Title: Logistics Civil Augmentation Program
Logistics Civil Augmentation Program
Welcome to Pre-Proposal Conference April 19,
1230-1300 Registration Administrative
Remarks MAJ Hirniak Contract Requirements Ms.
Watkins Break SOW Mr. Terhune Break
Proposal Submission/Evaluation Mr.
Bartholome Break Question Answer
Session 1600 Closing
LOGCAP - A Flexible Alternative for Supporting
the Force
3Rules of Engagement
- Break Area
- Restrooms
- Cell phones and pagers in the silent mode
- Questions Use 5 by 8 Cards
- Sidebar Sessions Take Outside of Conference Area
- Insure You Have Registered
LOGCAP-A Flexible Alternative for Supporting the
4Conference Purpose
- Ensure Vendors are familiarized with
- Solicitation Requirements
- Proposal Documentation to be Submitted
- How Proposals will be Evaluated
- Site Visit of the Force Provider Training Module
at Ft Polk, LA - More information on the LOGCAP program can be
seen on http//www.amc.army.mil/dcs_logistics/lg-o
LOGCAP-A Flexible Alternative for Supporting the
5Force Provider Site Visit
- Dress Appropriate to the outside environment for
this region - Walking Shoes are recommended
- Bus Departure from Hotel
- Expected Return
- If you miss the bus, no POVs are allowed at the
Force Provider Site.
- Issue Sources Sought 09 Jan 01
- Issue Draft SOW 19 Jan 01
- Industry Day 22 Feb 01
- Issue Draft RFP 02 Mar 01
- Pre-Proposal Conference 19 Apr 01
- Force Provider Site Visit 20 Apr 01
- Issue Final RFP 25 Apr 01
- Proposals Due 06 Jun 01
- Contract Award 14 Nov 01
- Current Contract Expires 31 Jan 02
7LOGCAP Logistics Civil Augmentation
Program Pre-Proposal Conference Contract
Mary Beth Watkins PCO/AMSOS-CCS 309-782-6061 Watki
nsm_at_osc.army .mil
April 19, 2001
LOGCAP-A Flexible Alternative for Supporting the
8Solicitation Status
- Documents posted on the OSC web site
- www.osc.army.mil
- Click through Business Employment
Opportunities, AAIS (Selling to OSC),
Solicitation Information, Draft Solicitations,
LOGCAP - RFP will be released electronically
- Email notification will be provided to all
registered vendors
LOGCAP-A Flexible Alternative for Supporting the
9Contract Type
- 1-year base with 9 one-year options
- Indefinite Delivery-Indefinite Quantity
- All contract requirements awarded by individual
Task Order - Firm-Fixed Price
- Plans, FP Management, Project Management
Exercises/Missions - Cost Plus Award-Fee or Cost Plus Fixed-Fee
- Plans, EVENT Execution, FP Training,
Exercises/Missions - Govt right to convert to Firm Fixed Price
LOGCAP - A Flexible Alternative for Supporting
the Force
10Solicitation DAAA09-01-R-0068
- Return Original and 1 Signed copy of the Standard
Form 33, Solicitation, Offer and Award - Proposals must be received NLT 1300, 06 Jun 01
- Address Offers to
- HQ, Operations Support Command
- Building 390, Basement, NE Corner
- Rock Island IL 61299-6000
LOGCAP-A Flexible Alternative for Supporting the
- Minimum requirement-
- Worldwide Management and Staffing Plan (WMSP)
including the Interim Brigade Combat Team (IBCT)
Annex - CLINs 0001AA, 0001AB, and 0001AC
- Maximum requirement-
- While the locations and types of support
required in a given year may be varied and may
include a mix of Major Regional Contingencies
(MRCs), small scale contingencies, or other
efforts identified in the SOW, the Governments
maximum level of support shall not exceed the
equivalent of two (2) MRCs plus one (1)
small-scale contingency per year for the life of
the contract.
