Title: Explicit Exclusive Set Systems with Applications
1Explicit Exclusive Set Systems with Applications
Joint work with Craig Gentry and Zulfikar Ramzan
- The Combinatorics Problem
- Our Techniques
- Applications
- Broadcast encryption
- Certificate revocation
- Group testing
3The Combinatorics Problem
- Find a family C of subsets of 1, 2, ., n such
that any large set S µ 1, 2, , n is the union
of a small number of sets in C - S S1 S2 ? St
- Parameters
- Universe is n 1, , n
- S gt n-r
- Write S as a union of t sets in C
- Goal
- Minimize C
4The Combinatorics Problem
- Find a family C of subsets of n such that any
set S µ n with S n-r is union of t sets in
C -
- S S1 S2 ? St
- Example t 1
- C all sets of size n-r
- C
- Example t n
- C all sets of size 1
- C n
- C excludes sets of size r
- C is an exclusive set system
5Another Example
- Example r 1, t 2
- Write each i 2 n as (i1, i2) 2 n1/22
1 i
excludes 1st coordinate i1
excludes 2nd coordinate i2
6Another Example (Generalized)
- r 1, t log n
- Write each i 2 n as (i1, i2 , , it) 2 n1/tt
- Sets in C are named (x, y) 2 t x n1/t
- i 2 (x,y) iff ix ? y
- C tn1/t
- If S n n i,
- S (1, i1) (2, i2) (t, it)
7Example Summary
- r arbitrary
- t 1 C
- t n C n
- t log n
- r 1 C tn1/t
How does C grow given n, r, and t?
8A Lower Bound
- At least sets of size n-r
- Only different unions
- Thus,
- Solve for C
9Example Summary
- r arbitrary
- t 1 C
- t n C n
- t log n
- r 1 C tn1/t
What happens for arbitrary n, r, and t?
10Known Results
- Bad once n and r are chosen, t and C are fixed
11Known Results
- Only known general result
- If r t, then C O(t3(nt)r/t log n) KR
- Drawbacks
- Probabilistic method
- To write S S1 S2 St , solve Set-Cover
- C has large description
- Bad for applications
- Suboptimal size
12Our Results
- Main result C poly(r,t)
- n, r, t all arbitrary
- Match lower bound up to poly(r,t)
- In applications r, t ltlt n
- When r,t ltlt n, get C O(rt )
- Our construction is explicit
- Find sets S S1 St in poly(r, t, log n)
time - Improved cryptographic applications
- The Combinatorics Problem
- Our Techniques
- Applications
- Broadcast encryption
- Certificate revocation
- Group testing
- Case analysis
- r, t ltlt n
- algebraic solution
- general r, t
- use divide-and-conquer approach
- to reduce to previous case
15Case r,t ltlt n
- Find a prime p n1/t ?
- Integers n are points in (Fp)t
- Consider the ring FpX1, , Xt
- Goal find set of polynomials C such that for any
R ½ n with R r, there exist p1, , pt 2 C
such that - R Variety(p1, , pt)
16The Polynomial Collection
- Consider the following collection
17The Polynomial Collection (Cond)
Proof choose ?j1R (X1 uj1) let
ui1, ui2, , uiR be the ith coordinates
and ui11, ui12, , ui1R be the (i1)st
coordinates choose pi1 f(Xi) Xi1
by interpolating from f(uij) ui1j
for all j
Claim If no two points in R have the same ith
coordinate for any i, then we can find
p1, , pt with Variety(p1, , pt) R
18The Polynomial Collection (Cond)
Proof choose ?j1R (X1 uj1) let
ui1, ui2, , uiR be the ith coordinates
and ui11, ui12, , ui1R be the (i1)st
coordinates choose pi1 f(Xi) Xi1
by interpolating from f(uij) uij1
for all j
Proof Induction. If x in variety, x1 u1j for
some j pi1(x) f(xi) xi1 0 so
f(xi) f(uij) ui1j xi1
Claim 2 If x 2 n n R, then x not in
Variety(p1, , pt)
Claim 1 Every point in R is in Variety(p1, ,
Proof Immediate
19The Polynomial Collection (Cond)
- C O(tpr), where p n1/t ?
