Title: Study Island to the Rescue
1Study Island to the Rescue!
2When my daughter joined Pennsylvania Virtual
Charter School she was in the 4th grade, since
she had tested low she was placed back one year
in Language Arts and Mathematics.
Facing the first PSSA testing was intimidating
since she would be given the 4th grade level test
in both of the subjects she was behind in.
3Through diligent practice on Study Island we were
able to identify areas of weakness. She spent
additional time on the challenging sections so
that she actually mastered a few areas which she
hadnt yet encountered in her daily school
4She did very well on the PSSA, receiving advanced
or proficient in both subjects. Her scores were
just as high the following year.
5This year she was actually able to move up a
grade level in Language Arts and is advancing
well in Mathematics. The good PSSA results gave
us the courage to move her ahead, and her
practice on Study Island had a lot to do with her