LOGCAP-A Flexible Alternative for Supporting the
12Contract Line Item Numbers (CLIN)Requirements
- Worldwide Management Staffing Plan (WMSP)
- WMSP w/IBCT Annex
- Program Management
- LOGCAP Database
- Regional Management Plans
- CINC/ASCC Support Plans
- Exercise Participation
- Event Execution/Support
- AMC Directed Missions
- Force Provider OM
- Force Provider-Deployment
- Army Oil Analysis Program (AOAP)
- Test Measurement Diagnostic Equipment (TMDE)
- Fly Away Communications Package
- Other Missions
LOGCAP - A Flexible Alternative for Supporting
the Force
13CLIN Submission
- To be Determined CLINs will be awarded at a
later date per Individual Task Order - Prices must be submitted for CLINs
- Basic LOGCAP Support 0001AA, 0001AB, 0001AC,
Total for CLIN 0001 for Base Year and ALL Option
Years - Force Provider OM 0006AA for Base Year and ALL
Option Years - CPAF 0009AA, 0009AB, and Total for Base Year
ONLY - CPFF 0010 for Base Year ONLY
LOGCAP-A Flexible Alternative for Supporting the
14Award Fixed Fee CLINs
- 0009 Award Fee
- 0009AA Base Fee __________
- Contractor to propose fee to be used for the
life of the - contract for CLINs pertaining to Award Fee (Not
to Exceed 0 to 2) - 0009AB Earned Fee __________
- Contractors to propose fee to be used for the
life of the - contract for CLINs pertaining to Award Fee (Not
to Exceed 0 to 8) - Total Award Fee __________
- (Base and Earned Fee combined can not Exceed
8) -
- 0010 Fixed Fee __________
- Contractor to propose fee to be used for the
life of the - contract for CLINs pertaining to Fixed Fee (Not
to Exceed 5)
LOGCAP-A Flexible Alternative for Supporting the
15Full Text Clauses
- Full Text Clauses no longer included
- Same Force and Effect
- Where text has been removed, replaced with 3
asterisks () - Have 6 or 7 as 3rd digit of clause (AS7000)
- View or Copy Clauses/Provisions at
- www.osc.army.mil/ac/aais/ioc/clauses/index.htm
LOGCAP-A Flexible Alternative for Supporting the
16Section H-Special Provisions for Peacetime
- Management
- Logistics Support Element
- Risk Assessment Mitigation
- Force Protection
- Central Processing and Departure Point
- Standard Identification Cards
- Medical
- Clothing and Equipment Issue
- Weapons and Training
- Vehicle and Equipment Operation
- Passports, Visas and Customs
- Reception, Staging Onward Movement and
Integration - Living under Field Conditions
- Morale, Welfare Recreation
- Status of Forces Agreement
- Pay
- Tour of Duty/Hours of Work
- On Call Duty or Extended Hours
- Health and Life Insurance
- Next of Kin Notification
- Return Procedures
- Purchasing Resources
- Special Legal
LOGCAP-A Flexible Alternative for Supporting the
17Section H-Award Fee
- Non-Fee Bearing Costs
- Material Cost Option
- Criteria
- Delivery Adherence to Schedule, Response to
Govt changes, Coordination and Inspection - Quality of Performance Contractor Compliance,
Utilization of Personnel, Initiative - Cost Cost Control, Performance to Cost Estimate,
Cost Avoidance Measures
LOGCAP-A Flexible Alternative for Supporting the
18Points of Contact
- Questions and Comments Submit in Writing to
- Mary Beth Watkins watkinsm_at_osc.army.mil
309-782-6061 - Dick Terhune terhuned_at_osc.army.mil
309-782-8589 - Address U.S. Army, Operations Support Command
- Rock Island, IL 61299-6000 Fax
309-782-2673 -
- OSC Web Site www.osc.army.mil
- Click through Business Employment
Opportunities, AAIS (Selling to OSC),
Solicitation Information, Draft Solicitations,
LOGCAP-A Flexible Alternative for Supporting the
19Logistic Refurbishment
Take 15 Minutes
20LOGCAP Logistics Civil Augmentation
Program Pre-Proposal Conference Contract
Dick Terhune AMSOS-CCS 309-782-8589 Terhuned_at_osc.a
rmy .mil
April 19, 2001
21LOGCAP Capabilities
Section 1 General Requirements Contractor
Augmentation May Include, But Is Not Limited To
Combat Support/Combat Service Support
Supply Operations
Field Services
Other Opns Services
Maintenance Transportation Medical
Services Engineering and Construction Signal Retro
grade Operations Power Generation
Distribution STAMIS Operations Equipment Recovery
Class I (Rations Water) Class II
(Organizational Clothing , Equipment Admin
Supplies) Class III (POL- Bulk Packaged) Class
IV (Construction Materials) Class V
(Ammunition) Class VI (Personal Demand
Items) Class VII (Major Items) Class VIII
(Medical Supplies) Class IX (Repair Parts)
Laundry Bath Clothing Exchange Clothing
Repair Food Service Mortuary Affairs Sanitation Bi
lleting Facilities Management Information
LOGCAP - A Flexible Alternative for Supporting
the Force
22LOGCAP Execution
- Ready to Provide Support 24/7/365!
