- Presentation
- January 28, 2002
2Critical World Changes
- Power to create change is a global possession
- White nations bordering Atlantic no longer
dominate world economies, political and military
affairs - Asia, Africa, Middle East and others now have
the power to alter the course of the world -
3Critical World Changes
- Technology and science redefining reality
- Scientific knowledge is doubling at a rapid rate
- Causing a redefinition of core truthswhat is
life and what is death - Natural boundaries (mountains, oceans, desserts,
etc.) no longer serve to isolate peoples from
one another - Within seconds, people can see what is occurring
half a world away and then be there in hours -
4Critical World Changes
- Worldwide system of research, finance,
production and trade -
- Change from local or national companies to
global corporations - Technology can link global locations together
in seconds -
5Critical World Changes
- Population growth
- 18 of all people living in the last 2000 years
- are living today
- No longer is the concern to protect humans from
the environment but protecting the environment
from human excess - Management of cities more difficult that of many
countries -
6Critical World Changes
- Changing role of western women
- Women moving into leadership positions in
corporations and government - Causing a change in corporate cultures from
male vertical step by step thinking to more
female thinking of care and relationship -
7Impact of Changes
- Psychological and Spiritual Change
- Struggle with the psychological concept of now
being a member of a global community and no
longer a member of a homogenous group - Collapse of long held foundation beliefs of what
is reality and truth - Turning to religion, cults, ethic and separatist
groups for true answers -
8Impact of Changes
- Countries Redefining Nationalism
- Populations of countries are diverse with ever
increasing numbers of cultures, religions, and
ethic backgrounds as people move and resettle
9Impact of Changes
- Worldwide Reach of Single Decisions
- A single act or decision can have immediate
and far reaching implications involving millions
of people, countries, and ecosystems
10Impact of Changes
- Imbalance between Information Rich and
Information Poor - The division between wealthy technology rich
countries and technology poor countries is
growing - The division between wealthy technology rich
and technology poor individuals within
countries is also growing
11Unethical Decisions
Recent Right versus Wrong Decisions
12- 100 years ago an unethical decision by one
individual had limited power and reach in
affecting numbers of people and ecosystems. - Given todays world, an individual or handful of
individuals making an immoral or unethical
decision can have far reaching and devastating
effects for the world
131984 - Union Carbide Bhopal, India
- Pesticide plant gas leak that killed 3,800
people, permanently disabled 2,720 and injured
over 200,000 more - Union Carbide curtailed plant maintenance as a
cost cutting measureAll safety systems off line - Broken Refrigeration Unit hadnt been repaired
- Alarm Systems not set properlyso no warning
- Flare Tower to burn vapors not working
- Scrubber to neutralize vapors not activated
- No Union Carbide plan to notify and evacuate
population in India even though the plant had 6
prior leaks and warning on sister plant in US
(which had 28 leaks) was never send to India - Plant abandoned Company refused to clean up
extensive water and soil pollution / Paid 490
Million to date in civil settlements
141986 - Challenger Explosion
- Political Pressure to Launch
- Presidents State of the Union
- Vice President to view launch
- Congress concerned that promise of frequent
launches was not being
met - European vehicle threatened to replace
the shuttle - Management focused on proving action was
unsafe vs. safe - Problems contained and resolved
internally by management/ not forwarded to
others needing to know - Overrode engineers opposition to the
launch- belief that cold temperature and ice
were not safe
151986 - Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
- Flawed reactor design operated by
inadequately trained personnel - Engineers disregarded safety, ran own test
taking the core to melt down - 30 deaths / 34 cases of radiation poisoning
/ 200,000 people exposed to large doses of
