Title: Interlibrary Loan Just Got Easier
1Interlibrary Loan Just Got Easier
- Direct ordering from
- Rowland Medical Library databases
2One time registration for TDNet and Document
First log into the Library Secure Page by
clicking on Login to Resources.
3Log into UMC Resources
Type in Lib_dom\username. In the password box
type the last 6 digits of your social security
number. Then click OK.
Go to E-Journals
5Go to My Profile in TDNet
Click on My Profile
6Create a User Profile
Choose Create a New Profile
7Register your profile
Fill out the form and click submit
8Once youre registered
Now you can open a Doc Delivery Account.
9Complete the Form
Fill out the Document Delivery Account Form and
scroll to the bottom and submit.
10Receive your confirmation
11Now youre ready to order ILL automatically from
the databases
- Just remember your Document Delivery username and
password. - From now on when youre in the databases you may
choose the Rowland icon to go to our
link-resolver. If Rowland does not own the full
text or the print, choose Document Delivery.
Enter your username, password and submit. Your
request will go directly to the Interlibrary Loan
12Log in and run a search in PubMed
Click on the arrow beside the display box and
choose Abstract Plus
13Now you can see the link resolver
Click on the Rowland icon to see if Rowland owns
the article in full text or in print
14It says there is no full text
It is not available online
Click on the Library Catalog to see if it is
available in print at Rowland
15It is not available in the print either, so
youre free to order it
When you click on the Library Catalog it tells
you there is no match. If it were available, it
would give you the holding information.
16Close the catalog and return to the TDNet page.
This takes you to the static form
that you fill out yourself.
To order it through ILL, click on Interlibrary
Loan fast form.
17Type in your username and password
1. Save request to an excel file for your records.
2. Enter your username and password and submit
- Please call us at 984-1234.