Title: Presented by: Olivier Diesnis
1 The Role of Books in Knowledge Discovery
Presented by Olivier Diesnis
- How do Researchers Work? The Role of Books
- What is the Value of eBooks vs. Print for
Researchers - What is the Value of eBooks vs. Print for
Libraries - How are eBooks Progressing, Worldwide? Looking
into the Future - The Value of eBooks on ScienceDirect
3What is the role of books in the Research
- How do researchers work?
- What is the value of content to the research
4The Value of Content to the Research Workflow
Books 72
Books 58
Books 32
Books 55
books Frontlist
Books Backlist
5The Value of Fundamental Research throughout the
research workflow
In a recent survey, 92 of researchers said they
regularly perform cross-disciplinary research.
Having access to Fundamental knowledge BOOKS on
each discipline is CRITICAL.
Todays Patrons want need ready access to the
content they needwhen they need it, in and out
of their own areas of expertise
Robert Thomas, Library Manager Hargrave-Andrew
Library, Monash UniversityAustralia
6The Value of eBooks vs. Print Benefits for
- The Value of eBooks to
- Research Workflow
- Productivity
- Accessibility
- Flexibility
- Searchability
- Convenience
- Reliability
7Do Researchers Useor Want to Use eBooks?
I want to use online books but do not have
I have access, and I use online books
I have accessbut do not use online Books
I neither have nor want online books
8Flexibility Accessibility
- Direct Links to full text .pdf or full text HTML
content - Multiple, simultaneous users
- Downloaded Print
- No DRM Restrictions
9Search Capability
Researchers find and choose more of what they
needfaster than they could by searching the
shelves during library hours!
10 Convenience
Integrated book and journal contentand citation
tools across a diverse range of subjects
11What do Researchers Prefer to Use Print, e, or
Librarians say
Researchers say
My faculty and students prefer electronic
format, so I am moving most of my reference books
to e-format. My print material is not being
used, it sits on the shelves.
of Researchers
Sources Global Faculty eBook Survey 2007
(E-brary) Global ScienceDirect user survey,
S.M.S. Research 2009, 450 Librarian Responses
12 The Value of eBooks vs. Print For Libraries
- Conversion Criteria
- Usage
- Cost
13What are the Impact Factors for Librarians
Considering eBooks, BEFORE Investing in eBooks?
Source 2009 SMS Research/Elsevier Survey
Responses from 450 Librarians Worldwide
14What are the Main Benefits Reported by Librarians
AFTER investing in eBooks?
Source 2009 SMS Research/Elsevier Survey
Responses from 450 Librarians Worldwide
15eBooks Higher Usage
Average of downloads, Online Books 25 per
title, per year
Source ScienceDirect usage data, first year of
16Higher Usage of eBooks vs. Print
17Accumulative Cost eBooks vs. Print University
of Toronto
18Print Books The Cost Equation
These costs are marginal with eBooks
- Operational cost
- (every year)
- Building, staff, energy, general expenses
- Book handling
- (every year)
- Binding and preservation,
- transactions,
- cataloguing, archiving,
- replacement
Source Stats SCONUL(UK) and ARL (USA)
19Conclusion Overall Cost Per Use Decreases as
Usage Increases
As eBooks Usage on ScienceDirect increases
The Cost Per Chapter decreases
ScienceDirect PPV 30 per article
British Library Document Delivery 30 per article
Approx. 2 per chapter
Source ScienceDirect usage data 2005-2008
20How eBooks are Progressing
- Less Space
- More Accessibility
- Case Study Monash
- eBooks Impact
- Progress at Elsevier
21A major University library plans to halve in
sizeand become more accessible at the same time
Pricing Policies
Digital Libraries Save Space but Increase
22626 Computers, 380,000 digitized books, 116
million pieces of digital contentthe library of
the future?
23Monash University A Case Study
Ebooks and associated electronically-generated
cataloging records make it easier and quicker for
staff to acquire, promote and lend books and
the cost per use is lower compared to print. It
cuts down the space required to house the
collection, reduces the need for physical
handling and results in a greener information
resource. Cost, space and time savings can be
redirected to other priorities, like efforts
designed to make the library a more inviting
place and increase the role it plays on campus.
