Title: Servant Evangelism
1Servant Evangelism
Serving others as Christ did
It connects people to people in a natural,
easy, low-risk, high grace way. Steve Sjogren
This can occur
- within one-on-one relationships.
- on a wider scale congregation to community.
2Servant Evangelism
- Love through action. Read 1 John 318.
- Serve their physical needs first.
- Read James 214-17 and Romans 1213.
- Give God the credit. Read Ephesians 210
3Knowing When to Help
Is God prompting you to help? If so, help! He
will bless you with all you need to do so.
4Knowing When to Help
2. Assess the situation yours and theirs.
Will helping them hinder my calling at home?
If married, is my spouse in agreement?
Will I be helping or enabling? Caused by
uncontrollable circumstances or bad habits?
5Knowing How to Help
Finances? Is my family financially provided for
- Resources? What additional resources do I have
to share? - Time
- A car
- A spare bedroom
- Groceries
Prayer? Yes! Always! Its free and effective!
6Reaching the Dechurched
He or she stopped going for a reason.
Uncover why
Did they fall out of the habit?
Do they feel injured by someone?
Is unforgiveness keeping them away?
Are they embarrassed from an upsetting scenario
or lengthy absence?
Listen to their words, but try to hear their
heart How do they feel? Pain often sounds like
7Reaching the Dechurched
Whether perception or reality, dont judge!
Love unconditionally.
Be sympathetic to their stance.
Pray for the proper words and timing.
When the right time is evident, direct them
towards healing.
Encourage forgiveness.
Promote reconciliation, if appropriate.
The benefits of serving as a congregation
- Promotes spiritual growth
- Numerous gifts and resources combine One
body with many parts
- Increases efficiency Many hands make light
- Builds relationships with each other and the
- Enables outreach to new people
9LHM OutreachPrograms
Partner with LHM in congregational outreach
through programs such as
- Parenting Families From ME to WE.
Accept our Christmas 2009 challenge.
Practice Servant Evangelism out in your
Dont expect them to come to you!
Consider how you can utilize your church body.
11Christmas Outreach Ideas
- Offer daycare to community parents to shop (if
- Drive senior citizens to the mall or a light
- Take the children caroling in your community.
- Offer give-aways in public places Hot
chocolate, candy canes, Christmas trees.
- Provide free gift wrapping at the mall.
For more ideas, review Session 2 Study Resources.
12Christmas Outreach
When asked why you are doing this, lead into
sharing the Gospel
God gives us a free gift of a Savior. We want
to give you a free gift as a reminder.
Invite them to learn more
- by meeting you for coffee.
- by attending a Christmas service with your
13Christmas Outreach
Break into groups of three.
Discuss the below questions.
- What Christmas outreach has your
congregation engaged in previously?
- What ideas might you suggest to increase
effectiveness this year?
14LHM Christmas Outreach
Provide 2009 Advent DevotionsComing October
- Seeker versionWho would have thought?
- Churched version From Nazareth to Bethlehem
An Advent Journey
Provided materials
- Overcoming Witnessing Obstacles Addressing
Specific Fears
- Am I a Help or a Hindrance?
- The Christmas 2009 Outreach Challenge
Christmas Outreach Ideas
Suggested Reading
- Conspiracy of Kindness by Steve Sjogren
- 101 Ways to Reach Your Community by Steve Sjogren
The 2009 Christmas Outreach Challenge
- Formulating Your Strategy
- For Individuals and Congregations
17Next Meeting
On-line in the Breeze chat room
- The 2nd 4th Tuesday of each month
- 9/22, 10/13, 10/27, 11/10, 11/24, 12/8
- your Christmas outreach progress.
- your specific witnessing questions.
18Next Session
Saturday, January 9thSt. Andrew in Silver
Spring, MD 9 a.m. 12 p.m.