Title: What is Compassion Fatigue
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4What is Compassion Fatigue?
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6What is Compassion Fatigue? a. Hearing too
many sermons on compassion
7What is Compassion Fatigue? a. Hearing too
many sermons on compassion b. Clothing worn by
military personnel when showing compassion
8What is Compassion Fatigue? a. Hearing too
many sermons on compassion b. Clothing worn by
compassionate military c. Showing compassion
to people who are especially tired
9What is Compassion Fatigue? a. Hearing too
many sermons on compassion b. Clothing worn by
compassionate military c. Showing compassion
to tired people d. Weariness and apathy
resulting from the constant demands of caring for
10What is Compassion Fatigue? a. Hearing too
many sermons on compassion b. Clothing worn by
compassionate military c. Showing compassion
to tired people d. Weariness and apathy
resulting from the constant demands of caring for
others e. Weariness and apathy resulting from
constant appeals from charities
11What is Compassion Fatigue? a. Hearing too
many sermons on compassion b. Clothing worn by
compassionate military c. Showing compassion
to tired people d. Weariness and apathy
resulting from the constant demands of caring for
others e. Weariness and apathy resulting from
constant appeals from charities f. All the
12What is Compassion Fatigue? d. Weariness and
apathy resulting from the constant demands of
caring for others e. Weariness and apathy
resulting from constant appeals from charities
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14Hardest group of people to be compassionate
towards in the 1st Century
15Hardest group of people to be compassionate
towards in the 1st Century Poor
16Hardest group of people to be compassionate
towards in the 1st Century Poor Prisoners
17- As he went along, Jesus saw a man blind from
birth. His disciples asked him, Rabbi, who
sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born
blind? - Neither this man nor his parents sinned, said
Jesus, but this happened so that the work of God
might be displayed in his life. - John 91-3
18Hardest group of people to be compassionate
towards in the 1st Century Poor Prisoners Bl
ind, diseased, deaf, lepers, etc.
19 The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he
has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the
prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind,
to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year
of the Lords favor. -Luke 418-19
20 The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he
has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the
prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind,
to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year
of the Lords favor. -Luke 418-19
21 ? bring good news to the poor ? freedom for
the prisoners ? recovery of sight for the
blind ? release the oppressed ? bind up the
brokenhearted ? to comfort all who mourn
221. Christlike Ministry is Compassion Oriented
231. Christlike Ministry is Compassion Oriented
To have compassion like Christ is to See
people like He did. Feel for people like He
did. Serve people like He did.
241. Christlike Ministry is Compassion
Oriented See people as they really are.
251. Christlike Ministry is Compassion
Oriented See people as they really
are. Spiritually
261. Christlike Ministry is Compassion
Oriented See people as they really
are. Spiritually- Jesus sees every person as
poor, captive, blind and broken.
271. Christlike Ministry is Compassion
Oriented See people as they really
are. Spiritually- Jesus sees every person as
poor, captive, blind and broken.
Literally- Jesus sees each person who is
poor, captive, blind and broken.
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291. Christlike Ministry is Compassion Oriented 3
groups of Christians 1. Occupied with concern
about self
301. Christlike Ministry is Compassion Oriented 3
groups of Christians 1. Occupied with concern
about self 2. Dont feel they have what it takes
311. Christlike Ministry is Compassion Oriented 3
groups of Christians 1. Occupied with concern
about self 2. Dont feel they have what it takes
3. Find ways to help others
321. Christlike Ministry is Compassion
Oriented See people as they really
are. Spiritually- Jesus sees every person as
poor, captive, blind and broken.
Literally- Jesus sees each person who is
poor, captive, blind and broken. Serve people
where they need.
33 The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has
anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He
has sent me to proclaim freedom for the
prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind,
to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year
of the Lords favor. -Luke 418-19
341. Christlike Ministry is Compassion
Oriented See people as they really
are. Spiritually- Jesus sees every person as
poor, captive, blind and broken.
