Title: Originally delivered by:
1 The Business Leadership Network
- Originally delivered by
- Katherine McCary
- SunTrust Bank Business Leadership Networks
- Cathy Healy
- US Chamber of Commerce
- 2004
2 Topics
- History of the BLN
- The BLN today
- How the BLN can assist the the Public Sector
- Private/Public Partnerships
- Q and A
3History of the BLN
- How many of you have even heard of the Business
Leadership Network? - Have you been involved in any chapters?
- There are 51 BLNs today in 37 states and the
organization has undergone many changes since its
beginning in 1994 - Part of a presidential task force, then PCEPD
- PCEPD sunsets to DOL ODEP 2000
- 2002-ODEP releases BLN program (not policy)
4The BLN Today
- National conferences-2002 in DC at US Chamber
decision to form national organization consistent
with employer focus - Consensus that no employer wanted to be a part of
DOL-the Presidents Committee was different
5The BLN Today
- We had babies with no mother
- 2003 USBLN, Inc trademarks for name, domain,
logo, etc. - Established regions and regional leads
- Bylaws
- 501c3
- National awards
- Website under KYBLN
- US Chamber Serves on Executive Committee
- Message to take away Look for more consistent,
comprehensive and effective chapters!
6The BLN Today
- The US Business Leadership Network Vision
- Every employer recognizes and benefits from the
best practice of including people with
disabilities in their workforce and marketplace.
7The BLN Today
- The US Business Leadership Network Mission
- The US Business Leadership Network (USBLN) is the
national organization that supports development
and expansion of BLNs across the country, serving
as their collective voice. The USBLN recognizes
and promotes best practices in hiring, retaining,
and marketing to people with disabilities.
8The BLN Today
- How the BLN differs from other employer
advisory groups - Business to business viewpoint respected
- Safe harbor
- Practical insight
- We are not educating VR, we are educating
employers directly - Website provides employer focus in employer
language - Chapters adhere to guidelines that promote
success - National and Chapter Activities include regional
meetings, annual conferences, sponsoring National
Disability Mentoring Day, Employer Recognition
9How the BLN can assist the Public Sector- 4 ways
- Employer Awareness The Business Case
- Employer Education and Training
- Employer to Employer
- Employer Resources
10How the BLN can assist the Public Sector- 4 ways
- Employer Awareness The Business Case
- BLN Chapters tell the business case for including
people with disabilities in their workforce as
well as marketplace. By 2010 the US is facing a
10 million worker shortage the marketing
potential for business is growing people with
disabilities have 1 trillion in annual aggregate
income, 220 billion in discretionary spending -
11How the BLN can assist the Public Sector- 4 ways
- Employer Education and Training
- The BLNs focus is employer education. The more
training BLN chapters provide to their members,
the more people with disabilities will be viewed
as valuable applicants and employees -
12How the BLN can assist the Public Sector- 4 ways
- Employer to Employer
- Risk free/no advocate agenda environment for
fostering trust and strong relationships. The BLN
works because employers have no hidden agenda,
sharing their experience because of strong
beliefs and experiences they have little to gain
by educating others (including their competitors)
13How the BLN can assist the Public Sector- 4 ways
- Employer Resources
- The BLN can assist the blind and vision impaired
community by providing easy access to resources
available to employers. For example, few
employers know about the Job Accommodation
Network-yet if the BLN includes JAN in their
resource portfolio, more knowledge occurs. Work
incentives for SSDI and SSI recipients is another
example of how employers in the BLN can assist
other employers in navigating through complicated
government lingo.
14Private-Public Partnerships
15Background Steps
- In May 2003, a private/public partnership Summit
was held. - The purpose of the event was to bring business
together with state vocational rehabilitation to
dialogue on how to implement and refine
partnerships that meet business needs and result
in jobs and careers for job seekers with
disabilities. - The Summit included 21 employers and VR
Leadership from 8 southeastern states (FL, GA,
TN, AL, MS, KY, NC and SC). The employers
recruited to attend were known to have had
experience with VR and disability employment
16- VCU RRTC Business Roundtable sponsored the Summit
in conjunction with the biannual Region IV
Employment Partners Training Conference
17Ten Features of the Private/Public Partnership
18STEP 1 Form a Marketing Team
- It Starts at the TOP--Sanctioned by VR Leadership
and advised by business - Select Team members based n interest and
experience in employer/VR relationships. VR who
has experience in marketing and employer
recruitment - Build common knowledge and language
- Examine critical and typical employer needs
19Step 2 Study Employer Practices
- Conduct initial and on-going study of employer
practices and employer market - Examine broad and individual industry hiring
practices - Examine Employer perceptions
- Find out Employer experiences
20Step 3Develop a Strategic Plan
- Develop purpose or mission
- Set timeframe for accomplishing
- Determine expected outcomes (,type of employers
targeted) - Identify 3-5 goals to accomplish outcomes
- Identify strategy, tasks, lead person, timeframe
for each goal - Set key milestones to keep focused
21Step 4 Customize Marketing Materials
- Use employer advisors
- Conduct focus groups
- Incorporate Feedback
- Partner with the BLN
- Look for multiple ways to meet employer needs,
not just referrals
22Step 5 Maintain Employer Database
- Marketing mailings
- Targeted invitations to forums and events
- Accurate, avoid duplication
- Expand to specific employers in intra and inter
state locations.
