Title: Social Studies SOL Review
1Social Studies SOL Review
- Shirley Wilborne
- Resource for Review Questions from United
Streaming Video Lesson - Resource for Study Guide Pages Teacher's Resource
Guide DOE
2 A Distance Scale helps to measure how far it is
from one place to another on a map.
- 1. What are maps?
- Maps are diagrams or plans, usually of the
earth's surface - or some part of it.
- 2. Are maps only of large areas, such as a
continent or - country?
- No. Maps can show small areas, too. You can make
a map - of a room, for example.
- 3. What are the advantages of globes over flat
maps. - Globes are round, just as the earth is round.
Because they - are round, globes are the most accurate models of
the - earth. They show the continents and oceans in
their - proper locations. They also show shapes and
relatiue sizes - accurately.
4- 4. What is a major disadvantage of globes?
- Globes cannot show much detail, especially for
small - areas of the earth's surface.
- 5. What are some of the advantages of flat maps?
- Flat maps can show more detail and useful
information - for small areas of the earth's surface. They can
also be - folded and stored easily.
- 6. What are some disadvantages of flat maps?
- In order to make a flat map of the earth's round
surface, itis necessary to distort sizes, shapes,
and distances. - 7. What is a symbol?
- A symbol is something that stands for, or
represents, - something else.
5- 8. How do maps use symbols to convey information?
- The symbols for rain, snow and sun on a weather
map and the use of color symbols in political,
population, and physical maps. - 9. Where are the directions "north" and "south"?
- North is always towards the North Pole, and
south is towards the South Pole. - 10. What are the four cardinal directions?
- North, south, east, and west.
- 11. How are the cardinal directions usually shown
on a map? - With a compass rose.
- 12. How can you use a compass to determine
direction? - A compass has a needle that acts like a magnet
and always points roughly towards the North Pole.
Once you know where north is and face in that
direction, south is directly behind you, west is
to your left and east is to your right.
6- 13. Why is it important to know distances on a
map? - Different maps can be the same size but show
areas that - are much different in terms of size. For example,
a map of - Pennsylvania may be as big as a map of the United
States. - 14. How do maps show distance?
- With a bar scale.
- 15. How can you use a bar scale to determine the
actual distance between two places shown on a
map? - You can place the edge of a piece of paper on
the map and mark the distance between the two
points. Then you place the paper next to the maps
scale and read the distance between the two
716. What is one way of locating places in the
world?With longitude and latitude.17. What
are parallels? Parallels are lines of latitude
that run east and west around the world.18.
What are meridians?Meridians are lines of
longitude that run north and south between the
North and South Poles.19. What is the equator?
The equator is a parallel that divides the
world into halves. It is halfway between the
North Pole and the SouthPole.
820. What is the Prime Meridian?The Prime
Meridian is a meridian that divides the world
into halves. The Prime Meridian is also referred
to as the Greenwich Meridian. 21. What are
hemispheres?Hemispheres are half spheres. The
earth can be divided into hemispheres in
different ways. The equator divides the earth
into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. A
meridian divides the earth into the Eastern and
Western Hemispheres.
9Kindergarten Review
10Kindergarten SOLs Booker T. Washington was born
a slave in Virginia and later started a college
called the Tuskegee Institute. Betsy Ross was
believed to have sewn one of the first flags for
our country. George Washington was the first
president of the United States and is called the
Father of our Country. Harriet Tubman helped
other slaves to get to freedom by the Underground
Railroad. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President
of the United States and helped to free slaves.
Columbus Day is the day we remember that
Columbus discovered America. The Pilgrims shared
their first harvest with the Indians at a
Thanksgiving feast. The United States of America
celebrates its birthday on July 4 or Independence
Day. Lincoln's and Washington's birthdays are
celebrated on President's Day in February.
Lee/Jackson/King Day is a holiday in January to
remember two generals and a Civil Rights' Leader.
11Kindergarten SOLs The cardinal directions on a
map are North, South, East, and West. A Map is a
drawing that shows what a place looks like from
above. A Globe is a round model of the Earth.
The Map Key or Map legend shows a list of the
symbols used on the map. Long ago soldiers and
sheriffs did the job that police officers do
today. Food, clothing, and shelter are Basic
Needs. Things that people would like to have are
Wants. Goods are things that people make or
grow. Coins and paper bills are kinds of money
called currency. People save money for the
future by putting it in a bank.
12Kindergarten SOLs Honesty means telling the
truth. Abraham Lincoln was an honest man.
Harriet Tubman showed courage when she put
herself in danger to help other slaves get to
freedom. George Washington served his country by
being the first president. He showed patriotism.
