Part A Minority AIDS Initiative MAI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Part A Minority AIDS Initiative MAI


... Grantees must submit a non-competing continuation (NCC) grant application ... against an updated distribution of living minority HIV-non AIDS AIDS cases. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Part A Minority AIDS Initiative MAI

Part A Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI)
Prepared by Melanie Wieland, MPA Presenter
Yukiko Tani, Project Officer HRSA/HAB Division of
Service Systems Feb 5-7, 2008 Grantee
Administrative Overview Meeting
Todays Topics
  • Purpose of the Part A MAI
  • Background Funding History
  • Program Principles
  • Program Requirements
  • Reporting Requirements
  • Technical Assistance Resources
  • Q/A

The Part A MAI Initiative Purpose
  • Purpose Improving HIV-related health outcomes
    to reduce existing racial and ethic health
    disparities. (Section 2693(b)(2)(A) of the
    Public Health Service Act)
  • As such, the purpose has remained unchanged since
    the Congress first established the MAI 8 years
    ago during the FY99 appropriations process.
  • Important MAI funds are NOT the only or even
    the primary Part A funding source to address
    HIV/AIDS care needs of minorities.
  • In setting priorities for Part A
    formula/supplemental funds, an EMA/ TGA must
    consider the HIV/AIDS care needs of
    disproportionately impacted minority communities.

The Part A MAI Initiative Background
  • Established by Congress during FY99
    appropriations process in response to data
    showing disparities in AIDS morbidity and
    mortality data for minority communities.
  • FY99 Part A 5 million in new supplemental
  • FY00 FY06 Congress continued the MAI in the
    same manner, increasing the funding level through
  • December 2006 MAI codified as a competitive
    grant program when the Ryan White Program was
    reauthorized The next three slides show some of
    the data CDC has collected and reported that
    demonstrate the continuing disproportionate
    impact of the HIV/ AIDS epidemic among

(No Transcript)
Continuing Disproportionate Impact of the
HIV/AIDS Epidemic African Americans
  • 2005
  • 40 of cumulative AIDS cases reported through
    2005, but 13 of the U.S. population
  • 48 of new AIDS cases in 2005 (adult/adolescent)
  • 60 of cumulative AIDS cases in women
  • 59 of children with AIDS lt 13
  • 1998
  • 36 of cumulative AIDS cases reported through
  • 45 of new AIDS cases in 1998 (adult/adolescent)
  • 57 of cumulative AIDS cases in women

1Source Centers for Disease Control and
Continuing Disproportionate Impact of the
HIV/AIDS Epidemic Hispanic Americans
  • 2005
  • 19 of cumulative AIDS cases through 2005, but
    13.7 of the U.S. population
  • 20 of new AIDS cases reported in 2005
  • 19 of cumulative AIDS cases in women through
    200522 of heterosexuals at high risk
  • 23 of children lt age 13
  • 1998
  • 18 of cumulative AIDS cases through 1998
  • 20 of new AIDS casesin 1998 (adult/adolescent)
  • 20 of cumulative AIDS cases in women through
  • Injection drug use was the primary mode of

1Source Centers for Disease Control and
Part A MAI Funding, FY 2000 2007 (In Millions)
2000 2003 Part A MAI funding increased 65
percent 2003 2007 Essentially level funding
FY 2007 Part A MAI Funding
  • 56 Part A grantees All funded, including the 5
    new TGAs
  • Total awards1 - 42, 041,430 (2 less then FY06)
  • MAI represents 7.4 of total Part A funding in
  • Award range 50,000 to 9.35 million
  • Median award 348,411
  • Comparison with last year for 51 previously
    funded grantees
  • ½ received an increase ranging between 1 to 75
    more funds
  • Of these, 19 grantees received more than a 20
  • ½ had a decrease of between 4 to 42 in MAI
    funds this year
  • Of these grantees, 9 had a 20 or greater

1 Please refer to the FY07 Part A MAI Grant Award
list provided for specific grantees and award
Criteria Used to Determine FY 2007 Part A MAI
Grant Awards
  • FY07 Grant Application Scores External Objective
    Review Committee
  • Objective and quantified measure of baseline
    need The scores were applied against the
    distribution of living minority HIV non-AIDS
    living AIDS cases for the most recent year
  • As reported to the Centers for Disease Control
  • For EMAs/TGAs in States without names-based HIV
    reporting systems in place prior to 12/31/05, as
    reported to HRSA. (I.E., similar to the process
    used to determine Part A supplemental grants.)
  • Minimum award 50,000 (Rationale to assure
    administrative feasibility.)
  • Maximum award 10,750,000 (Rationale to assure
    funds available for 5 new TGAs, particularly with
    the 2 decrease in available funds.)

MAI Part A Grant Program FY07 FY09
  • FY 2007 Competitive application process.
    Awarded for 3-year project period
    8/1/2007 7/31/2010
  • FY 2008 and FY 2009 Grantees must submit a
    non-competing continuation (NCC) grant
  • FY08 NCC guidance published Jan 18th and emailed
    to all grantees
  • Technical assistance conference call 11 a.m. ET
    on February 14th
  • 2-step application process with 2 deadlines
  • deadline March 7th
  • EHB deadline March 21st
  • FY08 MAI awards The grantees FY 2007 scores
    will be applied against an updated distribution
    of living minority HIV-non AIDS AIDS cases.