- Density theorems ! C O(tnr/t)
- Only works if R has distinct coordinates
20Handling Non-distinct Coordinates
- Perform coordinate tranformations
- Each u 2 n is a degree-(t-1) polynomial pu in
Fpx - Translate polynomial representation to point
representation by evaluation - pu -gt (pu(1), pu(2), , pu(t))
- pu ? pu implies translations are distinct
- Idea choose many transformations (sets of t
points in Fp), so every R has a transformation
with distinct coordinates - Apply previous construction
21Handling Non-distinct Coordinates
Suppose R 1, , r
1 2 3 t (t1) (t2) 2t (2t1)
p1 p2 p3 pr
1 2 3 t
(t1) (t2) 2t
2 2 3 t
3 2 3 t
r 2 3 t
22Handling Non-Distinct Coordinates
- How many blocks of t points do we need to
consider? - Two distinct degree-(t-1) polynomials can agree
on at most t-1 points. - Thus, at most can have
non-distinct coordinates - So choose blocks, apply
distinct coordinate construction for each block
- Take union of constructions for all blocks
23Summary and Improvements
- O(r2 t) blocks, each O(t nr/t) sets
- O(r2 t2 nr/t) sets in total!
- Can improve to O(rt )
- Choose special points in Fp for blocks
- Mix the blocks with an expander
- Balance complexity of two types of sets
25General n, r, t
x x x x x x
- Problem! n2 term ?!?
- Fix- hash n to r2 first
- - do enough hashes so there is an
injective - hash for every R
- - apply construction above on r2
- Let m be such that r/m, t/m ltlt n
- For every interval i, j, form an exclusive set
- system with n j-i1, r r/m, t t/m
- Given a set R, find intervals which evenly
- partition R.
- The Combinatorics Problem
- Our Techniques
- Applications
- Broadcast encryption
- Certificate revocation
- Group testing
27Broadcast Encryption
- 1 server, n clients
- Server broadcasts to all clients at once
- E.g., payperview TV, music, videos
- Only privileged users can understand broadcasts
- E.g., those who pay their monthly bills
- Need to encrypt broadcasts
- Online phase - Server encrypts a session key so
only privileged users can decrypt
Offline phase - Server distributes keys
28Subset Cover Framework NNL
- Offline stage
- For some S ½ n, server creates a key K(S) and
distributes it to all users in S - Idea choose sets S from an exclusive set system
C - Server space complexity C
- ith user space complexity S containing i
29Subset Cover Framework NNL
- Online stage
- Given a set R ½ n of at most r revoked users
- Server establishes a session key M that only
users in the set n n R know - Finds S1, , St with n n R S1 St
- Encrypt M under each of K(S1), , K(St)
- For u 2 n n R, there is Si with u 2 Si
- For u 2 R, no Si with u 2 Si
- Content encrypted using session key M
30Subset Cover Framework NNL
- Online stage
- Communication complexity t
- Tolerate up to r revoked users
- Tolerate any number of colluders
- Information-theoretic security
31Our Results
- Use our explicit exclusive set system
- General n,r,t
- Contrasts with previous explicit systems
- Poly(r,t, log n) time to find keys for broadcast
- Contrasts with probabilistic constructions
- Parameters
- For poly(r, log n) server storage complexity, we
can set t r log (n/r), but previously t ?(r2
log n)
32More Reasons to Study Exclusive Sets
- Other applications
- Certificate revocation
- Group testing
- Fun mathematical problem
33Open problems
- O(rt ) versus ?(t )
- Our O(rt ) bound needs t o(log n)
- Bound for general r,t is poly(r,t)
- Improve the poly(r,t) factor
- Find more applications