- Develop ROM Detailed Plan of Execution within
24 hours from receipt of EVENT SOW - Deploy Advance Party within 72 hours of issuance
of Task Order - CS/CSS within 15 days for an initial 180 days and
25,000 troops - Other support as necessary such as engineering
and construction
LOGCAP - A Flexible Alternative for Supporting
the Force
23Statement of Work
- Section 1- General Requirements
- Section 2- Worldwide Management and Staffing Plan
2.2 - IBCT Annex 2.2.2
- Program Management
Staffing 2..2.7 - LOGCAP Data Base 2.2.8
- Regional Management Plans
2.3 - CINC/ASCC Support Plans
2.4 - Standard Plan Content
2.5/General Service Support Criteria
2.2.10 - Section 3- Exercise Participation and Contractor
Evaluation 3.0 - Command Post Exercise
(CPX) - Field Training Exercises
24Statement Of Workcontinued
- Event Execution 4.0
- AMC directed Missions 5.0
- Army Oil Analysis Program 5.2
- Test,Measurement, Diagnostic Equipment 5.3
- Fly Away Communications Packages 5.4
- Other AMC Missions 5.5
LOGCAP - A Flexible Alternative for Supporting
the Force
25Statement Of Workcontinued
- Force Provider Operations and Maintenance 5.1
- Force Provider Deployment 5.1.2.
- Armys premier base support system.
- Containerized, highly deployable city of
climate controlled billeting, dining, latrines,
laundry, showers and MWR facilities. - Management Oversight Responsibilities
- Operate and Maintain the Training Module at Ft
Polk - Provide Technical Expertise
- Train Personnel in FP Operation
LOGCAP - A Flexible Alternative for Supporting
the Force
26Statement Of Workcontinued
- Government Furnished Services and Information 6.0
- Reports 7.0
- Submittals and Schedule 8.0
LOGCAP - A Flexible Alternative for Supporting
the Force
27Section J -attachments
- Exhibit A Contract Data Requirements List
- 0001 Statement of Work
- 0002 DD254 Security
- 0003 DOL Wage Determination (Ft. Polk)
- 0004 Defense Priorities and Allocation Systems
- 0005 SFLLL
- 0006 Standard Cost Price Data Formats
- 0007 Prag Form 1
- 0008 Prag Form 2
- 0009 Scenario
LOGCAP - A Flexible Alternative for Supporting
the Force
28Submission of Proposal
- Each proposal will consist of 4 Volumes in a 3
ring binders - Introductory Folder with Executive Summary (5
page limit) original plus 2 copies - Volume 1- Technical Approach (original plus 9
copies) 100 page limit - Volume 2- Management Approach (original plus 6
copies) 65 page limit - Volume 3- Past Performance (original plus 6
copies) 25 page limit excluding Prag Forms and
consent letters - Volume 4- Cost/ Price (original plus 6 copies) no
page limitation - Any volume that exceeds the page limit, those
LOGCAP - A Flexible Alternative for Supporting
the Force
29Submission of Proposalscontinued
- Format Instructions
- Pages single sided, 8 ½ x 11, 56 lines to a page
- Font New Times Roman
- Pitch no smaller than size 10
- Headers contain name on left, solicitation
number on right - Footers date of proposal on left, page number on
LOGCAP - A Flexible Alternative for Supporting
the Force
30Submission of Proposalcontinued
- Cover sheet in each Volume to consist of
- Proposal for LOGCAP Support Contract,Solicitation
DAAA09-01-R-0068 - Volume number and Title
- Name and Address of Offeror
- Identify of either original or copy number___
of_____ with copies identified - Date of submission
- Point of Contact and Phone Number
LOGCAP - A Flexible Alternative for Supporting
the Force
31Proposal Submittals
- Prag Forms 30 days after RFP issued
- All volumes as required
- Executive Summary
- SF33 signed with acknowledgement of amendments
- Completed Section K with certifications
- All Clin pricing for all years in Section B
- Subcontracting Plan
- Fill-in Section H clauses
- Documentation of Facility Clearance to SECRET
LOGCAP - A Flexible Alternative for Supporting
the Force
32LOGCAP Related Web Links
DoD Directive 5220.22, NISPOMReference
Paragraph,, 1.5.5http//web7.whs.o
sd.mil/html/522022m.htm Joint Publication
4-04, Joint Doctrine for Civil Engineering
SupportReference Paragraph
dtic.mil/doctrine/jel/new_pubs/jp4_04.pdf DOD
Manual 4525.6Reference Paragraph
mhttp//web7.whs.osd.mil/html/45256mv2.htm Army
Material Command Supplemental Publicationshttp/
/www.amc.army.mil/amc/ci/pub_index.html Entry
joint Service Publicationshttp//www.dtic.mil/doc
USAPPA Reference Library http//books.army.mil/c
gi-bin/bookmgr/Shelves Joint Operations,
Air/sea lift http//www.dtic.mil/doctrine/jel/logi
