Incident at Midway - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Incident at Midway


I am the only preacher in Kentucky of our ... Moses Lard ... Do you agree or disagree with Moses E. Lard's statement about the 'organ-grinding churches? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Incident at Midway

(No Transcript)
Incident at Midway
So far as it is known by me . . . I am the only
preacher in Kentucky of our brotherhood who has
publicly advocated the propriety of employing
instrumental music in some churches, and that the
church of God in Midway is the only church that
has yet made a decided effort to introduce it.
Incident at Midway
Born in Baltimore County, Maryland, January 28,
1812, moved to what is now WV when he was
nine Left Presbyterianism in 1830, baptized by
Alexander Campbell. He became a doctor married
and settled in Ohio. He continued to study and
practice medicine until
May, 1838, when he gave it up to preach the
In 1841 he moved to Lexington to preach. He moved
to Midway in the spring of 1845. He began
operating a female Orphan School at Midway in
1847. Years were spent in teaching at the
orphanage and preaching for churches at
Versailles, Paris, and Midway.
Incident at Midway
Did not happen overnight efforts were underway
in some areas to begin using the instrument.
Incident at Midway
Did not happen overnight efforts were underway
in some areas to begin using the instrument.
How would you analyze the thinking of "W"?
To J.B. Henshall What say you of instrumental
music in our churches? . . . Would not such
instruments add greatly to the solemnity of
worship, and cause the hearts of the saints to be
raised to a higher state of devotion . . .? We
are far in the rear of Protestants on the subject
of church music. (signed W)
Incident at Midway
Did not happen overnight efforts were underway
in some areas to begin using the instrument.
Incident at Midway
Did not happen overnight efforts were underway
in some areas to begin using the instrument.
Alexander Campbell
Incident at Midway
At first opposition to instrumental music was
What events were occurring in America during
1861-1865 that might have caused the I.M.
question to be temporarily suspended?
Why do you think opposition to the instrument was
lukewarm at first?
  • Against it because not used before by
    Restoration Preachers / Churches.
  • Seeking a consensus of what others thoughtis
    more against or for?
  • These three men led the scriptural fight against
    its introduction early.

(1) A New issue! (often takes time to get ones
scriptural footing). (2) Churches were still
grappling with the ACMS issue. (3) And frankly
many within the pews wanted to have what the
Protestants had.
Incident at Midway
At first opposition to instrumental music was
There was opposition at Midway. One of the
elders, Adam Hibler, and a slave slipped in the
building and removed the Melodeon. They did later
return it!
Pinkerton reasoned that since the singing was so
bad, and since the Bible did not forbid its use
the instrument was an expedient.
Incident at Midway
After 1864 opposition began to heat up.
A written debate was held in The Millennial
McGarvey said it was time to Have the question
fully discussed and finally settled.
McGarvey opposed instruments on the basis of the
silence of the Scriptures. That is, since the
Bible did not specifically authorize their use
(although singing was specifically authorized)
then they could not be used!
Incident at Midway
A written debate was held in The Millennial
Will you inform me whether it is in accordance
with the Scriptures to use in the churches organ
or other instrumental music connected with
worship. (signed Ancient Order)
A. Campbells son-in-law and co-editor of The
Millennial Harbinger favored adding the
With respect to instrumental music, I presume
that no one at all . . . will pretend to claim
for its introduction in the church any pretence
of primitive authority . . . The best authorities
seem agreed that the first introduction of the
organ, or any other instrumental music . . . was
after the time of Thomas Acquinas (Aquinas), for
this eminent man himself declared (A.D. 1250)
Our church does not use instruments as harps and
psalteries in the praise of God, lest she should
seem to Judaize . . . We confess to a fondness
for good music of all kinds and find it no
offense to our own feelings of piety or praise to
hear the grand and majestic swell of the organ
rolling forth, laden with the strains of our
sacred music yet like Paul with respect to
meats, I would never hear one again, than to have
them interfering with the free, full grateful,
heartfelt singing of the whole congregation . . .
But this does not settle the question after
allfor there are many things established and
right . . . that were not introduced in the days,
nor by the authority of the apostlesquestions of
mere expediency . . . We have no evidence that in
the apostolic days, the disciples owned houses,
such as we would now call churches, at all . . .
No Bible Authority
Late Addition
I like instruments
Matter of opinion
Incident at Midway
After 1864 opposition began to heat up.
Suggested (1) Let every preacher resolve never
to enter a meeting house where they are used. (2)
Let no Christian ever unite in fellowship with
any church using an instrument. (3) Those who
stand for truth where the instrument is
introduced, after declaring opposition to its
introduction and after trying to teach the truth,
leave and unite elsewhere. Thus these
organ-grinding churches will in the lapse of time
be broken down, or wholly apostatize, and the
sooner they are in fragments the better for the
cause of Christ.
. . . What defense can be urged for the
introduction into some of our congregations of
instrumental music? The answer which thunders
into my ear from every page of the New Testament,
is none.
Class Questions
  • Do you think that arguing from the silence of
    Scripture is the best way to oppose the
    introduction of the instrument? Why or why not?

One of the best if not the best! THINK (1)
There is NO statement/command for instruments,
(2) There is no Apostolic Example of their being
used, (3) There is no passage from which we can
draw an inference of their use in early church
Class Questions
  • Do you agree or disagree with Moses E. Lards
    statement about the organ-grinding churches?

I personally agree! The sooner apostate
churches appear as apostate, the better for those
standing for truth. For there must also be
factions among you, that those who are approved
may be recognized among you, (1 Cor 1119).
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