Part A MAI Principles
  • While the Part A MAI is a separate competitive
    grant program, it is still an integral component
    of Part A
  • Use the same planning process to establish
    priorities and allocate funds
  • Importance of obtaining community input
  • MAI plan must be based on documented
    demonstrated need, with a special focus on the
    unmet needs of minority clients who know their
    HIV status but are not currently in care
  • MAI services must be part of, and linked to, the
    Part A care continuum of care
  • Grantees must document and report client-level
    health outcomes for all funded services outcome
    measures used must be consistent with HRSA
    guidance .
  • HRSA strongly encourages grantees to use the same
    Part A grantee administrative agency/department/un
    it to administer the MAI

Part A MAI Requirements
  • In general, Part A program requirements apply to
    the MAI, such as
  • Payer of last resort status (as with all Ryan
    White funds)
  • 10 Grantee Administration cap
  • 5 Clinical Quality Management cap
  • Use the same planning/priority-setting/allocations
  • Part A Core Medical Services requirement
    EMAs/TGAs must take into account their MAI funds.
    However, all MAI funds could be used for support
    services, so long as when the Part A formula
    supplemental MAI funds are added together, at
    least 75 is allocated to Core Medical Services.
  • Grantees that are eligible for and apply for a
    Core Medical Services waiver must consider their
    MAI funds at the time they apply for a waiver
    (i.e., at the same time the Part A grant
    application is submitted). Waiver applications
    will NOT be considered with the MAI applications.

Part A MAI Requirements (Continued)
  • Exception The Unobligated Balances requirement
    does NOT apply to the Part A MAI.
  • Grantees must submit a separate FSR for the MAI,
    due 90 days after the budget period end date
  • MAI Carry-over requirements
  • If the EMA/TGA has unexpended FY07 Part A MAI
    funds after the budget period ends on 7/31/2008,
    the grantee may request carryover of those funds
    into FY 2008.
  • However, carryover requests must be submitted no
    later than 30 days after the FSR has been
    submitted, i.e. by 12/1/2008.

Part A MAI Requirements (Continued)
  • Allowable/Unallowable Services The same as for
    Part A funded services
  • Entities eligible to receive MAI funds The same
    as for Part A. That is, not for profit or
    publicly funded
  • Community-based Providers
  • Faith-based organizations
  • Community health centers
  • Clinics and hospitals
  • Health Departments
  • Other State or local government agencies
  • Tribal government and tribal/urban Indian

Part A MAI Requirements (Continued)
  • The Part A MAI Quick Reference handout included
    in your information packet is a summary of all
    information grantees must submit to HRSA in
    relation to FY07. (A similar summary will be
    provided when FY08 awards are issued.)
  • Condition-of-Awards
  • Program Terms
  • Reports
  • The deadline for each item
  • How to submit the required item to HRSA

Part A MAI Reporting Requirements
  • Must submit Ryan White Data Report (formerly
  • Initial MAI Plan submitted with the grant
  • Revised plan submitted post-award via
    Electronic Handbook (EHB)
  • FY07 Plan was due 11/30/07 (Requested changes
    approved by 1/31/08)
  • FY08 Plan will be due 9/30/08
  • Annual Report submitted via EHB after the budget
    period end date
  • FY07 Report currently due 12/1/08 likely to
    change to Nov 1, 2008
  • FY08 Report will be due 9/30/09

Part A MAI Reporting Requirements Plan Annual
  • Using the EHB to submit Plan/Report
  • Web-forms one per service for each racial/ethnic
  • Use standard service unit definitions as much as
    possible elaborate on specifics in the
  • Required Unduplicated client counts and
    client-level health outcomes (Note This has been
    a requirement since 2000)

Part A MAI Reporting Requirements
  • FY07 Plan narrative Please refer to FY07
    Reporting Instructions
  • FY07 Report narrative
  • Background information needed to explain the data
    submitted in the Web Forms
  • A summary of program achievements in relation to
    planned goals and objectives, including
    client-level health outcomes and capacity
    development or technical assistance activities
  • Challenges and lessons learned in providing
    MAI-funded services

Part A MAI Reporting Requirements
  • Selecting client-level health outcomes
  • Must be consistent with HRSA guidelines.
  • Important to work with planning council and
    providers to select outcomes, but as with the
    clinical quality management (CQM) program,
    ultimate responsibility rests with the grantee.
  • Whenever possible, use at least one standard HRSA
    outcome measure for each Core Medical and Support
  • For any given service, use several consistent
    key measures across racial/ethnic populations
    to be served.
  • GAO and OMB are both closely monitoring the MAI
    program and the outcomes being achieved. Program
    Assessment Rating Tool (PART) goals established
    for the MAI by OMB and the Department of Health
    and Human Services (DHHS) for the MAI, are on the
    next slide.

Part A MAI Reporting Requirements
  • DHHS and OMB PART goals for the MAI
  • Reduce the percentage of diagnosis with AIDS when
    first diagnosed with HIV among racial and ethnic
    minority communities. 2006 baseline
    40.25 2010 target 36.25
  • Increase the number of HIV infected ethnic
    racial minority individuals surviving 3 years
    after a diagnosis of AIDS. 2006 baseline
    83.5 2010 target 86.75
  • Reduce the rate of new HIV infections among
    racial and ethnic minorities in the United
    States. Baseline 2010 target to be

For more information
  • General Information about Part A MAI program
    guidelines and reporting requirements contact
    your Project Officer.
  • Submitting MAI Reports/Plans on the EHB
  • TA Conference Calls are scheduled prior to due
  • Online at https//
  • The HRSA Call Center at or by
    phone at 877-go4-HRSA (877-464-4772). Also the
    Call Center also provides TA on submitting grant
    applications using and the EHB.
  • FY 2007 Part A Reporting Instructions call your
    project officer
  • TA Information. For information about TA and
    training related on various topics, such as
    cultural competency, visit the TARGET Center at
    http// and also the HRSA
    website at http//
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