creating their very first draft of the script. - Closure Students will stay in their groups of
four to decide on what they need to do at this
point do they need to continue their first
drafts or do they need to submit it to the
teacher. Status Report from the students group
assessment. - Day 8 ?
- Anticipatory Set (continuation of day 7)
- Lesson Development Students are allowed this
time to catch up on their first drafts, if this
is already done, they can submit them to the
teacher for some constructive criticism. - Closure Depending on if students have submitted
their work to the teacher, students will gather
in their groups to determine what they need to
revise, change, add, or drop.
10DDLP continued
- Day 9 ?
- Anticipatory Set Today, you are the ones who
will decide what to do. Think about what you
want or need to accomplish for the day, and do
it! - Lesson Development Students are the ones who
will decide from a range of ideas on what to
accomplish for the day. They can continue to do
their first drafts, revise their returned drafts,
or start making props and costumes for their
skit. - Closure Students will take this time to let the
teacher know where they are in their projects.
They will do this by sharing what they have done
so far and by sharing their feelings about
everything that has gone on. - Day 10 ?
- Anticipatory Set Now that all of you have a
corrected draft of your script, students are to
use this time to revise, change, add, or drop
whatever is necessary for their script to
correspond with the requirements. - Lesson Development Students are to work
together in their groups in order for the draft
to be completed. - Closure Students are finishing up their work on
the script and may ask questions if necessary.
11DDLP continued
- Day 11 ?
- Anticipatory Set Students are given the
opportunity to ask for help. - Lesson Development Students are to continue
revisions on the script or start working on the
various aspects of the play. - Closure Students will share what different
types of props and costumes they will be using
within their play and they are able to ask for
help in getting material for either props or
costumes. - Day 12 ?
- Anticipatory Set (continuation of day 11)
- Lesson Development By this time, students
should be finished with the script and all of
their focus should be put to working on making
props or making costumes for play. -
- Closure Students are to share with class what
they have done so far and what they need to do in
terms of working on the various aspects of the
12DDLP continued
- Day 13 ?
- Anticipatory Set (continuation of day 11)
- Lesson Development Students are to hand in
their second draft of the script for editing.
While teacher is editing, students are to
continue working on the various aspects of the
play that are in need of attention. -
- Closure Students will receive their corrected
scripts and they may discuss corrections with
their group members. - Day 14 ?
- Anticipatory Set Today, students will decide on
what to do. - Lesson Development Students need to decide on
what they want to do, they can either re-write
their script for submission for the next class or
finish working on the construction of props and
the tailoring of costumes. - Closure By the end of the class, students
should share with teacher any last minute
questions or concerns that they may have.
13DDLP continued
- Day 15 ?
- Anticipatory Set Students should submit their
last and complete copy of the script. - Lesson Development After students have
submitted their final copy of the script, they
are to put the finishing touches on their props
and costumes. - Closure Students are to share with the class
what they need to accomplish before play
rehearsal on the following Monday. Students may
even want/need to meet outside of class to get
ready for the play rehearsal. - Day 16 ?
- Anticipatory Set Students, are you ready to
show all of your hard work? - Lesson Development Students will participate in
a rehearsal for the play. This activity is being
done to show if all students are ready for their
performances on Wednesday and Thursday. - Closure After everyone has gone through the
practice run of the play, all students will
critique one anothers performances and give each
other tips on what needs to be improved.
14DDLP continued
- Day 17 ?
- Anticipatory Set Today is where you will show
off all your hard work, again, but this time it
will be a dress rehearsal. - Lesson Development Students will participate in
a dress rehearsal for the play. This activity is
being put into effect to show if props and
costumes are in good shape for the performance on
Wednesday and Thursday. - Closure After everyone has gone through the
dress rehearsal, all students will critique each
others props, costumes, and performances so that
they can see what is in need of being improved
for the last minute. (If students need to
improve on any aspect of the play, then they have
to meet with their group outside of class, on
their own time.) - Day 18 ?
- Anticipatory Set CameraLightsAction!
Performance time has finally arrived! Places
everyone! Students, the time has come! - Lesson Development Two of the four groups are
to perform today. While a group is performing,
the other three groups are playing the part of
the audience. One of the two teachers is
filming, while the other is taking notes and
filing out the skit assessment rubric. - Closure After the two groups have performed,
the performers are allowed to give a brief
statement about themselves and how they
liked/disliked the play that they were involved
15DDLP continued
- Day 19 ?
- Anticipatory Set (continuation of day 18)
- Lesson Development (continuation of day 18)
- Closure (continuation of day 18)
- Day 20 ?
- Anticipatory Set Take a breath, its all over!
Students are allowed to see themselves on the big
screen. (Students watch the video that was taken
of them while they were doing their performance.) - Lesson Development Today, the students will be
put in the shoes of Cisco and Ebert, the critics
they are reviewing the play and analyzing it.
After this is done, students will share with the
class, in a respectable manner, what they have
analyzed and what they have learned from watching
the film. - Closure Students will be able to step out of
their roll as critics and return to average high
school students at Fairleigh Dickinson High
School, where they will be entitled to a pizza
16Project Time Plan
17STATUS REPORTa check completed or handed in
18(No Transcript)
20NJ Standards for Harlem Renaissance
21Harlem Renaissance Resources
- http//www.teachers.net
- http//school.discovery.com/schrockguide/index.htm
l - http//memory.loc.gov/
- http//digital.nypl.org
- http//edweb.sdsv.edu/webquest/webquest.html
- http//www.besthistorysites.net/index.shtml