Title: SPP Presentation
1SPP Presentation
2SPPs RegionalTransmission Organization Status
- Nick Brown - SPP
- KCC Transmission Roundtable
- June 21, 2004
- KCC - Topeka, KS
3SPP Transmission Map
4SPP Region
- Members
- 48
- 2003 Non-Coincident System Peak
- 40,564 MW
- Generation Capacity
- 44,110 MW
- Service Area
- 270,000 sq. mi.
- 14 Investor-Owned Utilities
- 8 Cooperatives
- 7 Municipals
- 2 State Agencies
- 1 Federal Agency
- 3 Independent Power Marketers/ Wholesale
Generation - 13 Marketers
6At a glance
- All or part of 8 states
- 270,000 square miles of service territory
- 4.6 billion in transmission gross investment
- 36,800 pole miles of transmission lines
- 4.5 million customers served
- 39.7 gigawatts of peak demand
7SPP Background
- 1941 Formed to serve defense needs
- 1968 NERC Regional Council
- 1980 Telecommunications network
- 1991 Operating Reserve Sharing
- 1994 Incorporated
- 1997 Security Coordination
- 1998 Tariff Administration
- 2001 Regional Scheduling
83 Interconnections/10 NERC Regions
9SPPs Development
- 1991 Vision Statement principles, actions and
programs Incorp. 1994 - Mission Helping our members work together to
keep the lights on today and in the future - 2003 Strategic Plan
- Values Member driven, evolutionary, relationship
based, independence through diversity,
reliability economic/equity inseparable
10SPP Organizational Groups
11Administrative Information
- Little Rock offices
- 125 employees, 142 approved
- 38M operating, 16M capital
- 0.15/MWh transmission svc.
- 24x7 operation
- Full redundancy backup site
12Primary Services
13Reliability Assessment
- Expected to operate satisfactorily
- Highly dependent upon coordination
- Congestion will worsen, curtailing transactions
- Few transmission additions are currently planned
- As markets develop, transmission will be operated
in a different manner
14Security Coordination
- Monitor interconnected network
- Anticipate problems
- Take preemptive action
- Coordinate regional response
- Independent administration
15Tariff Administration
- Provide one-stop shopping
- Consistent rates, terms and conditions
- Regional focus
- Independent administration
- Process gt 10,000 requests / month
16Transmission Owners
- Westar KGE, KPL
- MWE, WFEC, Springfield, MO
17Service Request Queues
- Transmission Service
- 122 Requests 7,488 MW
- 53 Studies underway
- Generation Interconnection
- 50 Requests 11,799 MW
- 18 agreements pending
- Wind 37 requests 6,120 MW
- Fossil 13 requests 5,679 MW
18Coordination Center
19State Estimator Model
- 9,900 substations
- 36,000 nodes
- 30,000 telemetry points
- 2-5 second updates
- gt 100 contingency scenarios
20Point of Concern
- Were 12 years into open wholesale competition
and our institutions, operating policies and
processes arent keeping up with market activity.
The bulk electric network is being used in a
manner significantly different than that for
which it was planned and constructed.
21Eastern Interconnection Flows
800 NW gt SW 22 MW
1100 NW gt SW 352 MW
February 2004
1200 SW gt NW 830 MW
1300 NW gt SW 423 MW
1500 SW gt NW 78 MW
1600 SW gt NW 707 MW
0000 NW gt SW 1375 MW
0100 NW gt SW 2165 MW
0400 NW gt SW 1458 MW
1900 SW gt NW 241 MW
22Tag Display ERCO_CRGL1ANY02160_NYIS
One Hour Time Period
23Tag Display ERCO_CRGL1ANY02160_NYIS (contd)
Path for One Tag From ERCOT to New York ISO
24Tag Display ERCO_CRGL1ANY02160_NYIS (contd)
Multiple Transmission Providers Fees
25Impact on Other Transmission Providers
Schedule Impacted Critical Facilities
Service Provided
26Impact on FlowgatesNERC Interchange Distribution
- Affected 649 flowgates (critical facilities)
- Impacted 37 transmission providers
- 336 flowgates experienced increased flows
27TLR Level 5 Events
28Next Steps
29FERC Order 2000
- Intended to spur voluntary development of RTOs to
promote efficiency, reliability ensure
non-discriminatory transmission service - RTO primary functions include
- Security coordination
- tariff administration and design
- congestion management and parallel path flow
- ancillary services
- electronic provision of public information
concerning transmission systems - market monitoring
- market settlement
30RTO Applications
- Filed request 10/15/03
- Conditional order 2/10/04
- Board approves changes 4/27/04
- Compliance filing 5/3/04
- Comments due 5/24/04
- SPP answers 6/1/04
- Notational order expected next week
31FERC Order 2000 Impact on SPP
- Insure access to a real-time balancing market
- Market monitoring
- Provider of last resort of ancillary services
32Market Implementation
- Phase 1
- MAY - Proxy settlement
- SEPT - Enhanced Security
- MAY 04 - Real-time Imbalance Market
- Phase 2
- Market-Based Congestion Management
- Phase 3
- Ancillary Services Markets
33Transmission Expansion Funding
- Many Workshop/Symposiums
- RSC Input Guiding Principles
- Reduced set of alternatives
- End of year goal for approval and filing
34Growth Opportunities
- Entergy
- Associated Electric Cooperatives
- Sunflower Electric Power
- Aquilla
35Contact SPP