Title: Preparing for Final Exams
1Paradise Valley Comm. College Learning Support
Center Rick Sheets, Ed.D.
Easing Away Test Anxiety
Metacognitive awareness
Confidence/ Attitude/Drive
Preparedness/Practice/ Knowledge
- Goals
- Cycle of Anxiety
- Long term goalsReal work for real changes
- Magic pill?No, short term strategies
- Checkpoints progress
- Did I win?
Metacognitive awareness
Confidence/ Attitude/Drive
Preparedness/Practice/ Knowledge
3(No Transcript)
4(No Transcript)
5Long term goalsReal work for real changes
- Get help support to break the Cycle of Anxiety
before it manifests itself physically - Identify negative thoughts, self-talks, images,
events, and sensory related triggers... - Use strategies and relaxation techniques
including relaxation response, meditation,
reframing, re-programming, or others... - Realize the resources available to you through
PVCC Counseling Services and Fitness Center...
6(No Transcript)
7Magic Pill
- No.
- Strategies to help when
- to better deal with the
- Physical Symptoms
- of anxiety
8Learning Preferences
9Studying preferences
10Strategies for Studying
11Time Management
- Time management systems
- 168 hours in a week
- Block out committed times Work/School/Other
required commitments - Block out sleep, eating, and personal readiness
- Look at times left and other needsinclude
homework/study times needed weekly - When should the most difficult courses be studied
12Strategies to beat test anxiety
- Be prepared
- Spend your study time wisely Practice anxiety
reduction - Taking Tests
13Prepare for exams
- Identify exam prep needs
- What materials should I study?
- Sequence what, how, and when to study.
14Spending Your Time Wisely Lowering Anxiety
- Relax!...
- Count/Visualize/Unplug the toe/ReprogramSelf-Talk
s - Prepare/Maximize learning/When is your best time?
- Rituals - Preview/study/take breaks/review
- Test yourself
- Index Cards/Where to get the information?
- Mnemonics (silent m, long e)
- Memory Dump
- Others
15 Ways to avoid procrastination
- Study with others
- Step back and check your progress from time to
time - Start/Use 5 minute plan
- Be specific
- Visualize success or completion
- Smart cramming
- Find a reward
- Others
16Test Prepping Strategies
- What is important to study?
- What materials should you use?
- Type of questions Essay, Multiple Choice, T/F,
Fill-in, Matching - Learn from your mistakes
- Time yourself
- Practice reducing anxietydont wait until test
day - Should I cram?
17Test-taking Strategies
- Mind Set
- Preview test
- Plan your time/Points/Weighted
- Memory Dump/Anxiety Reduction
- Read question carefully
- Strategies for essay, multiple choice,matching,
T/F, fill-in - Skip or guess
- Be last to Finish
- Review test, be sure it is complete
- Others
18LSC Online Links
HowToStudy.Org (14 sites on Overcoming
Test Anxiety) http//www.howtostudy.org/resource
s_skill.php?id16 Learning Your Way
Performance and Testinghttp//www.pvc.maricopa.ed
u/7Esheets/lmw/perfo.htm Overcoming Test
Anxiety http//www.studygs.net/tstprp8.htm Top
Ten Survivor Tips for Math Anxiety
19Checkpoint Progress
20Did I win?...
Balancing goals and strategies!
Metacognitive awareness
Strategies Goals
21Paradise Valley Comm. College Learning Support
Center Rick Sheets, Ed.D.
Easing Away Test Anxiety
Metacognitive awareness
Confidence/ Attitude/Drive
Preparedness/Practice/ Knowledge