The United States flag has 50 stars and 13
stripes. It is red, white, and blue. The bald
eagle is the national bird. The Washington
Monument which is in Washington D.C. was built to
honor George Washington. The state bird of
Virginia is the cardinal, and the state flower is
the dogwood. The pledge to the United States
flag is the Pledge of Allegiance. The Star
Spangled Banner is our national song.
13First Grade Review
14First Grade SOLs The place where people live,
work, and play is called a community. A group of
people who care for one another is called family.
Change is something that happens to make people
and things different. A biography is the story
of a person's life. When we honor another
person, we show that person respect. Benjamin
Franklin was a wise leader in developing the
beginning of the American government. He also
proved that electricity was present in lightning
with his kite experiment. George Washington
Carver was a famous black scientist. He
discovered many uses for peanuts, sweet potatoes,
and soybeans. The Pilgrims celebrated their
first harvest by sharing with the American
Indians who helped them survive their first
winter in the New World. We celebrate
Thanksgiving in November. America's birthday is
celebrated on Independence Day or the Fourth of
July. Flag Day celebrates the Stars and Stripes
as America's first flag in June. Americans who
served in the Armed forces are honored on
Veterans Day. Americans who died in wars are
honored on Memorial Day.
15First Grade SOLs A time line shows the order of
events over a period of time. Be able to locate
Roanoke on a Virginia map. Be able to locate
Richmond on a Virginia map. Be able to locate
Virginia on a United States map. Name and locate
the 7 continents on a globe or world map. Name
and locate the 4 oceans on a globe or world map.
A Distance Scale helps to measure how far it is
from one place to another on a map. A symbol
stands for something real on a map or graph. The
seasons of the year are spring, summer, winter
and fall. Climate deals with weather and
seasons. Plains, hills and mountains are land
features. Rivers, lakes and oceans are water
16First Grade SOLs When people work to produce
goods and services, they are called human
resources. Resources (water, soil, wood,
minerals, air) that come from nature are called
Natural Resources. Goods made by people and used
to produce other goods and services are called
Capital Resources. Examples of these are trucks,
computers, lawn mowers and hammers. Services are
activities that satisfy people's wants. People
who use goods and services are called Consumers.
People who use resources to make goods and
provide services are called Producers. People
are both consumers and producers. Interdependence
is when people need one another. Resources are
limited or scarce. When resources are used up or
consumed, they cannot be used to produce other
goods or services. Money is a medium of exchange
or trade. People save their money when they put
it away to spend later.
17First Grade SOLs A Direct Democracy is when
people vote to make their own rules. A
Representative Democracy is when people elect a
smaller group to make rules for everyone. A
schools student government is a representative
democracy. Boards of Supervisors in the county
and City Council in the city make laws for our
local community. The General Assembly makes laws
for the state of Virginia. Congress makes laws
for the United States of America. A tradition is
a custom or belief that happens over a long
period of time. The State Fair is a tradition in
the state of Virginia. The president of the
United States is __________________.
18Second Grade
19Second Grade SOLs The writing of Ancient Egypt
was called Hieroglyphics. Pharaohs handed the
laws down. The Egyptian calendar was based on the
sun. Egyptians built huge monuments called
Pyramids. Ancient China wrote with characters
and symbols. Laws were handed down by wise men
within the families. The Chinese calendar was
based on the moon. A famous Chinese monument is
the Great Wall. Rural areas have agriculture or
farming and few people. There is lots of land and
the people live far apart. People drive to the
stores. Urban areas have lots of people who live
close together. They live in apartments and
houses. People walk to stores. Suburban areas
have houses grouped together, but they drive into
the city.
20Second Grade SOLsThe Powhatan Indians lived in
the Eastern Woodland Region. They lived in
Longhouses and were hunters. They traveled by
walking or canoe. The Sioux Indians lived on the
Plains. They lived in Teepees or Lodges, and they
hunted, farmed, kept horses, and were warriors.
They traveled by walking or on horses. The
Pueblo Indians lived in the Southwest in
multi-story terraced buildings. They traveled by
walking. The United States has 50 states. Locate
Washington D.C. Locate and name the states
surrounding Virginia. (North Carolina, Maryland,
West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee. Locate the
Great Lakes, the Ohio River, the Mississippi
River, the Potomac River, the Rocky Mountains,
and the Appalachian Mountains on a United States
Map. The Compass Rose tells the directions on a
21Second Grade SOLs Demand is what people are
willing and able to buy. Economic Choice happens
when people choose or decide among several
things. Barter is when people exchange goods and
services without using money. Checks give
written permission telling a bank to pay money as
instructed. When people buy a good or service
and pay for it later, they purchase on credit. A
Savings Account is when money is deposited in a
bank and the money earns interest. Interest is
the money paid by banks on savings accounts.
