Title: Chapter Seventeen
1Chapter Seventeen
- Sexual Coercion Harassment, Aggression, and
2Sexual Harassment
- Refers to 2 types of behavior
- the abuse of power for sexual ends
- Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual
favors - Other verbal or physical sexual conduct as
condition for schooling or employment - creation of a hostile environment
- Interferes with performance at school or at work
- Illegal
3What Is Sexual Harassment?
- Unwelcome sexual advances
- Requests for sexual favors
- Verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature
when - Explicitly or implicitly affects and individuals
employment - Unreasonably interferes with an individuals work
performance - Creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive
work environment
4Flirtation versus Harassment
- Whether flirtation is sexual harassment depends
on 3 factors - whether you have equal power
- whether you are approached appropriately
- whether you wish to continue contact
- Different cultural expectations lead to
misinterpretation - Men and women perceive actions differently
5Harassment in School and College
- Harassment in elementary and high school
- Often called fun or teasing, but intimidates,
humiliates, and embarrasses victims - One third of high school girls and one in eight
boys want to quit school due to harassment - Most often happens when boys are in groups
- Harassment in college
- Over 60 of male and female college students
have been harassed by students or staff
6Harassment in the Workplace
- Many women are not informed about sexual
harassment - Most common in formerly all-male occupations
- Recent survey showed 21 of women, 7 of men were
sexually harassed at work - Romantic relationships in the work place are
7Harassment and Discrimination Against Gay,
Lesbian, Bisexual, andTransgendered People
- Heterosexual bias heterosexism
- Ignoring existence of lesbian, gay, bisexual
people - Segregating gay, lesbian, bisexual people
- Lumping gay, lesbian, bisexual people into larger
category - Prejudice, Discrimination, and Violence
- Anti-gay prejudice
- Homophobia
- Gay bashing
8Harassment and Discrimination Against Gay,
Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered People
- Effects on heterosexuals
- Discrimination and anti-discrimination laws
- Violence against gay men and lesbian women
- Personal sources of anti-gay prejudice
- Ending anti-gay prejudice
9Sexual Aggression
- Principal motive is power, not sexual pleasure
- Sexual aggression broad term for sexual activity
performed against a persons will - Sexual coercion arguing, pleading, and cajoling,
as well as force and threat of force - Sexual assault forced sexual contact that does
not necessarily include penile-vaginal intercourse
10The Nature and Incidence of Rape
- Does not give the victim pleasure
- Forces intimate contact
- May involve a man or woman victim
- Women fear rape throughout their lives
11Prevalence in the United States
- Sexual assault occurs every 2.5 minutes
- 90 victims of sexual crime were women
- 1.5 victims per 1000 women over the age of 12
- 0.2 victims per 1000 men over the age of 12
- Over 70 of victims knew assailant
- Force was used in 80 of reported assaults
- 67 of victims showed signs of general body
trauma - 27 of assaults involved the use of a weapon
- Defining rape as forced vaginal, oral, and anal
intercourse, 18 of women and 3 of men in the
U.S. have been raped - Over half of victims report the assault occurred
before they were 18 years old
13Myths about Rape
- Rape is a crime of passion
- Women want to be raped
- Women are raped only by strangers
- Women could avoid rape if they really wanted to
- Women cry rape for revenge
- Rapists are crazy or psychotic
- Most rapists are a different race than their
victims - Men cannot control their sexual urges
- Rape is no big deal
- Men cannot be raped
14Forms of Rape
- Date rape
- Stranger rape
- Marital rape
- Gang rape
- Statutory rape
- Male rape
15Date Rape
- Usually not planned
- Drug/alcohol use by assailant or victim in 70 of
cases - Lifetime incidence for women 13-27
- Confusion over consent
- Post refusal sexual persistence
- A date raper profile
- Acquaintance rape
16Motivations for Rape
- Anger rape
- Physically violent, victims often hospitalized
- Power rape
- Act of dominance to restore assailants sense of
control - Sadistic rape
- Brutal, victim often severely injured
- Least frequent
17The Aftermath of Rape
- African American women less likely than Whites to
report rape, seek treatment - Rape trauma syndrome
- Depression, anxiety, restlessness, guilt
- Symptoms consistent with posttraumatic stress
disorder (PTSD) - 31 of rape victims develop PTSD
- Effects on sexuality
- Fear of sex, lack of desire
18Child Sexual Abuse
- Any sexual interaction between an adult and a
prepubertal childincluding nonphysical contact - Categorized in terms of kin relationship
- Extra familial abuse by unrelated people
- Intra familial abuse by relatives, step
relatives - Nonpedophilic sexual abuseabuse not sexually
motivated, usually to get power, affection - May involve force, threat, manipulation, pressure
- Most victims 8-12 years old boys and girls
equally likely to be abused
19General Preconditions for Child Sexual Abuse
- Being motivated to sexually abuse a child
- Emotional congruence fulfills some emotional
need - Sexual attraction to the child
- Blockage does not find alternative sexual
outlets - Overcoming internal inhibitions against acting on
motivation - Overcoming external obstacles to committing
sexual abuse - Undermining or overcoming a childs potential
20Forms of Intra familial Sexual Abuse
- Incest
- Father-daughter sexual abuse
- Brother-sister sexual abuse
- Uncle-niece sexual abuse
- Most common form of intrafamilial sexual abuse
21Children at Risk
- Female children
- Preadolescent children (ages 10-12)
- Children who are vulnerable because
- they are separated from their parents
- their parents cannot supervise them
- their relationships with parents are poor
- their parents are unavailable
- their parents are in conflict
- they live with a stepfather
22Effects of Child Sexual Abuse
- Initial effects occurring in the first 2 years
- emotional disturbances
- Fear, anger, hostility, guilt, shame
- physical consequences
- Changes in sleeping, eating, pregnancy, STIs
- sexual disturbances
- Open masturbation, sexual preoccupation
- social disturbances
- School problems, running away, early marriages
23Effects of Child Sexual Abuse
- Long-term effects
- depression
- self-destructive tendencies
- somatic disturbances and dissociation
- Anxiety, eating disorders, feeling that things
are unreal - negative self-conceptlow self-esteem, isolation
- interpersonal relationship difficulties
- revictimizationabused child raped again as adult
- sexual problems
24Sexual Abuse Trauma
- Traumatic sexualization
- Inappropriately associate sexual behaviors and
emotions - Betrayal
- Adult survivors find trust difficult, may become
dependent or angry - Powerlessness
- Fear, anxiety, sense of not control
- Stigmatization
- Guilt, shame
25Treatment Programs
- Therapy with intact family
- Help family come to terms with the abuse
- Treat individuals as well as family
- May include substance abuse programs
- Self help programs
26Preventing Child Sexual Abuse
- Child abuse prevention (CAP) programs aimed at 3
audiences - Children
- Stress that abuse is not the childs fault
- Say no, get away, tell a trusted adult
- Parents
- Help parents discover abuse, identify warning
signs - Professionals
- Teachers, physicians, police, mental health
- Sexual harassment
- Harassment and discrimination against gay,
lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people - Sexual aggression
- Child sexual abuse