Title: Apathetic Listeners
1Apathetic Listeners
- Apathy is my closest advocate I dream in dull
shades of black, white and gray.
- Yiming
2Creating and Delivering a Quality Product
- Nancy Marenick
- The Writing Centre
- 867-5221
3PowerPoint Presentations
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?v8BP2HlNmRJ4
4Group Work
The way a team plays as a whole determines its
success. You may have the greatest bunch of
individual stars in the world, but if they don't
play together, the club won't be worth a dime.
Babe Ruth
5Developing the Content
6Delivering the Message
- Practice, Practice, Practice.
- Did I mention practice?
7Group Work - Tips
8Paper vs. Presentation
- Tell what you are going to talk about
- Tell Them
- Tell them what you talked about
9Developing a Thesis Statement
_______ BECAUSE 1)__________
Defend your statement
10(No Transcript)
11Cultural balance
Social balance
Work balance
12(No Transcript)
- General to specific
- Clear, concise points
- Thesis statement
- Why should the reader care?
14Essential Components
15(No Transcript)
16Powerful Presentations
- Use simple, descriptive words.
- Use cue cards with major points written in large
letters script.
- There are many ways to describe the glass ceiling
effect. They include .. - The glass ceiling is described as ..
- Sociologists describe the glass ceiling as..
17Supporting Your Arguments
- Paraphrase carefully
- Always cite paraphrases
- What have you learned?
- Relevance to today?
- Implications of research?
- Project
- Even the grandest project depends on the success
of the smallest components -
- (New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, 2002)
20YOU Are The Solution
21Presentation Skills
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vUGZyG0Jchjofeature
related - http//www.youtube.com/watch?v2vS6sjc1lQ0feature
related - http//www.youtube.com/watch?vHOSADvJnrG8feature
22APA Author - Date
- One recent study showed another link between the
glass ceiling effect and race, which ..
(Calliste, 2004). -
- Calliste (2004) showed another link between the
glass ceiling effect and race, which
23Two Authors
- Calliste and Smith (2006) discussed ....
- The ethical implications are (Calliste
Smith, 2006).
243,4,or 5 Authors First Citation
- Calliste, Jones, and Smith (2002) suggested
that... - They suggested that .. (Calliste, Jones,
Smith, 2002).
25Subsequent Citations 3,4, or 5 authors
- The research showed that.(Calliste et al.,
2002). - Calliste et al. (2002) showed that.
26Six or More Authors
- Calliste et al. (2002) clarified the
- results by..
- They clarified their results by.
- (Calliste et al., 2002).
27Secondary Sources
- Calliste (as cited in Smith, 2002) described
.. -
- The researcher described the.. (Calliste, as
cited in Smith, 2002).
28(No Transcript)
29Reference Article with no DOI Assigned
- Sillick, T. J., Schutte, N. S. (2006).
Emotional intelligence and self-esteem mediate
between perceived early parental love and adult
happiness. - E-Journal of Applied Psychology, 2(2), 3848.
Retrieved from http//ojs.lib.swin.
edu.au/index.php/ejap/article/view/ 7/1/100
30Reference Article with DOI Assigned
- Stultz, J. (2006). Integrating exposure therapy
and analytic therapy in trauma treatment.
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 76(4),
482488. doi10.1037/0002-9432.76.4.482
31Proofread Your Work
- Answered questions?
- Ideas are logical, consistent, clear, and
concise? - Good transitions
- Paraphrases properly cited?
- Grammar
- Punctuation
32The Writing Centre
- Call for an appointment.
- Come and see us at any stage in your work.