Resources realized by migrating the book
collection from print to electronic were used to
help develop and implement a plan to draw larger
numbers of people to the library. As a result
door counts have increased significantly. More
floor space translated into more group study
areas, more tolerant policies regarding noise and
food and beverage were instituted and wireless
Internet access was installed.
Robert Thomas, Library Manager Hargrave-Andrew
Library, Monash UniversityAustralia
24Online Major Reference Works Librarians 86
OnlineOnline Handbook Series Librarians 75
OnlineOnline MonographsLibrarians 57
Librarians Preference for Online vs. Print?
Migration Readiness
Online Preference by Book Type
Source 2009 SMS Research/Elsevier Survey
Responses from 450 Librarians Worldwide
25A Global View of Migration
Source ScienceDirect Usage, full year 2008
26How can you Resist the Digital Revolution?
You are here
27Beyond eBooks Where do we go from here at
- Brain Navigator
- Just Released by Elsevier!
- Online 2D 3D brain map
- Developed in partnership with Allen Institute for
Brain Science - Improves research efficiency by delivering
information, on demand 24/7 - Scientists can visualize the brain in new ways
- Learn more URL
- More Online Solutions for 09
- MethodsNavigator
- PsychConsult
- Hazmat Explorer
28 The Value of eBooks on ScienceDirect
- Quality of the Content
- ScienceDirect User- Preferred Platform
- Flexible Purchase Options
29Elsevier A Long Heritage of Publishing Leading
The Publishing House of Elzevir was first
established in 1580 by Lowys Elzevir. Jacobus
George Robbers established the modern Elsevier
Company in 1880
Galileo published his Discorsi e dimostrazioni
matematiche, intoro a due nuoue scienzehis last
work with Elzevir despite being banned by the
Inquisition. Recognized as the 1st important work
of modern physics.
Sir Alexander Fleming edited a book about a
revolutionary new antibiotic Penicillin Its
Practical Application in 1946. Anatomy in 1858
was a landmark for the study of the human anatomy
and in many
The publication of Grays Anatomy in 1858 was a
landmark for the study of the human anatomy and
in many ways for the whole of medicine.
Nobel Prize winners published with Elsevier
30Elseviers books division invests in the most
rigorous commissioning and publishing,
guaranteeing accurate, leading-edge books
Peer Review Before, During, After Publication
3110,600 Online Books on ScienceDirect
15 books
- 5155 eBooks
- 66 Book Series
- 6 Handbook Series
- 74 Reference Works
10,600 online books integrated journal
articles in a diverse range of subjects
10,600 online books integrated journal
articles in a diverse range of subjects
15 books
32Powerful and integrated search
Powerful, Integrated Search Books and Journals
33Ease of Use Browse by Content Type
34Ease of Use Browse by Chapter
eBooks are divided into chapters. Each chapter
has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
35Ease of Use PDF and XML (Internal and CrossRef
Links to Scopus Viewing
36xml Files Enable Audio, Video, and Multimedia
References are cross linked
Audio and video files
37MARC Records
Integration with external systems via MARC records
- Marc 21 records are supplied to customers FREE of
charge. - Marc 21 records from OCLC
- - very complete
- - include library of congress subject headings
- - supplied by batch for easy uploading
38Preferred Point of Entry to Online Resources
Researchers Preference
Source 2009 SMS Research
39Meeting Researchers Where they Are Google
June 2009 All eBooks Reference Works!
Users Via Other Routes These are users
entering SD on a higher level (as opposed to an
article as Search Engine or Linking Platforms).
Of these entry routes www.sciencedirect.com and
the journal homepage links are the largest
40User Preference for ScienceDirect Why?
Source Elsevier eBooks user study (Monitor
Group, 2007). 900 responses from faculty
41Online Books on ScienceDirect Flexible Pricing
and Policies
42Flexibility of purchasing options for over
10,500 online books
43A Closer Look eBooks Collections (Monographs)
442009 eBooks Collection offer - Bundle discounts
45 The eBooks Evolution What would Charles Darwin
It is not the strongest of the species that
survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones
most responsive to change. -Charles Darwin on
46Are you ready?Learn more www.onlinebooksonscienc
Thank You!