Title: Coordination Of Government Activities in the Territories
1Coordination Of Government Activities in the
Territories 2003 Activity Summary (Compared to
2001 2002)
2Merchandise Transportation - W.B. Back to Back
Platforms (trucks)
Merchandise Transportation Raffah Border
Passage (trucks)
2001 second half data only
Merchandise transportation including Aggregates -
Karni Terminal (trucks)
Cement Import to the P.A. (Tons)
3Total of aggregates entry to G.S. (trucks)
Out of which
Entry of aggregates to G.S. - Karni Terminal
Entry of Aggregates to the G.S. - Suffa Passage
4Total of Palestinian employment (thousands) -
Yearly Average
Unemployment percentage (Relaxed Definition
Standard) Yearly Average
PCBS data
PCBS data
Erez I.E. employee entry (Yearly total)
2001 data - evaluation
5Agricultural Export Specific Agricultural
Branches in the G.S (tons)
Cherry Tomatoes Export (tons)
Strawberry Export (tons)
Cherry export did not exist before 2002
Fund Transfer to and fro the P.A. (million NIS)
Public reception in DCLs
7Status of Population and Economy Palestinian
Central Bureau of Statistics Data
Status of Palestinian Economy
The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics
(PCBS) published figures concerning the number of
active businesses in the territories during 2003,
showing that during the last year there was an
increase further proving that there was an
improvement during 2003 in the Palestinian
Active businesses or starting businesses
Locations with highest increase rate of new
businesses- Hebron (366), Nablus (322) and
Bethlehem (173) Locations with highest growth
rate- Tubas (12.26) and Salfit (11.74).
8Status of Population and Economy Palestinian
Central Bureau of Statistics Data
Status of Palestinian Economy
The Central Bureau of statistics published a
survey regarding energy consumption in houses in
the territories during January 2004, stating
Active businesses or starting businesses
Results clearly indicate, that despite the poor
economic status, there was no decrease in energy
consumption (average consumption was identical in
1999 and 2004)- the first indicator of living
quality. In addition, there was an increase in
the number of houses connected to the electric
grid (despite the damage to infrastructures
during the confrontation. On the other hand,
there was an substantial increase in the usage of
wood products, probably due to its availability
and low cost, especially due to the poor economic
These facts show, that despite the substantial
decrease in income in the territories, the
effects on living quality of the Palestinian
population is very small.
9Status of Population and Economy Palestinian
Central Bureau of Statistics Data
PA and Israel Commerce Perimeter
Since the beginning of the conflict, the trade
between the PA and Israel has decreased by
approximately 25, amounting to approximately 10
Billion N.I.S (2.2 Billion ).