How Does Christmas and Science Relate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How Does Christmas and Science Relate


The Wise Men claimed to Herod that the star they followed was visible for 2 years. ... D. The Zend Avesta prophesied that Messiah's Star would be in Virgo. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: How Does Christmas and Science Relate

How Does Christmas and Science Relate?
What was the star that the wise-men followed?
  • Possible Star
  • In December, 1603, Kepler watched a conjunction
    of Jupiter and Saturn that took place in
    Sagittarius in the morning sky. (Note this was a
    single conjunction.) The conjunction was
    astrologically important because it took place in
    a constellation that was one of the points of the
    Fiery Trigon, and was to be followed the next
    autumn by a triangular grouping of Mars, Jupiter,
    and Saturn -- a fiery triangle in the Fiery
    Trigon. As an omen this was surpassed only by a
    comet, and many astrologers in 1603 predicted
    that a comet would be produced by the planets'
    close proximity late in 1604.
  • http//

Could it be?
  • (1). Note that the word 'star' had a wide variety
    of applications. The various possibilities are
    discussed and eliminated.
  • (2). Meteors and meteor showers such as the
    Leonids though impressive last a maximum of a few
  • (3). A nova or unstable star is longer lasting.
    The only nova recorded at the time was a faint
    one in 4 BC. They rarely last 2 years.
  • (4). By contrast, a supernova has been seen in
    broad daylight and can last several years. The
    Wise Men claimed to Herod that the star they
    followed was visible for 2 years.
  • A. Supernovae and fixed stars can be used for
    North-South guidance.
  • B. Certain stars pass directly overhead at given
    locations every day.
  • C. For this form of guidance the star must pass
    overhead in Judea.
  • D. The Zend Avesta prophesied that Messiah's Star
    would be in Virgo.
  • E. Virgo does not pass overhead in Judea.
  • F . Only two supernovae recorded near the
    Nativity 134 BC and 173 AD.
  • CONCLUSION The Christmas Star was not a
    meteor-shower, a nova or supernova. NOTE The
    account requires the star to appear in the
    eastern sky, move across the starry background.
    and go before the Wise Men to Judea. Only comets,
    planets or groupings of planets behave this way.

But wait, theres more!
  • (1). COMETS
  • A. They travel through the background stars at
    the rate of I or 2 degrees per day.
  • B. They may be visible to the naked eye for 100
    days or so.
  • C. A journey to Judea would take the Wise Men
    about 6 weeks. Comets are thus visible long
    enough for the journey. But...
  • D. No comets were recorded in 3/2 BC. Certainly
    none lasted 2 years.

Theres more!
  • A. The motion of planets against the background
    stars is discussed. When two or more planets or a
    planet and star appear to stand close to each
    other in the sky, it is called a conjunction.
  • B. The triple conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn
    in Pisces in 7 BC is detailed. The planets were
    about 2 times the diameter of the Moon apart.
    This is an average apparent separation for such
  • C. In February of 6 BC Jupiter, Saturn and Mars
    stood together in a rather loose triangle in the
    western sky. The Sippar Institute of Astrology in
    Babylonia recorded these and the following
  • D. On the 1st August 3 BC Jupiter rose helically
    in the rays of the dawn. This is the precise
    phrase used in Matthew "En te anatole". The Greek
    singular form "anatole" has retained the special
    astronomical significance of a star appearing in
    the rays of the rising sun. By contrast
    "anatolai" means "east". On August 13 at 5 am
    Jupiter and Venus stood a quarter of a degree
    apart in the sunrise glare. That is less than
    half diameter of Moon.
  • E. On 18th August 3 BC Mercury came out of the
    solar glare. On September 1st, with sun in Virgo,
    Mercury and Venus stood 1/3rd degree apart in
  • F. On 14th September 3 BC, Jupiter stood in
    conjunction with Regulus This was repeated on
    17th February and 8th May in 2 BC.
  • G. On June 17th, 2 BC Jupiter and Venus
    'collided' - - they stood 1/50th of a degree
    apart. The two brightest planets in the sky
    appeared to fuse into one immense blaze of light
    - - an unprecedented happening.
  • H. On 27th August 2 BC a grand conjunction of
    planets occurred. Jupiter and Mars were 1/7th
    degree apart with Mercury and Venus together just
    I degree away -- in the rays of the sunrise in
  • I. Jupiter then moved westwards. By mid-November
    it had passed the zenith and was shining in the
    western sky-and still moving west. At this point
    the Wise Men set out.
  • J. Six weeks later, from Jerusalem, the Wise Men
    saw Jupiter due south on the meridian above
    Bethlehem. At that time Jupiter had reached its
    furthest point west, came to a halt and stood
    still against the background stars in the sky 65
    degrees above Bethlehem. It was December 25th.
  • CONCLUSION This extremely unusual set of events
    in 3 and 2 BC was probably the Christmas Star.
    Everything seems to fit the Biblical account.
  • http//

What Sex is Santas reindeer?
  • Father Christmas's reindeer are all female and
    always have been.
  • Males reindeer shed their antlers at the
    beginning of winter, while females retain their
    antlers until spring.
  • http//

Reindeer continued
  • both male and female reindeer grow antlers in the
  • But the males shed them at the beginning of
    winter, usually in late November or early
    December, while the females retain their antlers
    until after they give birth in the spring.

Could Santa actually deliver presents to everyone
in one night?
  • Santa would require 214,200 reindeer and, with
    the huge mass of presents would encounter
    'enormous air resistance, heating the reindeer up
    in the same fashion as a spacecraft re-entering
    the Earth's atmosphere.' In short, it continued,
    'They will burst into flames almost
    instantaneously, creating deafening sonic booms
    in their wake. The entire reindeer team will be
    vaporized within 4.26 thousandths of a second.
    Santa meanwhile, will be subjected to forces
    17,500.06 times greater than gravityIn
    conclusion - if Santa ever did deliver presents
    on Christmas Eve, he's dead now.'
  • One can calculate that Santa has little over two
    ten-thousandths of a second to get between each
    of the 842 million households. To cover the total
    distance of 356 million km (221 million miles) in
    this time means that his sleigh is moving at an
    average of 2,060 km (1,279 miles) per second.
    Ignoring quibbles about air temperature and
    humidity, the speed of sound is something like
    1,200 km (750 miles) per hour, or 0.3 km (0.2
    miles) per second, so Santa is achieving speeds
    of around 6,395 times the speed of sound, or Mach
  • http//

How Do Lights Deal With Christmas?
  • It may be hard to believe, but electric Christmas
    lights have been in use since the late 1800s.
    Martin Luther is credited with the idea of
    putting lights on a tree. As he walked home one
    evening, he was taken with the beauty of the
    stars seen through the evergreens and he decided
    to replicate the sight by placing lighted candles
    on his evergreen Christmas tree.
  • Three years after Thomas Edison invented the
    electric light bulb in 1879, his associate,
    Edward Johnson, put electric lights on a tree.
    Then, in 1895, President Grover Cleveland set up
    a lighted Christmas tree in the White House and
    the general public began to notice. So began the
  • http//
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