Title: Thinking Skills for Littlies
1Thinking Skills for Littlies
- Presented by Denise Tarlinton
- Kurwongbah State School
- What skills will your preschoolers
- need for the future?
- What are thinking skills?
- Preschool-friendly Thinkers Keys
- Edward de Bonos Six Hats
- Blooms Revised Taxonomy
- Resources
3- A good teacher makes you think even when you
dont want to. - (Fisher, 1998, Teaching Thinking)
4The students of the future should be able to
- Solve problems
- Think creatively
- Think critically
- Make decisions
- Generate new ideas
- Analyse information
- Plan for the future
5What is thinking?
- Thinking is a mental process.
- Thinking skills are the intellectual skills such
as the skills of memorizing and recalling facts
and information, clarifying, making analysis,
generating ideas, making decisions, problem
solving, and planning. - Different authors of thinking skills have
proposed different models and approaches in
teaching thinking skills. - http//www.ppk.kpm.my/sphsp/masteryguide/asri1.htm
6Critical thinking
- Critical thinking refers to reasonable,
reflective thinking that is focused on deciding
what to believe or do. Critical thinkers try to
be aware of their own biases, to be objective and
logical. - http//www.adprima.com/thinkskl.htm
7Creative thinking
- Creative Thinking refers to the ability to form
new combinations of ideas to fulfil a need, or to
get original or otherwise appropriate results by
the criteria of the domain in question. - http//www.adprima.com/thinkskl.htm
- Metacognition refers to awareness and control of
one's thinking, including commitment, attitudes
and attention. Simply it is the ability to think
about ones own thinking. - http//www.adprima.com/thinkskl.htm
9What does the Thinking Classroom look like?
- There are significant opportunities for
higher-level thinking, complex problem solving
and/or open-ended response. Thinking skills are
explicitly taught in an authentic and meaningful
context. - http//www.sricboces.org/Goals2000/rubric1.htm
10Convergent and Divergent Thinking
- In convergent thinking, the thinking skills are
focused on a particular thing, problem, or issue.
For example "The tyre had a nail and some
scratches. What caused the tyre to puncture?"
Here, we are looking for evidence about what
caused the tyre to puncture - In divergent thinking, we want to generate many,
varied and new ideas. For example "What are the
use of old tyres?"
11Preschool Friendly Thinkers Keys
- Question Key
- Picture Key
- Reverse Listing Key
- Construction Key
- Interpretation Key
- Different Uses Key
- What If ? Key
- (developed by Tony Ryan)
12Benefits of Thinkers Keys
- Easy to use and explain
- Familiar object- unlocking thinking
- Encourage children (and adults) to
- Look at things differently
- Think divergently
- Think creatively
- Brainstorm ideas
- Listen to others ideas
- Share their ideas
- Be organised
13Question Key
- Start with an answer and list questions that
give that answer. - Eg. Think of questions to give the answer
- Midnight
- Seaweed
- Christmas
- Koalas.
- Clowns
- Butterflies
14Picture Key
- Draw a simple diagram or squiggle and students
work out ways to link it (by finishing the
picture) to a specific - topic
- theme
- book
- celebration, etc.
- (N.B. Variation on Ryans original Picture Key)
15Reverse Listing Key
- Place words such as cannot, would not, never or
not in a sentence. - Eg. Name 10 things that you could not clean.
- List 10 things that can not grow
- Name 10 things you couldnt put on a sandwich
- Name 10 items you wouldnt find in a house
- List 10 things you would not see at the circus
16Construction Key
- Set up a wide variety of construction
problem-solving tasks and use lots of readily
available material. - Eg. Build the highest possible self- supporting
structure using one sheet of newspaper, sticky
tape and a pair of scissors. - Eg. Use the material supplied to
- Build a trap for the Big Bad Wolf
- Build a tower for Princess Fiona
- Build a house for Shrek
- Build a bridge to hold a preschool truck
17Interpretation Key
- Describe an unusual situation and then think of
some different explanations for the existence of
that situation. - Eg. The butterfly is laughing. Give 3 reasons
to explain why. - The clown is crying
- The ant is as big as an elephant
- The monster is laughing
- The monkey is eating potato chips
18Different Uses Key
- List some different uses for items from your
topic (emphasis on reusing and recycling). - Eg. Find 10 uses for
- An old clown nose
- An empty yoghurt container
- An old work book
- A broken television
- Mums old toothbrush
- Red Riding Hoods basket
19What If? Key
- You can ask virtually any What If question. You
can use the ideas wheel to record student
responses. - Eg. What If
- all cars turned into skateboards?
