Explicit Exclusive Set Systems with Applications - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Explicit Exclusive Set Systems with Applications


Explicit Exclusive Set Systems with Applications. David P. Woodruff ... Mix the blocks with an expander. Balance complexity of two types of sets. General n, r, t ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Explicit Exclusive Set Systems with Applications

Explicit Exclusive Set Systems with Applications
  • David P. Woodruff

Joint work with Craig Gentry and Zulfikar Ramzan
  • The Combinatorics Problem
  • Our Techniques
  • Applications
  • Broadcast encryption
  • Certificate revocation
  • Group testing

The Combinatorics Problem
  • Find a family C of subsets of 1, 2, ., n such
    that any large set S µ 1, 2, , n is the union
    of a small number of sets in C
  • S S1 S2 ? St
  • Parameters
  • Universe is n 1, , n
  • S gt n-r
  • Write S as a union of t sets in C
  • Goal
  • Minimize C

The Combinatorics Problem
  • Find a family C of subsets of n such that any
    set S µ n with S n-r is union of t sets in
  • S S1 S2 ? St
  • Example t 1
  • C all sets of size n-r
  • C
  • Example t n
  • C all sets of size 1
  • C n
  • C excludes sets of size r
  • C is an exclusive set system

Another Example
  • Example r 1, t 2
  • Write each i 2 n as (i1, i2) 2 n1/22

1 i
excludes 1st coordinate i1
excludes 2nd coordinate i2
  • C 2n1/2

Another Example (Generalized)
  • r 1, t log n
  • Write each i 2 n as (i1, i2 , , it) 2 n1/tt
  • Sets in C are named (x, y) 2 t x n1/t
  • i 2 (x,y) iff ix ? y
  • C tn1/t
  • If S n n i,
  • S (1, i1) (2, i2) (t, it)

Example Summary
  • r arbitrary
  • t 1 C
  • t n C n
  • t log n
  • r 1 C tn1/t

How does C grow given n, r, and t?
A Lower Bound
  • At least sets of size n-r
  • Only different unions
  • Thus,
  • Solve for C

Example Summary
  • r arbitrary
  • t 1 C
  • t n C n
  • t log n
  • r 1 C tn1/t

What happens for arbitrary n, r, and t?
Known Results
  • Bad once n and r are chosen, t and C are fixed

Known Results
  • Only known general result
  • If r t, then C O(t3(nt)r/t log n) KR
  • Drawbacks
  • Probabilistic method
  • To write S S1 S2 St , solve Set-Cover
  • C has large description
  • Bad for applications
  • Suboptimal size

Our Results
  • Main result C poly(r,t)
  • n, r, t all arbitrary
  • Match lower bound up to poly(r,t)
  • In applications r, t ltlt n
  • When r,t ltlt n, get C O(rt )
  • Our construction is explicit
  • Find sets S S1 St in poly(r, t, log n)
  • Improved cryptographic applications

  • The Combinatorics Problem
  • Our Techniques
  • Applications
  • Broadcast encryption
  • Certificate revocation
  • Group testing

  • Case analysis
  • r, t ltlt n
  • algebraic solution
  • general r, t
  • use divide-and-conquer approach
  • to reduce to previous case

Case r,t ltlt n
  • Find a prime p n1/t ?
  • Integers n are points in (Fp)t
  • Consider the ring FpX1, , Xt
  • Goal find set of polynomials C such that for any
    R ½ n with R r, there exist p1, , pt 2 C
    such that
  • R Variety(p1, , pt)

The Polynomial Collection
  • Consider the following collection

The Polynomial Collection (Cond)
Proof choose ?j1R (X1 uj1) let
ui1, ui2, , uiR be the ith coordinates
and ui11, ui12, , ui1R be the (i1)st
coordinates choose pi1 f(Xi) Xi1
by interpolating from f(uij) ui1j
for all j
Claim If no two points in R have the same ith
coordinate for any i, then we can find
p1, , pt with Variety(p1, , pt) R
The Polynomial Collection (Cond)
Proof choose ?j1R (X1 uj1) let
ui1, ui2, , uiR be the ith coordinates
and ui11, ui12, , ui1R be the (i1)st
coordinates choose pi1 f(Xi) Xi1
by interpolating from f(uij) uij1
for all j
Proof Induction. If x in variety, x1 u1j for
some j pi1(x) f(xi) xi1 0 so
f(xi) f(uij) ui1j xi1
Claim 2 If x 2 n n R, then x not in
Variety(p1, , pt)
Claim 1 Every point in R is in Variety(p1, ,
Proof Immediate
The Polynomial Collection (Cond)
  • C O(tpr), where p n1/t ?
  • Density theorems ! C O(tnr/t)
  • Only works if R has distinct coordinates