23Step 6. Dedicate Personnel
- Dedicated to develop and manage employer
relationships - Grounded in HR management practices
- Knowledgeable in workforce diversity
- Skilled in addressing accommodation needs
- Business exposure
24Step 7. Customize Skill Training
- Train management and counselors
- What employers want from VR
- Basic Marketing Concepts
- Basic Relationship Building
25Step 8. Develop Practical Guide for VR
- Effective Ways to represent VR to employers
- How to find out who has hiring authority in the
organization - How to find out what particular employers
specific needs are - Business Protocol for soliciting and interacting
with company representatives
26Step 8. Develop Practical Guide for Employer
- What is VR and how it can help employers meeting
business objectives - Listing of VR Services available
- Resources listing for disability information
(websites, contact persons, etc.)
27Step 9. Develop a Resource Website
- Almost every business uses the web
- Easy to access
- Easy to update
- Opportunity to solicit feedback
- Marketing vehicle for touting employer success
28Step 10. Sustain Dialogue
- Regular facilitated sessions between employers
and VR are important. - Explore the value derived from the partnership
- Discuss how VR can make its services more
convenient - Uncover needs outside the range of job openings
- Learn what incentives could attract more
29Private-Public Partnerships
30Why do you value private-public partnerships?
- Mutual benefits derived from them
- Opportunity to hire talent
- More choices in hiring
- Knowledge and leveraging additional resources
31How can VR management make its services more
appealing/convenient to employers?
- Organize a single point of contact-one
person/mechanism through which to establish
relationship - Attend and participate in employer organizations
- Take time to understand business needs (not
charity) - Educate business on accommodation and disability
- Advertise success stories-show good examples of
how it works (BLN) - Careful prescreening to match candidates to
business - Use business to business marketing and business
32What are human resource needs beyond referral of
individual job candidates that VR could provide?
- Service after the sale-job retention services
- Joint training ventures to upgrade candidates
skills - On demand training and consultation on disability
and accommodation issues
33What incentives would attract more employers to
enter into partnerships with VR?
- Single point of contact
- Marketing that links partnerships to bottom line
and diversity issues - Positive public exposure for the company hiring
people with disabilities
- Simplified contact process
- Tax credits and incentives if simple and easy to
access - Any activity that shows concern for the bottom
34What would you be willing to contribute to the
- Time to meet with VR representatives
- Share experiences with other businesses
- Co-host training
- Welcome VR to meetings of business organizations
35Manpower, Inc.
- We often match the person to a situation, not
merely to a job. If you can show me how this will
benefit my company, Ill consider any candidate.
- Explain how this will benefit my business.
Identify the companys needs and offer what you
can do to help. This is more effective than
trying to sell your program.
37Marriott International
- Business wants to see examples and references
from other employers on how it has worked in
other organizations.
38CVS Pharmacy HR Manager
- A VR Representative worked directly with our
store managers to find out what positions we
recruit for and what new workers need to know.
Then they found us the right people.
39SunTrust Bank
- VR needs to go where the employers are-SHRM
chapters, Chamber of Commerce, Diversity
40Home Depot
- Our employees need specific skills. We worked
with VR to organize a training program in our
41CVS Pharmacy
- Look to help our bottom line. Can you focus on
our sales and expenses-will you help us increase
the former and reduce the latter?
42SunTrust Bank
- We need to know where to go for on-demand help
when we have a question about a disability or
need to make some sort of reasonable accommodation
43UNUM Provident
- To really sell VR services to employers, VR first
has to figure out what employers need. Focus on
what VR ca provide as solutions to companies
44Blue Cross Blue Shield
- Ill meet with anyone who has a reasonable
message about how they can help me.