Title: Lysbilde 1
1International cooperation A strategic
choice Karl-Wiggo Jensen Quality Manager
2Company Profile
Established 1972 Ownership Public
Corporation No. of staff 50 No. of clients
200 Turnover 2007 12 mill. euro
International cooperation
Department Risør
Gas station - Arendal
International cooperation
Main office - Arendal
Kindergarten - Arendal
4Business units
Regnskap Lønn IT Administrasjon
Funksjonsvurdering AMO kurs Karriereveiledning A
Styringsskap elektro Elektromontasje Skilt
og profilering Elektromateriell
International cooperation
Vaktmestertjenester Transport Catering
Bensinstasjon Elektromateriell Brukltbutikk
Oppstart 1. august 2007 Søknadsfrist 15. mars
5Rehabilitation Services
International cooperation
6History of involvement
2004 EPR involvement and Committed to
EQRM 2005 Education of key personnel, internal
improvement processes 2006 EQRM Mark of
Excellence 2007 Full membership of EPR 2008 ?
International cooperation
7Strategic choice
- International cooperation and full membership of
EPR will help us to - Get a better view on the strategic options in the
Norwegian VET market for PWD. By networking with
European companies and learning the challenges in
the European market we will be able to predict
the challenges and opportunities in the future.
International cooperation
8Human resources
- International cooperation and full membership of
EPR will help us to - Strengthen the competence in the organization. By
using the network and participating in projects
performed by the network we will be able to give
key personnel a higher degree of awareness,
competence and challenges.
International cooperation
9Funding competence
- International cooperation and full membership of
EPR will help us to - Be an active partner in already funded projects
and learn how to fund new project initiatives
within national and European frameworks.
International cooperation
- International cooperation and full membership of
EPR will help us to - Initiate and run RD projects in an European
framework and through this gain a higher
acknowledgement of the project results in the
Norwegian and international market.
International cooperation
11Welcome to Durapart