People make investments by buying stock, bonds,
and real estate in hope that their value will
rise. Value is the worth of something.
Citizenship has duties, rights, and privileges.
(vote, obey laws, freedom)
22Second Grade SOLs Abraham Lincoln as president
of the United States helped to free slaves.
Susan B. Anthony worked so that women would have
the right to vote. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a
famous African-American who worked for the same
rights for all people. He led peaceful marches
and gave speeches. Laws are rules that people
live by. In the local government, the City
Council or Board of Supervisors make the laws.
The police see that the laws are carried out and
the courts determine if laws are broken. The
State Legislature makes the laws for the state.
State Police carry out the laws. State Courts
determine if the laws are broken. In the
national government, Congress makes the laws. The
FBI carries out the law, and Federal Courts
determine if the law has been broken.
23Third Grade
24Third Grade SOLs A civilization is a group of
people who come together to share their culture,
to develop and use written language, to make
advances in the arts and sciences, and form a
government. Greece is located next to the
Mediterranean Sea. It was the birthplace for
democracy. The people of Greece grew olives and
grapes. They had small farms where they terraced
the hillsides and irrigated. The Parthenon was a
famous building in Greece. The Greeks had many
gods and goddesses. They began the Olympics. Only
men could vote. Women took care of the home.
Democracy means a government by the people.
25Third Grade SOLs Rome was located next to the
Mediterranean Sea, also. Rome had a Republican
form of government where the people chose
representatives to make laws for them. Romans
raised olives and grapes and farmed small farms
with terraced hillsides and irrigation systems.
The Coliseum and Aqueducts were famous
architecture in Rome. Romans made music on the
lyre, and they had beautiful mosaics, pottery,
and sculpture. They believed in many gods and
goddesses. Only men were citizens, only men were
allowed to vote.
26Columbus explored for Spain. He wanted to find a
water route to Asia. He was the first European to
discover the New World. His ships were small, and
his men endured disease and bad weather. Ponce
de Leon explored for Spain. He wanted to find
riches and conquer lands. He landed at St.
Augustine, Florida. His men did not have good
maps, and the weather was bad. The Indians were
not friendly. Indentured Servants were people
who agreed to work for seven years without pay in
exchange for passage to America. A slave is a
person who is owned by another person and can be
sold at the owner's will. King James I sponsored
the Jamestown settlement. John Smith was the
leader of the Jamestown settlement. Jamestown
was the first permanent English settlement in
America. Reasons people came to America to make
a better life for themselves to make money
freedom of religionJohn Rolfe discovered a
better tasting tobacco which became the cash crop
of the colony. People use tobacco as money.
Slaves and indentured servants were needed to
harvest the tobacco. The King of England
appointed a Royal Governor to rule the colony.
The colonist elected citizens to help the royal
governor rule. Third Grade SOLs
27Third Grade SOLs Meridians of Longitude are
imaginary lines that go from north to south on a
map or globe. Parallels of Latitude are
imaginary lines that are drawn from east to west
on a map or globe. The Prime Meridian is an
imaginary line that divides the globe into the
Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Locate Ancient
Greece and Rome on a map or globe. Locate
England, Spain, and France on a map. Locate
Jamestown on a map. The United States is divided
into regions. The East Coast Region has
woodlands. The Midwest has grasslands. The
Southwest has deserts. TheWest Coast has
mountains and valleys.
28Third Grade SOLs Economic Specialization occurs
when individuals or groups of people concentrate
on one product or service. Ancient Greece and
Rome specialized in building ships, farming, and
pottery. Interdependence means depending on
others for providing goods and services. When
Greeks and Romans traded with Egypt, they were
interdependentwith the other countries.
Opportunity Cost is when the next best choice is
given up because something else was chosen. I
have 1.00. I want to buy an ice cream cone and a
soda, but I do not have enough money to buy both.
I decide to buy an ice cream cone. The soda
becomes the Opportunity Cost. Price is the
amount paid for a good, service, or resource.
Taxation is the money paid to the government to
provide services. Taxes pay for schools, police,
libraries, roads, parks, etc.
29Third Grade SOLs The changing modes of
transportation and communication has impacted the
distribution of goods and services in the
following ways speed, safety, convenience, cost.
Inalienable Rights privileges that people are
born with and cannot be taken away. (life,
liberty, pursuit of happiness) Justice and
Equality Under the Law says all people are
treated the same. Laws are made to protect the
people. The duties, rights, and privileges of
being a member of a nation is called Citizenship.
Responsibilities are our duty to take care of
our self, respect the rights of others, and to
obey rules and laws. Susan B. Anthony worked to
allow women to have the right to vote. Rosa
Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr. worked in
peaceful ways to get all Americans to be treated
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