Title: Word Processing Lesson 1
1Word Processing Lesson 1
2Introduction to Microsoft Office 2000 (p. INT
- Different versions Office 97, Office 2000,
Office XP - Different editions available we use Professional
edition (see p. INT 1.61 and http//www.microsoft
.com/office/howtobuy/choosing.htm) - Can buy at many stores, or for online sites that
sell to students, see Mr. Holt's Web page under
IST 117 Class Information. - Is an integrated application suite (see next
slide) - Incorporates several productivity programs (see
slide 4)
3What is an integrated application suite?
- Menu consistency among applications
- Applications are designed to work together
- Easy to share data from other applications in the
suite - Competitors- Microsoft Works, Corel WordPerfect
Office, Lotus SmartSuite
4 Office incorporates several productivity
- Word Processing - Word (competitor WordPerfect)
(see next slide) - Spreadsheet - Excel (competitor QuattroPro,
Lotus 1-2-3) (see slide 6) - Database - Access (competitor dBase, Paradox)
(see slide 7) - Presentation - PowerPoint (competitor Harvard
Graphics) - Other tools - Publisher, FrontPage, PhotoDraw,
Outlook (not all of these are in some editions)
5Word Processing- Word (p. INT 1.63)
- Generates many kinds of text documents
- Why has WP replaced typewriter?
- Makes revision easy - electronic editing with
WYSIWYG - Incorporates special features (as spell checking,
clip art, numerous formats) - Professional appearance
- Allows personalized form letters
6Spreadsheet- Excel (p. INT 1.65)
- Electronic calculation tool
- Row and column format
- Can make charts (graphs) from the data
7Database- Access (p. INT 1.66)
- Electronic storage and management of information
- User designs and enters data database program
manages it - Easy to search for specific data and generate
8Features in each program in Office
- Clip art Gallery
- Web addresses are automatically hyperlinked when
you type them - Wizards (helpers), Templates (pre-formatted
documents) - Office shortcut bar on desktop (not in Lab)
- Help system and the Office Assistant (paperclip)
(p. INT 1.74)
9Starting Word 2000
- Three ways to start Word (only one is used in
textbook, p. WD 1.8) - The parts of the Word window (p. WD 1.9)
- Default settings and how to change
- Display the Standard Toolbar, Formatting Toolbar,
and Ruler (change with View menu) - Status bar pages, line no., col. no., OVR
10Menu bar and Toolbar
- Personalized menus and toolbars Word learns
your preferences and shows only the most
frequently used commands - Pause pointer on menu to expand the menu list (or
click the double arrow) - Click more buttons" button to see complete set
of toolbar buttons - Two toolbars on one line (p. WD 1.13) vs. on two
lines (our preference) - Use Tools, Customize to change settings
11More about the Word screen
- Zoom box - want 100 or Page Width option (p.
1.15) - What are nonprinting characters? How to show
them? (p. 1.20) - Normal view and Print Layout view buttons
- Insertion point (cursor) vs. I-beam (mouse
pointer) - Scrolling and cursor movement p. 1.25, 1.26
12Steps to create a new document
- Plan what you need to write and how it should
look - Enter (key in), and save your work every 5 or 10
minutes - Edit (correct errors and revise your writing)
- Format (apply appearance features)
- Print the hardcopy
13Keying in text
- Word wrap feature (p. WD 1.21)
- When to press Enter?
- Press spacebar once after comma, semi-colon, or
abbreviation. - Press spacebar twice after end of sentence. (One
space is acceptable.) (p. 1.22) - "Double space" means to leave 1 blank line
between lines - Tap Enter 2 times to make 1 blank line 3 times
for 2 blank lines
14Saving your work (p. WD 1.27)
- Be sure to choose 3.5" Floppy A in the Save in
box - Type a descriptive name in the File name box
- Use Windows 98 file naming rules (p. WD 1.26)
- Save every 5 or 10 minutes
- Save - saves current screen as a file with the
same name as shown on Title bar - Save As - allows you to save current screen as a
file with a new name or in a new location (p. WD
15More about "Save"
- Your work is in memory only, until you save it
- When save first time, must give it a filename (or
else it is Document 1) - Example of Filename To do list week24.doc
- Filenames can be up to 255 characters, plus
extension (period followed by up to 3 letters) - Open retrieves (brings to RAM) a previously
saved file - From Start-- Open Office Document (p. 1.52)
- From within Word-- toolbar icon, or File menu,
16Where do you save?
- Floppy Disk - Drive ____
- Hard Disk - Drive ____
- CD-ROM - Drive B, D, and/or E (depends on
computer) - Network - Drive F, S, T, etc. (depends on
network) - To open textbook files in our Lab
Common_on_PC01(T) - This Drive "T" is read-only, so you cannot save
17Editing and correcting errors
- Insertion point vs. mouse pointer
- Why SELECT (highlight) previously typed text?
- Many ways of selecting text (p. 1.29 1.41)
- If something is highlighted and you type, the
highlighted words are ______ - Undo editing/formatting (p. 1.36)
- Redo to retract an undo
- Insert vs. Overwrite (p. 1.54)
- Backspace vs. Delete (p. 1.54)
18Checking Spelling and Grammar (p. WD 1.22)
- Right click on flagged words or click ABC button
- Checker compares to its dictionary
- Caution! Correctly spelled words may be flagged
- Caution! Incorrectly spelled words may not be
flagged (example there vs. their) - Caution! Grammar checker must be used as an
advisory only, not a final authority
19Formatting a document
- See sample document (handout)
- Fonts Times New Roman and Arial are most used
- Font sizes in points (see p. WD 1.17)
- Font styles bold, italics, underline
- Alignment center, left, right (p. 1.33)
- Bulleted lists or numbered lists (p. 3.20)
- When must you highlight and when just have cursor
anywhere in paragraph?
20Clip Art (p. WD 1.43)
- Position your insertion point
- Good to have a blank line both before and after
the location of the graphic - Choose graphic and insert it
- Resize the graphic
- Wrap text around the graphic
- How to delete a clip art object?
21Printing a hard copy (p. WD 1.50)
- Always save before printing
- Always do Print Preview before printing
- For first time to print, use Print menu command
to see print settings dialog box - Print button on toolbar does not allow for seeing
print settings
22Print settings
- Choice of printer
- Choice of Print range (all or selected page)
- Choice of Number of copies
- Choice of one-sided or two-sided (click
23Ending the session
- Save document files otherwise work will be lost
- The latest version is what is saved, replacing
older versions of the same name - First close document(s) each document has a
button on task bar - Then close Word if you have no more WP jobs
- Close Word before shutting down computer
- Remove your floppy disk before shutting down
computer, but after you close Word
24Learn By CD
- Use it anytime you want help or to review
- Learn by listening, reading, observing, etc.
- Works best with Internet Explorer
- Requires ShockWave plug-in
- Place in CD-ROM drive if it doesnt auto start,
double click My Computer icon, then CD-ROM