Title: Vincent Piziali, Robert Sebastian, Pavan Bhatia, Callie Jacobs,
Vincent Piziali, Robert Sebastian, Pavan Bhatia,
Callie Jacobs, He(Damon) Li, and Matthew Hayes
vxp036000_at_utdallas.edu, ras033100_at_utdallas.edu,
pkb033000_at_utdallas.edu, crj031000_at_utdallas.edu,
mjh045000_at_utdallas.edu hxl043100_at_utdallas.edu
Department of Electrical Engineering Erik Jonsson
School of Engineering Computer
Science University of Texas at Dallas Richardson,
Texas 75083-0688, U.S.A.
Project Results
Project Goals
- Receiver output without presence of tag
- Receiver output with presence of tag
- Design an EAS-like RFID enabled unlocking system
for pet door to provide protection from entrance
of unwanted animals into the home - Detect the presence of an RFID tag at a specified
frequency - Send signal to unlock servo-controlled door lock
Project Overview
- Transmitter/VCO Voltage-controlled ring
oscillator takes input from microcontroller and
sets an output frequency of 13.36MHz - 13.56MHz.
The square wave signal is buffered and filtered
to produce a sine wave, which is amplified to a
/-15V output signal with a class-B amplifier.
This is output into a loop antenna. - Receiver A smaller loop antenna receives the
transmitted signal plus a small signal in the
opposite direction reflected by the tag. This
results in a small dip in the amplitude of the
response. The receiver amplifies the amplitude
of this signal and feeds it to the
microcontroller, which does the detection. - Microcontroller Software controls the frequency
sweep, detects the presence of the tag by reading
the response signal amplitude after each sweep
point. Provides system status information via
Project Conclusions/Outcomes
- Completed planning of overall system
- Designed and built individual system components
Receiver, transmitter, VCO, power supply, and
servo-controlling PWM - Successfully integrated system components to
detect presence of - RFID tag at 13.56MHz and to lock/unlock the door
depending on the tags presence - Learned to work in a team environment
Power Supply