Title: 7 years in PowerPoint format
17 years in PowerPoint format
- Wu-chang Feng
- wuchang_at_cs.pdx.edu
2Fond memories of RTCL
- The closed door of 2222 EECS
3Stay in school, fool!
- When can I graduate?
- Never asked this question, but one that was much
Can I stay longer?
- A career year thanks to Prof. Shin and Dilip
4After graduation
- San Francisco (1999-2001)
- Proxinet Puma Technology Pumatech
5Finding my Feng Shui to Oregon
6Academic hijinx!
- Mergers and acquisitions only happen in industry,
right? - OGI OHSU Portland State University
Donning sporty eye-patches and brandishing
cutlasses (figuratively), computer profs at
Portland State University staged a raid on Oregon
Graduate Institute. The downtown university
snatched 10 tech professors from the Oregon
Health Science University subdivision,
instantly upping its digital cred.
Willamette Week, Sept. 22, 2004 http//www.wweek.c
7Current coordinates in Portland
9And now for something completely different.
10The Forensix Computer TiVo
- Motivation
- Analyzing and recovering from hacking incidents
is a costly, time-consuming, human-intensive task - Goal of Forensix
- Build a computer system TiVo
- Automatic analysis and replay of all activity on
a computer - Build a computer analogy to Back to the Future
- Selectively undo all activity that a hacker has
11The Forensix Computer TiVo
- What about the costs?
- Forensic investigator time is expensive
- Computing and storage resources are cheap and
plentiful - 80 1 year replay log (small web server)
- 10-20 performance degradation
- Cost proposition becomes more favorable every day
- Status
- Fully functional prototype
- Replay Shell (demo), Process Tree, Selective undo
- http//forensix.sourceforge.net/
12The Forensix Computer TiVo
- Current work
- Generalizing the approach
- From flat event logs to useful state
reconstruction - Audits contain changes of state
- Queries look at system state at a given time or
over a given time interval - Useful for other applications (distributed
network diagnosis) - Failed network connection
- Reconstructing network state from distributed
event logs to debug cause
13Network-layer proof-of-work
- Motivation
- Undesirable communication is currently
uncontrollable - Spam, viruses, worms, denial-of-service attacks
- Client puzzles
- A proposal for controlling harmful network
communication - Force a client to solve a hard puzzle before
giving service - IP puzzles
- Add client puzzles into the Internet's
fundamental layer to thwart all possible network
14Network-layer proof-of-work
- Status
- Fully functional iptables implementation
- 180,000 puzzles/sec on commodity hardware
- 1Gbs for per-packet puzzles with MTU packets
- Puzzle generation 1µs
- Puzzle verification 1µs, constant amount of
state - Small packet overhead
- Puzzle question 40 bytes
- Puzzle answer 20 bytes
- http//ippuzzles.sourceforge.net/
15Network-layer proof-of-work (Take 2)
- Problems with IP puzzles
- Flooding the issuer and verifier system
- Developing new cryptographic primitives
- Flooding links leading to puzzle system
- Publicly auditable proof-of-work
- Verifiers at client edge
- Single puzzle function per source, but
per-request work - Issuer easily protected from flooding
- Is it provably secure?
- Provide puzzle protocols with the same provable
treatment as other security protocols
16Characterizing On-line Games
- Successful on-line games require enormous
infrastructure and satisfied players - Goal
- Characterize aggregate game workloads to
provision resources - Real-time GameSpy aggregate data for over 100
on-line games since 2002. - Characterize players to better deliver new
content and incentives - Complete event log for Eve On-line MMORPG
- Complete event log for a popular Counter-strike
server - http//www.thefengs.com/wuchang/work/cstrike
17Securing On-line Games
- Cheating exists in every on-line game
- Directly impacts game revenue
- Causes paying players to quit
- Prevents new players from joining
- Goal
- Applying bit-commitment and information hiding to
ensure cheat-proof playout
18Securing On-line Games
- Information exposure cheats
- Warcraft3
19Securing On-line Games
- Information exposure cheats
- Warcraft3 with Maphack (reveal map and enemy
20Scaling On-line Games
- Persistent MMORPGs are big business
- WoW 6 million paying 15/month ( 1
billion/year) - Traditional client-server model
- Content creation by game publisher
- Hosting by game publisher
- Public server
- Content creation by users
- Hosting by users
- No persistence
21Scaling On-line Games
- Goal
- Develop public server MMORPG
- Technical challenges
- Managing persistence
- Creating a tamper-resistant virtual economy
- Handling unstable infrastructure