- chocolate was good for you?
- mice were as big as elephants?
- money did grow on trees?
20Six Hats
- Developed by Edward de Bono (1980s)
- Framework for thinking
- Easy to use
- Visual and tactile
- Involves a variety of thinking
- Allows students to separate their thinking
- Can be used by individuals, small groups or whole
21So what are the Six Thinking Hats?
- Red Emotions and feelings
- Yellow Good points and benefits
- Black Problems and caution
- White Thinking about facts and information
- Green Creative and new ideas
- Blue Thinking about thinking
22How can I use the Six Thinking Hats?
- Responding to literature
- Problem solving
- Brainstorming
- Role-play and drama
- Visual and creative arts
- Play
23Blooms Revised Taxonomy
- Taxonomy of Cognitive Objectives
- 1950s- developed by Benjamin Bloom
- Means of expressing qualitatively different kinds
of thinking - Been adapted for classroom use as a planning tool
- Continues to be one of the most universally
applied models - Provides a way to organise thinking skills into
six levels, from the most basic to the more
complex levels of thinking - 1990s- Lorin Anderson (former student of Bloom)
revisited the taxonomy - As a result, a number of changes were made
- (Pohl, 2000, Learning to Think, Thinking to
24New Terms
- Evaluation
- Synthesis
- Analysis
- Application
- Comprehension
- Knowledge
- Creating
- Evaluating
- Analysing
- Applying
- Understanding
- Remembering
Pohl, 2000, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn)
new ideas, products, or ways of viewing
thingsDesigning, constructing, planning,
producing, inventing. EvaluatingJustifying a
decision or course of actionChecking,
hypothesising, critiquing, experimenting,
judging AnalysingBreaking information into
parts to explore understandings and
relationshipsComparing, organising,
deconstructing, interrogating, finding Applying
Using information in another familiar
situationImplementing, carrying out, using,
executing UnderstandingExplaining ideas or
conceptsInterpreting, summarising, paraphrasing,
classifying, explaining RememberingRecalling
informationRecognising, listing, describing,
retrieving, naming, finding
Higher Order Thinking
Lower Order Thinking
26Lower-order and Higher-Order Thinking Skills
- The skills of memorizing and recalling facts or
information are called the lower-order thinking
skills as they do not require wide and deep
thinking. - Thinking skills such as clarifying, making
analysis, generating ideas, making decisions,
problem solving, and planning which require wider
and deeper thinking are called the higher-order
thinking skills.
- Thinking Skills Vocabulary and Definitions
- http//www.adprima.com/thinkskl.htm
- Thinking Skills - Keys to Fusing Talents
- http//www.nexus.edu.au/teachstud/gat/morrison.htm
- Literature Review in thinking skills, technology
and learning - http//www.nestafuturelab.org/reviews/ts06.htm
- Thinking Skills
- http//www.teachingthinking.net/Thinkskills.htm
- Core Thinking Skills
- http//edservices.aea7.k12.ia.us/framework/thinkin
g/corethinkingskills.pdf -
- An Overview of Thinking Skills
- http//www.asa3.org/ASA/education/think/skills.htm
- Thinking Skills in English--and across the
Curriculum - http//ericae.net/edo/ed250693.htm
- Thinking skills, accelerated learning and
teaching methodology - http//www.literacytrust.org.uk/database/thinking.
- Dalton, Joan. (1985). Adventures in Thinking
Creative Thinking and Co-operative Talk in Small
Groups. Melbourne Thomas Nelson. - De Bono, Edward. (1992). Six thinking hats for
schools (Books 1-4) Resource Book. Cheltenham,
Vic. Hawker Brownlow. - Fogarty, R. and K. Opeka. (1990). Start Them
Thinking A handbook of Classroom Strategies for
the Early Years. Cheltenham, Vic. Hawker
Brownlow. - Frangenheim, E. (1998). Reflections on Classroom
Thinking Strategies. Loganholme Rodin
Educational Consultancy. - Jensen, Eric. (2002). Introduction to
Brain-Compatible Learning. South Australia Focus
Education. - Pohl, M. (2000). Teaching Complex Thinking
Critical, Creative, Caring. Cheltenham, Vic.
Hawker Brownlow. - Pohl, Michael. (2000). Learning to Think,
Thinking to Learn Models and Strategies to
Develop a Classroom Culture of Thinking.
Cheltenham, Vic. Hawker Brownlow. - Ryan, Tony. (1983). Thinkers Keys for Kids.
South Coast Education Region.
30- He who learns but does not think is lost
- (Chinese Proverb)