radiation- Incidents of thyroid cancer and
leukemia expected to increase - 300,000 people resettled
- Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, and beyond
161989 - Exxon Valdez Oil Spill
- Single hulled ship with Captain who had
been drinking -
- 11,000,000 gallons of crude oil spilled /
only 14 recovered rest continues to damage
ecosystem - Millions in fines assessed, Exxon has
paid very little as they appeal each decision - Valdez still at sea carrying oil, barred
from Alaskan waters - Captain is now a maritime insurance
171995 - Collapse of Englands Barings Bank
- 28 year old trader made 10 of Barings
total 1993 profit under a system of huge
financial rewards - Huge 1994 losses -- concealed in 2
accounts by trader - Requested more bank funds to trade,
hoping recover -- greater losses occurred - 1995-Losses discovered causing
Englands oldest bank to collapse - Trader now on the speaker circuit and a
movie about him has been made The Rogue
181998 --- 14 Billion Moral Collapse of Cendant
- Merger of CUC International and Hospitality
Franchise Systems (Ramada, Holiday Inn,
Days Inn, Super 8 Motels, Century 21, Coldwell
Banker, Travelodge) created Cendant - 6 months after the merger
- 500 million in accounting deception
- 200 million in accounting errors
- 61 of CUCs income was nonexistent
19Other 1999 and 2000 Happenings
- Florida Governors wife returning from Paris
fails to declare 19,000 in clothing and jewelry - Claims she did it to prevent husband from
knowing how much she spent - Reporters admit bias
- Reporters admit to biasing coverage to protect
their corporate interests, according to new
202001 Happenings
- Three Scientists Vow to Continue Efforts to
Clone Humans - Failure rates, ethical stigma, criticism
from colleagues fail to dissuade them -
- Selected Michigan Schools Accused of Testing
Irregularities on the MEAP Test -
- Tyson Foods Indicted on Charges of Smuggling
Illegal Workers - Tyson recruited and smuggled illegal
workers, providing them with fake ID papers,
government charges -
- Love Bug Virus Crashes Computer Systems Around
The World -
21Ethics Defined
- Drawn from the traditions of moral philosophy
- Is a standard of conduct
- Goes beyond self interests
- Goes beyond personal points of views
- Based on principals that rest on a foundation of
core values - Based on knowing right from wrong and what is
right - Entails action
Source Kidder, How Good People Make Tough
22Core Values
- Love (Compassion
- Truth
- Freedom
- Fairness
- Unity (Valuing Diversity)
- Tolerance
- Responsibility Accountability
- Respect for Life (Includes Environment)
Source globalethics.com
23Importance of Ethics(Why Ethics are Needed)
- Business Evidence of Right vs. Wrong
Decisions - Technology Moving Faster Than Ethics
- Smart people working in large systems making
amoral decisions. (Kidder) - Education Incidences of Cheating
- Not Knowing How to Lose
- Violence/Values/Ethics
- 1998 Random Survey of 10,069 U.S. Middle
School Students and 10,760 U.S. High School
Students - Found that 70 of the High School
Students admitted to cheating on an exam in the
last 12 months - 1998 Survey of 953 U.S. Parents indicated
they believe their teenagers lie to them - A lot 7
- Some of the time 47 Hardly Ever 40
- Never 6
- Dont Know 1
25Self Interest vs. Universal Good
- There appears to be a breakdown in understanding
the difference between - This is right to do.
- And
- I have a right to do this.
26Do Todays and Future Leaders
- Have Ethical Commitment?
- Have Ethical Consciousness?
- Have Ethical Competency?
Source Josephson.institute.com
27Right vs. Right Paradigm
- Truth vs. Loyalty
- ex. Lying for a friend
- Individual vs. Community
- Short-term vs. Long-term
- Justice vs. Mercy
Source Kidder, How Good People Make Tough
28Right vs. Right Decision Rules
- Ends-Based
- Greatest good for the greatest number
- Ex. Cost benefit outlook, need to know future
- Rule-Based
- If everybody did this.
- Ex. I should only do what I would want everyone
else in the world to do if faced with the same
situation. - Care-Based
- Put yourself in the other persons position.
- Ex. A universal principal across all religions
Source Kidder, How Good People Make Tough
29 In times of change it is the learners
who will inherit the earth while the learned will
find themselves beautifully equipped for a
world that no longer exists. --Author Unknown