Title: Peak oil and local authorities
1- Peak oil and local authorities
- Adaptation 2009
- Leicester City Council
- 29th January 2009
- David Strahan
- odac_at_btconnect.com
2Crisis? What crisis?
Source ASPO
3Why they call it peak oil
Source ASPO
4Why oil peaks
United States
Source IHS Energy
5Peak oil why it matters
- Oil supplies 95 transport energy
- Agriculture critically dependent on oil and
gas producing 1 calorie of food requires - 10 calories of fossil energy.
- Oil and gas provide all petrochemicals and
lubricants - Oil price spikes cause recessions
6Peak predictions
Kenneth Deffeyes 2005 Colin Campbell
2010 Chris Skrebowski 2011 Energyfiles 2
016 PFC Energy 2020 IEA 2030 CER
A 2030 United States 2037
7Oil producers (98)
8Post peak oil producers (64)
9Couldnt we find some more?
Source IHS Energy Groppe, Long Littell
10Are we there yet?
Source EIA, Argus Media
11Serial oil price spikes and slumps
12Oil drives energy prices
Source John Hall Associates
13The threat and the challenge
- High and volatile oil, gas, power prices
- Physical shortages (2000 protests)
- Reduce oil and gas dependence asap
- Focus on transport public and private
- Bring the community with you
- Political commitment
- Comprehensive energy/efficiency audit
- Demand constraint
- Planning the built environment
- Information campaign
- REFUEL for resilience
15Biofuels inadequate
- 1st generation food crops
- In Europe/US, 5 road fuel 20 cropland
(IEA) - 2nd generation woody biomass
- World transport fuel demand land
area of China (Strahan)
16Small vehicles electrification
17Large vehicles biogas
Biomethane could provide 16 UK transport fuel
(NSCA, 2006) Public transport consumes lt5
Sources NSCA, DfT
18Biomethane benefits
- Carbon reductions 75 - 200
- Energy security
- Low duty (10p/L v 50p/L diesel)
- Waste strategy
- Digestate/fertilizer
- Flexibility bi-fuel vehicles
- Air quality/noise
- Comprehensive energy consumption audit and
resource assessment - Amend Sustainability Commitment
- Emergency planning
- Public information campaign
- Detailed investigation of waste food oil,
electrification and biogas
20- Peak oil and local authorities
- Adaptation 2009
- Leicester City Council
- 29th January 2009
- David Strahan
- odac_at_btconnect.com