Performance Analysis and Monitoring of Grid applications in CG Part I' Performance Analysis - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Performance Analysis and Monitoring of Grid applications in CG Part I' Performance Analysis


Marian Bubak1,2, Wlodzimierz Funika1, Roland Wismueller3,4, Tomasz ... 3 TUM, Munich, Germany. 4 University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. Cracow, November 2002 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Performance Analysis and Monitoring of Grid applications in CG Part I' Performance Analysis

Performance Analysis and Monitoring of Grid
applications in CGPart I. Performance Analysis
  • Marian Bubak1,2, Wlodzimierz Funika1, Roland
    Wismueller3,4, Tomasz Arodz1, Marcin Kurdziel1

1 Institute of Computer Science AGH, Cracow,
Poland 2 ACC CYFRONETAGH, Cracow, Poland 3 TUM,
Munich, Germany 4 University of Vienna, Vienna,
Task 2.4 Goals
  • Provide G-PM tool for evaluation of grid
    applications performance
  • Providing rich set of predefined measurements
  • Allowing for user-defined measurements
  • Allowing for probe-based measurements
  • Providing on-line performance measurement
  • Compliant with OMIS 2.0 monitoring standard

Performance Measurement (1)
  • User links application with instrumented
    libraries (MPI ...)
  • User submits job with additional command line
  • monitoring (yes/no), block at beginning (yes/no)
  • monitoring system address, application identifier
  • User starts G-PM tool (as an X11 application) on
    his workstation
  • user provides monitoring system address G-PM
    connects to it
  • G-PM shows a list of started applications user
    selects one
  • or user provides application identifier G-PM
    waits until this application started

Performance Measurement (2)
  • User does performance analysis of running
  • User exits G-PM, before or after application
  • exiting G-PM will not terminate application
  • all measurements will be deleted
  • User can re-attach to application and do new

Metrics vs. measurements
  • Measurements are based on
  • Standard metrics
  • Higher Level Analysis metrics
  • Custom metrics
  • Probe-based metrics

Metric (def.) The defined measurement method
with its measurement scale. Metrics can be
internal or external, and direct or indirect.
Synonymous with measure. A quantitative measure
of the degree to which a system, component, or
process possesses a given attribute.
Standard metrics (1)
  • Wall clock/CPU time
  • Total
  • In communication
  • Send, Receive, Collective, Barier
  • In I/O
  • Read, Write
  • Data volume
  • communication
  • IO
  • Number of library calls
  • communication
  • IO

Standard metrics (2)
  • Host metrics
  • CPU load
  • Available memory
  • Network metrics
  • Load
  • Bandwidth
  • Benchmark metrics
  • CPU, Network

Higher Level Analysis metrics
  • Custom metrics
  • Defined on the basis of standard metrics
  • Providing higher level of abstraction
  • Programmed in the ASL specification language
  • Probes
  • Special function calls inserted into source code
    by the programmer
  • Define events that can be used in definition of
    custom metrics
  • Provide a way of passing arguments to G-PM

Measurements parametrisation
  • Measurements can be restricted to specific
  • Objects
  • Sites, hosts, processes, files
  • Partner objects
  • Sites, hosts, processes
  • Locations in source code
  • Modules, functions
  • Time resolution
  • Integral, Mean value, Current value
  • Virtual time

The G-PM User Interface
  • Maintains a list of measurements
  • Provides a set of predefined visualization
  • Different measurements can be visualized
  • Single measurement can be visualized with
    different widgets simultaneously.

G-PM Main window
  • List of active measurements
  • after definition measurements are displayed in
    the list

Selected measurements are objects for actions
taken from menu
Selected visualizations are objects for actions
taken from menu
List of active visualizations after definition
visualizations are displayed in the list
Measurement definition window
Specifies which part of code should be measured
e.g.a particular function
Specifies where measurement should be done e.g
on which site, host, process etc.
In measurements that involve two processes, such
as traffic between process A and process B it
specifies the second partner.
Specifies what should be measured, e.gSend
Visualization definition window
Various scale parameters
Type of display can be chosen here
Time mode
Refresh rate
Example visualization widget (1)
Multicurve plot Measurement value vs. time
A time interval can be specified for additional
computations(e.g integration)
The computed result is displayed here
Each measurement has its own curve. The curves
are scrolling when new values arrive.
This widget displays a couple of measurements
Other parameters of the visualization (e.g a
scale) can be adjusted here.
A measurement for which we do computation can be
selected here. Its curve will be displayed in red.
Example visualization widget (2)
  • Bar plot Compare actual measurement values

This widget displays a couple of measurements
simultaneously with one scale, thus allowing for
easy comparison
Visualization parameters (e.g. automatic/manual
graphs sorting).
Using G-PM sequence diagram (1)
Measurement definition window is created
The type of measurement and its properties are
A display window for new measurement is created
Using G-PM sequence diagram (2)
Visualization widget and its properties are
The measurement is activated
Measured values are displayed
Use case description
  • Medical simulation application with visualization
    kernel (VK)
  • Simulation on different site (server) than the
    visualization (client)
  • Task
  • analyse performance of simulation to
    visualization communication

Use case code instrumentation
  • Programmer inserts three probes
  • In the source code on server
  • Probe A
  • After server asks client to visualize frame
  • Probe B
  • After data is sent to client
  • In the source code on client
  • Probe C
  • Before data is passed to graphics engine
  • Programmer recompiles the application

Use case new metrics
  • Three new custom metrics
  • Generate frames/sec
  • 1/(time between invocations of probe A)
  • Compression factor
  • (data passed to probe C) / (sent volume between
    execution of probe A and probe B)
  • VK processing time/frame
  • (time interval between execution of probe A and
    probe B)
  • New metrics can be used in the same way as the
    built-in ones

OCM-G lower monitoring layer
  • Underlying measurement of built-in metrics
  • Application related
  • Grid related
  • Aggregation of measurements from multiple hosts
  • Handling of probes inserted in the source code
  • Handle probe events
  • Handle custom probe parameters
  • Access to results of micro-benchmarks
  • Host related
  • Network related

First Prototype
  • supports (MPI) applications on local cluster
  • assumes common file system
  • Standard metrics
  • data sent / received
  • CPU usage of process
  • delays due to communication
  • Higher Level Analysis metrics
  • application specific events / data (probes)
  • specialized examples (demonstrators)
  • Visualization windows
  • bar graph / multicurve diagram

Using G-PM Custom metrics
Edit Metrics window is created, with all
user-defined metrics shown
Metric to be edited is selected
Measurements based on the metric are stopped and
Metric is being edited
The metrics list is updated with new metric
version replacing the old version
Monitoring system OCM-G
  • Basis for G-PM performance analysis tool
  • Features
  • Based on OMIS 2.0 specification
  • Extended to allow for measurement of both
    application- and grid-related metrics
  • Interface based on request/reply paradigm
  • Manipulation requests
  • pa_counter_global_create()
  • Event requests
  • patop_lib_call_started(,pvm_send,,)
  • pa_counter_global_increment(cnt1,par3)
  • Information requests
  • pa_counter_global_read(cnt1,0)
  • Synchronous data requests, asynchronous data
    replies with callbacks

All target processes
All code functions
All threads
Function name
Counter ID
Increment value - send volume
Counter ID
Do not clear counter
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