Handling Non-distinct Coordinates
  • Perform coordinate tranformations
  • Each u 2 n is a degree-(t-1) polynomial pu in
  • Translate polynomial representation to point
    representation by evaluation
  • pu -gt (pu(1), pu(2), , pu(t))
  • pu ? pu implies translations are distinct
  • Idea choose many transformations (sets of t
    points in Fp), so every R has a transformation
    with distinct coordinates
  • Apply previous construction

Handling Non-distinct Coordinates
Suppose R 1, , r
1 2 3 t (t1) (t2) 2t (2t1)
p1 p2 p3 pr
1 2 3 t
(t1) (t2) 2t
2 2 3 t
3 2 3 t

r 2 3 t
Handling Non-Distinct Coordinates
  • How many blocks of t points do we need to
  • Two distinct degree-(t-1) polynomials can agree
    on at most t-1 points.
  • Thus, at most can have
    non-distinct coordinates
  • So choose blocks, apply
    distinct coordinate construction for each block
  • Take union of constructions for all blocks

Summary and Improvements
  • O(r2 t) blocks, each O(t nr/t) sets
  • O(r2 t2 nr/t) sets in total!
  • Can improve to O(rt )

  • Choose special points in Fp for blocks
  • Mix the blocks with an expander
  • Balance complexity of two types of sets

General n, r, t
x x x x x x
  • Problem! n2 term ?!?
  • Fix- hash n to r2 first
  • - do enough hashes so there is an
  • hash for every R
  • - apply construction above on r2
  • Let m be such that r/m, t/m ltlt n
  • For every interval i, j, form an exclusive set
  • system with n j-i1, r r/m, t t/m
  • Given a set R, find intervals which evenly
  • partition R.

  • The Combinatorics Problem
  • Our Techniques
  • Applications
  • Broadcast encryption
  • Certificate revocation
  • Group testing

Broadcast Encryption
  • 1 server, n clients
  • Server broadcasts to all clients at once
  • E.g., payperview TV, music, videos
  • Only privileged users can understand broadcasts
  • E.g., those who pay their monthly bills
  • Need to encrypt broadcasts
  • Online phase - Server encrypts a session key so
    only privileged users can decrypt

Offline phase - Server distributes keys
Subset Cover Framework NNL
  • Offline stage
  • For some S ½ n, server creates a key K(S) and
    distributes it to all users in S
  • Idea choose sets S from an exclusive set system
  • Server space complexity C
  • ith user space complexity S containing i

Subset Cover Framework NNL
  • Online stage
  • Given a set R ½ n of at most r revoked users
  • Server establishes a session key M that only
    users in the set n n R know
  • Finds S1, , St with n n R S1 St
  • Encrypt M under each of K(S1), , K(St)
  • For u 2 n n R, there is Si with u 2 Si
  • For u 2 R, no Si with u 2 Si
  • Content encrypted using session key M

Subset Cover Framework NNL
  • Online stage
  • Communication complexity t
  • Tolerate up to r revoked users
  • Tolerate any number of colluders
  • Information-theoretic security

Our Results
  • Use our explicit exclusive set system
  • General n,r,t
  • Contrasts with previous explicit systems
  • Poly(r,t, log n) time to find keys for broadcast
  • Contrasts with probabilistic constructions
  • Parameters
  • For poly(r, log n) server storage complexity, we
    can set t r log (n/r), but previously t ?(r2
    log n)

More Reasons to Study Exclusive Sets
  • Other applications
  • Certificate revocation
  • Group testing
  • Fun mathematical problem

Open problems
  • O(rt ) versus ?(t )
  • Our O(rt ) bound needs t o(log n)
  • Bound for general r,t is poly(r,t)
  • Improve the poly(r,t) factor
  • Find more applications
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