stics.htm Operations Field Manuals http//www.dt
ic.mil/doctrine/jel/army.htm Department of
Defense Publications http//web7.whs.osd.mil/dodis
s/publications/pub2.htm Army Regulations http//
www.usapa.army.mil/gils/ Technical Manuals
Secure Access Required http//www.logsa.army.mil/e
tms/welcom1.htm Federal Acquisition
Regulations Reference Paragraph
1.3 http//www.arnet.gov/far/ Joint Travel
Regulations Reference Paragraph 1.5.5
33Logistics Reconstitution
Take 15 Minutes
(LOGCAP)Pre-Proposal ConferenceProposal
April 19, 2001
Randy Bartholome Team LOGCAP
Present Information on What the Government Wants
you to Submit, and How it will Evaluate that
Information HOW Summarize Sec L and M of
RFP DISCLAIMER If statements or charts
conflict with RFP, RFP has precedence.
36Relative Order of Importance
- Tech is more important than Past Performance
- Past Performance is more important than
Management - Management is more important than Cost/Price
- The Tech, Past Performance and Management areas
when combined are significantly more important
than Cost/Price.
37Relative Order of Importance
Past Performance
Cost Price
Technical Performance
Corp Capability
Management Oversight
Cost Containment
Cost Control
Program Control
Customer Sat
Financial Capability
38Relative Order of Importance
- Under Tech, Experience is more important than the
Scenario or Planning which are equal in relative
importance Planning is more important than the
LOGCAP Database. - Under PRAG, all factors are equal in relative
importance. - Under Management, Corp Capability, Cost
Containment, and Program Control are equal in
importance each is more important than Financial
Capability. - Under Cost/Price FFP CLINs is significantly more
important than either Scenario MPC, CPFF , and
CPFF , which are equal in importance
39SSEB Technical Section L
- Tech Proposal NTE 100 Pages
- Experience how it will help meet SOW
requirements how it demonstrates ability to
execute rapid deployments, sustain forces how it
lends itself to innovation, problem resolution,
better performance. - Technical Scenario your written tech
approach/capability in executing that approach to
meet scenario mission requirements. - Planning Capability your approach to meet
planning requirements in SOW discuss planning
steps, required planning resources, expected
issues-problems in preparing SOW plans, your
approach to resolve planning problems. - LOGCAP Database capabilities of current auto
systems, data collection methodology, proposed
approach to meet SOW database requirements.
40SSEB Past Performance Section L
- Past Performance Proposal NTE 25 Pages
- Identify relevant contracts in last 3 years and
Points of Contacts (PRAG FORMS 1 and 2) - Relevant Contracts last 3 yrs to date prior to
closing date over 5M and at least 2 of the
following contingency planning, rapid
deployment, provided logistics support, or
participated in military exercises. - Technical Performance how proposed contracts
are relevant to RFP requirements in contingency
planning, short notice deployments, providing
logistics support, managing GFP, doing equipment
maintenance, meeting contract schedules.
41SSEB Past Performance Section L
- Management Oversight discuss Corp support that
improved on site operations, bus practices that
resulted in exceeding Government requirements,
performance in managing subcontractors/joint
ventures to meet schedules, control costs, meet
quality requirements, meet small bus
subcontracting goals, meeting security
requirements, any show cause/cure
notice/terminations for default. - Cost Control bar chart showing negotiated cost
baseline versus actual costs each of last 3
years on cost contracts/projects, address any
causes for actual exceeding negotiated costs by
more than 2 percent and actions to reduce
overruns, how business practices resulting in
under runs are relevant to this RFP. - Customer Satisfaction Government will get this
42SSEB Past Performance Section L
- Consent Statements Provide signed consent
letters from subcontractors, on their letterhead,
allowing Government to discuss that
subcontractors past performance evaluation with
the offeror. - New Corporate Entities May submit previous
contracts and Points of Contacts for
officers/employees, predecessor companies, or
subcontractors performing key parts of the
requirement. Compare role of people on previous
contract to role they will play on this one. - NOTE not part of page count.
