Title: Kai%20Virtanen,%20Raimo%20P.%20H
1Team Optimal Signaling Strategies in Air Combat
- Kai Virtanen, Raimo P. Hämäläinen and Ville
Mattila - Systems Analysis Laboratory
- Helsinki University of Technology
- Signaling game
- The signaling system
- Signaling in the team
- The message prioritization problem
- Importance index
- Age of information
- Own plane information
- Uncertainty in signaling
- Simulation environment
- Conclusions
3Signaling game
- M-on-N air combat
- Pilots decision making based on information
received from - visual detection, radio communication, radar
measurements - a signaling system
- Data Link Electronic counter-countermeasure
Computer (DLEC) - developed by Finnish Air Force and Finnish
industry team - for transmitting messages under jamming
- for encoding and decoding signals
4Signaling in the team
- Opponents state - Commands
- Opponents state - Own state
- Own state
- Battle manager - Overall situation assessment
- Ground measurements
5Message prioritization problem
- The signaling system aims at helping in the
situation assessment - Fixed transmission capacity
- gt The most important information must be
transmitted gt A decision problem - Messages ranked based on the positions,
velocities and accelerations of planes
Select the most important message with respect to
the overall goals of the team! Alternative
messages - States of the opponents observed by
radar - Own state
6Prioritization environment
Decision at tDt
Decision at t
Alternative messages - Opponent 1 - Opponent 2 -
Opponent 3 - Own state Information - Radar
observations at tDt - Transmitted messages at
t, t-Dt, ...
Alternative messages - Opponent 1 - Opponent 2 -
Own state Information - Radar observations at
t - Transmitted messages at t-Dt, t-2Dt, ...
Opponent 1
Opponent 2
Opponent 3
Decision at t2Dt
Information - Transmitted messages at tDt,
t, ...
Alternatives - Own state data
- Importance Importance of an individual opponent
with respect to an individual member of own team - Importance index Importance of the individual
opponent with respect to own team - Selection of the message based on the importance
Own team
Importance indices
Own team
8Index of importance
- A decision analytic value function model
- Attributes based on information available in the
signaling system
Distance x1 Angle x2 Velocity xn
Importance of distance v1(x1) Importance of
angle v2(x2) Importance of velocity
- vk and wk depend on the preferences and goals of
a pilot - Index
- Weighted sum of importances
- Maximum importance
9Age of information
- Quality of relayed information decreases in time
- No confirmation mechanism
- Important messages must be retransmitted
frequently - Quality of information ensured
- Success of transmissions ensured
- Time elapsed since the previous transmission
related to a given plane (age of previous
message) - Elapsed time used as a multiplicative attribute
- Importance
10Own plane information
A assumes that B is an opponent gt a message is
Team members must be aware of each others
A should send its own state information since B
must know who A is
- Importance index
- Moving average of the importance indices of
previous transmissions - Time factor as before
11Uncertainty in prioritization
- Uncertainty in the attributes
- Inaccurate state variables due to radar errors
- Age of information in the signaling system
- Uncertainty about the weights
- Incomplete preference statements
- Different preferences within a group
- Interval analysis a new method to incorporate
12Interval importance index
- Signals error indices are intervals gt Interval
attributes - Group or incomplete preference assessment gt
Interval weights - The value function is minimized and maximized
s.t. the attribute and weight intervals gt
Importance intervals - Interval importance index based on aggregation
Importance intervals
Importance intervals
Own team
Importance index
The final selection based on interval importance
13Information Prioritization in Air Combat (IPAC)
- Matlab-based simulation tool
- M-on-N air combat simulation
- Planes fly given trajectories or follow a
feedback guidance law - Radar field assumed to be a cone
- The signaling system model transmits messages
- Prioritization methods
- Importance index, interval importance index,
range rate/range, - Construction of the value function
- Visualization of signaling and trajectories
14Case 4 vs. 4 combat
Settings - number of aircraft - simulation
time - transmission time - radars scanning
angle and range - etc.
15Initial combat state
team members
16Simulated solution
signaling team member
opponent whose info is relayed
- The decision analytical prioritization model
- The value function captures preferences of pilots
- Uncertainties treated by interval techniques
- Practical use
- True implementation of the signaling system
- Decision making module of air combat simulators
- Evaluation by pilots
- gt This new model improves our situation
assessment capability - Future research
- Signaling model incorporated into an air combat
game - gt Impact of information structure on the outcome
of the game