Title: Hatchet Action
1Hatchet Action
- An example Choose Your Own Adventure story
- based on Gary Paulsens Hatchet
2Brian woke very early that morning. Even though
he had eaten fifteen fish the evening before, he
felt incredibly hungry.
If you think Brian should go looking for food,
click here.
If you think Brian should first make sure he has
enough firewood for the day, click here.
3Brian was picking raspberries and noisily
slurping at the juices. His stomach was
growling. Just then he heard it. The sound. He
looked up, right into the eyes of an enormous
Click here if you think Brian should try to
frighten the bear away.
Click here if you think Brian should hold still.
4Brian threw his arms into the air and screamed as
loudly as he could. He thought he had read
somewhere that bears will leave you alone if it
looks like youre a threat. Sadly, that was
Brians last thought. The End BACK
5 Brians heart nearly stopped when he saw the
bears wet, cool eyes staring back at him. The
very size of the animal made him pause. He felt
exposed, and horribly vulnerable. He knew hed
never outrun the creature, and he had read
somewhere that bears are good climbers, so the
trees offered no safety. Despite his fear, Brian
wondered what the bear must be thinking at it
gazed back at him. Slowly, the bear turned away
and sauntered into the thick woods. Brian looked
down at his thin, trembling limbs, amazed to be
alive. Brian shrugged, thinking, The bear must
have thought Id make a poor meal. BACK
6 Brian started off on yet another wood-gathering
mission. Today he went a little farther along
the shore of the lake in hopes of finding
driftwood. His body still ached, and he liked
the idea of not having to use the hatchet if he
could help it. He had wandered quite far before
he noticed that the wind had changed. Earlier,
it promised to be a warm, pleasant day, but
nowhe found himself squinting from the harsh
breeze. He looked back over his shoulder. He
could no longer see the rock outcropping that was
his shelter. He was trying to calculate how far
away it was when the cold rain began pelting his
If you think Brian should try to find some
temporary shelter, click here.
If you think Brian should head back to camp,
click here.
7 Brian turned around and tried to keep from
feeling too disheartened. Not only had he not
found any wood, but any he did find now would be
too wet to use. The rain was blinding, but by
following the shore he was soon able to spot his
camp in the near distance. He eagerly climbed
over some boulders that blocked his way, his head
filled with the yearning to be settled next to
his warm fire. As he went to jump off the last
rock, he felt his sneaker slip on the slick
surface. He landed on the sand, but not before
he heard a loud snap and felt the white-hot pain
race up his leg... BACK
8 Brian looked around him. As the rain beat down
on him, he realized hed get much wetter trying
to make it back to camp, and the trees around him
were very lush and dense. He hesitantly turned
his back to the lake and wandered into the woods.
He didnt need to go far. To his grateful
astonishment, he found a spot where several dead
trees had fallen in such a way as to create a
small, dry haven. He crawled under the branches
and wrapped his arms around his legs. Hopefully,
he thought, the rain would stop in time for him
to get back to his camp before dark. BACK