Title: IQ Chapter 12 Next time: Chapter 12, Leichtman
1IQ (Chapter 12)Next time Chapter 12, Leichtman
2Web site links Proposal Handout Final
Paper Rubric
- General Points
- Test Construction
- Research Issues
- Sampling of Items
- Pragmatic Origins and Uses
- Pragmatic Origins and Uses
- Focus on Individual Differences
- Pragmatic Origins and Uses
- Focus on Individual Differences
- A Comparative Measure
9Stanford-BinetWechsler Intelligence Scale for
Children (WISC)
10Stanford-BinetWechsler Intelligence Scale for
Children (WISC)Wechsler Preschool and Primary
Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI)
11Stanford-BinetWechsler Intelligence Scale for
Children (WISC)Wechsler Preschool and Primary
Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI)Wechsler Adult
Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
13Test-retest reliability Form of reliability
based on consistency of scores across two
administrations of the same test
14Internal consistency reliability Form of
reliability based on consistency of response
across the different items of a test
15Test validity
16Test validity Accuracy with which a test
measures what it is intended to measure
17- Validity
- Reliability
- Standardization
- Normative samples
- Feasibility
- Range of ages
- Range of content
18Research Issues
- Structure of Intelligence
- Stability of Intelligence
- Origins of Individual Differences
19Methods of Study (Behavior Genetics)
20Methods of Study (Behavior Genetics)
21Methods of Study (Behavior Genetics)
- Family Studies
- Adoption Studies
22Methods of Study (Behavior Genetics)
- Family Studies
- Adoption Studies
- Twin Studies
23IQ (Intelligence Quotient) Mental
Age/Chronological Age X 100