Title: Daily Rainfall for the Indian Monsoon Region
1Daily Rainfall for the Indian Monsoon Region
from Merged Satellite and Gauge Values
Large-Scale Analysis from Real-Time Data A.
K. Mitra, M. Dasgupta, A.K.Bohra NCMRWF,
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11All Other Satellites INSAT series METEOSAT-5 ,
METEOSAT-6/7 (to be moved) SSM/I AMSU
(NOAA) TRMM Megha-Tropique GPM
12 What Can Be Done IR data Take care of Cirrus
clouds Combined IR Microwave Techniques
Calibrate IR Rain with MT Data Merge with
Gauge Data Prepare Daily, Weekly and Monthly
13 Digital IMD 556 surface observation (each
district/ county ) 35 received in real time on
computer Manuscript form State governments
3540 gauges Agromet stations 206
14More real-time raingauge data Computer /
Communication is much better now this is the
time Reporting of daily (24-hour collection)
raingauge data (especially zero precipitation
amounts) needs to be standardized around the
globe The organized, constructed 24-hour
rainfall database from sub-daily reports of
precipitation (3-hourly, 6-hourly, etc.) coming
regularly from good stations can contribute
significantly as an additional data source This
will require coordination efforts at the national
and international levels. Delineate areas of
no-rain will be useful where less numbers of
raingauge data are available (Ebert and Weymouth,
15Calibration of IR Rain Jobard Gairola
Krishnamurti INSAT METEOSAT-5 IR rain can be
calibrated with MT Rain Better Rain estimate from
MT different instruments from RT and 1-D column
physics model with input from NWP Finally with
better understanding of Rain process, estimates
will be better
16Thank You