Literally- Jesus sees each person who is
poor, captive, blind and broken. Serve people
where they need. Bring Good News
351. Christlike Ministry is Compassion
Oriented See people as they really
are. Spiritually- Jesus sees every person as
poor, captive, blind and broken.
Literally- Jesus sees each person who is
poor, captive, blind and broken. Serve people
where they need. Bring Good News Help
Hurting People
361. Christlike Ministry is Compassion Oriented 2.
Christlike Ministry is Spirit-Saturated
37 Becoming like CHRIST Connected to God
through the Word and Prayer Heart of
Worship Relates with Other-Centered
Love Intentional Evangelism Spirit-led
Servant Trustworthy Steward Of Gods Resources
38 Becoming like CHRIST Connected to God
through the Word and Prayer Heart of
Worship Relates with Other-Centered
Love Intentional Evangelism Spirit-led
Servant Trustworthy Steward Of Gods Resources
391. Christlike Ministry is Compassion Oriented 2.
Christlike Ministry is Spirit-Saturated Spirit-f
401. Christlike Ministry is Compassion Oriented 2.
Christlike Ministry is Spirit-Saturated Spirit-f
illed to give us love.
411. Christlike Ministry is Compassion Oriented 2.
Christlike Ministry is Spirit-Saturated Spirit-f
illed to give us love. Spirit-led
421. Christlike Ministry is Compassion Oriented 2.
Christlike Ministry is Spirit-Saturated Spirit-f
illed to give us love. Spirit-led to give us
431. Christlike Ministry is Compassion Oriented 2.
Christlike Ministry is Spirit-Saturated Spirit-f
illed to give us love. Spirit-led to give us
direction. Spirit-empowered
441. Christlike Ministry is Compassion Oriented 2.
Christlike Ministry is Spirit-Saturated Spirit-f
illed to give us love. Spirit-led to give us
direction. Spirit-empowered to give us strength.
451. Christlike Ministry is Compassion Oriented 2.
Christlike Ministry is Spirit-Saturated Spirit-f
illed to give us love. Spirit-led to give us
direction. Spirit-empowered to give us
strength. Spirit-anointed
461. Christlike Ministry is Compassion Oriented 2.
Christlike Ministry is Spirit-Saturated Spirit-f
illed to give us love. Spirit-led to give us
direction. Spirit-empowered to give us
strength. Spirit-anointed to give us
471. Christlike Ministry is Compassion Oriented 2.
Christlike Ministry is Spirit-Saturated Spirit-f
illed to give us love. Spirit-led to give us
direction. Spirit-empowered to give us
strength. Spirit-anointed to give us
effectiveness. Christlike ministry requires
Holy Spirit resources.
481. Christlike Ministry is Compassion Oriented 2.
Christlike Ministry is Spirit-Saturated Spirit-f
illed to give us love. Spirit-led to give us
direction. Spirit-empowered to give us
strength. Spirit-anointed to give us
effectiveness. Spirit-sent
49 Spirit-filled to give us love. Spirit-led to
give us direction. Spirit-empowered to give us
strength. Spirit-anointed to give us
effectiveness. Spirit-sent As the Father
has sent me, I am sending you. -John 2021
50 Spirit-filled to give us love. Spirit-led to
give us direction. Spirit-empowered to give us
strength. Spirit-anointed to give us
effectiveness. Spirit-sent As the Father
has sent me, I am sending you. And with that he
breathed on them and said, Receive the Holy
Spirit. -John 2021-22
511. Christlike Ministry is Compassion Oriented 2.
Christlike Ministry is Spirit-Saturated Spirit-f
illed to give us love. Spirit-led to give us
direction. Spirit-empowered to give us
strength. Spirit-anointed to give us
effectiveness. Spirit-sent to give us
52 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom
shall I send? And who will go for us? And I
said, Here am I. Send me! -Isaiah 68