43SSEB Management Section L
- Management Proposal NTE 65 Pages
- Corporate Capability resumes of key people with
employment commitment letters staff plan for
Program Management Office, Force Provider at Ft
Polk address your mgt plan to surge
requirements. - Cost Containment your procedures and processes
to track costs, tying costs spent to performance
achieved how you will provide detailed and
timely cost reporting to the subcontract level. - Program Control org chart and descriptions to
manage LOGCAP program including subs, showing
lines of authority and responsibility your
program control for 6 areas listed. - Financial Capability various financial reports.
- Security SECRET Level Security Clearance
44SSEB Cost/Price Section L
- Cost/Price Proposal
- Various spreadsheets and limited explanation as
called for in RFP. - Information explaining data flow from summary to
detailed information. - Explanation of calculations (pivot tables, lookup
tables, cell name definitions)
45SSEB Evaluations Section M
- Sources
- Proposals
- Discussions, if Held
- Information from Outside Sources
- DCAA, Past Performance Interviews,
Questionnaires, - Databases, etc
- IAW Section M of the RFP
46SSEB Technical and Management Evaluation Ratings
- Excellent RFP requirements thoroughly addressed
proposal offers significant strengths, innovative
approaches lead to improved performance highly
qualified personnel superior approach and
understanding of requirement low proposal risk. - Acceptable RFP requirements are addressed with
some strengths, innovation average to above
average personnel thorough understanding of
requirements and commendable approach below
average proposal risk.
47SSEB Technical and Management Evaluation Ratings
- Marginal RFP requirements addressed but
proposal has many more weaknesses than strengths
little/no innovation potential average to below
average personnel weak understanding of
requirements and/or weak approach average to
above average proposal risk. - Unacceptable RFP requirements addressed but
multiple, significant weaknesses high risk
practices lack of understanding requirements or
below average personnel unacceptable approach
high proposal risk.
48SSEB Past Performance Evaluation Ratings
- Low Risk performance meets contract
requirements and exceeds several to Government
benefit few minor problems with highly effective
corrective actions. - Moderately Low Risk performance meets contract
requirements some minor problems with effective
corrective actions. - Moderate Risk performance meets contract
requirements more than routine problems with
significant effort to correct.
49SSEB Past Performance Evaluation Ratings
- High Risk performance does not meet contract
requirements significant problems with
corrective actions not identified, not in place,
or not effective. - No History Not rated favorably or unfavorably.
An offeror with good history will have a lower
performance risk than one with no history an
offeror with poor performance history will have a
higher performance risk than one with no history.
50SSEB Cost/Price Evaluation
- All factors will be separately considered.
- FFP dollars will not be added to scenario CR
dollars. - Will be evaluated for reasonableness and realism,
based on offerors proposed approach. - Most Probable Cost adjustments made as necessary.
- Scenario Cost Proposal should include award fee
- Go/No Go Criteria
- Small Business Subcontracting Plan (Approved by
the PCO) - Facility Clearance to SECRET Level NLT than RFP
Close Date - Offeror Must Be Determined Acceptable in All of
These Criteria to Be Considered for Award. - No Comparative Strengths/Weaknesses Will Be
Derived From These Criteria
52Proposed Source Selection
- Source Selection Authority (SSA)
- Award Decision Maker
- Source Selection Advisory Council (SSAC)
- Provide Oversight and Ensure Quality Assurance
- Perform Proposal Comparative Analysis
- Source Selection Evaluation Board (SSEB)
- Functional Area Specialists from Various CINCs
- Supported by Mitretek (Non-Voting)
- Compare Proposals to the Evaluation Criteria
53Final Thoughts
- Evaluators Will Not Impute Knowledge of Offerors
Into the Evaluation Process. Evaluations Will Be
Based on Written Proposals. - There Will Be No Discussions on the Scenario
Proposal There May be Discussions on the Other
Written Proposal Information. - Good Luck!
54See You In the Morning!
Ft Polk
Hamton Inn
55Points of Contact
- Questions and Comments Submit in Writing to
- Mary Beth Watkins watkinsm_at_osc.army.mil
309-782-6061 - Dick Terhune terhuned_at_osc.army.mil
309-782-8589 - Address U.S. Army, Operations Support Command
- Rock Island, IL 61299-6000 Fax
309-782-2673 -
- OSC Web Site www.osc.army.mil
- Click through Business Employment
Opportunities, AAIS (Selling to OSC),
Solicitation Information, Draft Solicitations,
LOGCAP-A Flexible Alternative for Supporting the