- employers vs. employees
- ?
- management vs. employees
- ?
3Negotiations over 3 main issues
- ....... wages
- ....... working hours
- ....... working conditions
- MK p.50 (pg.1)
4Negotiations over 3 main issues
- Fair wages
- Reasonable working hours
- Safe working conditions
- MK p.50 (pg.1)
5What do unions deal with?
- redundancies, layoffs, (workers are made
redundant) - redundancy pay , severance pay
- compulsory redundancies /voluntary redundancies
(e.g. early retirement) - legal representation (e.g. in unfair dismissals,
injuries at work, harassment cases, ) - pay to workers on strike
- benefits for members (e.g. Christmas bonus,
travel discounts, ) - pressure groups (lobbying, influencing the
government) - collective bargaining
- social partners (employers, employees, the
government) - industrial action (MK p.47, 1b)
7Reading assignmentThe Untouchables (Rp.44)
8Reading Assignment (R p.44)
- Who are the untouchables?
- How does one become untouchable in the flat world?
9Opposites? THE TRUTH ABOUT WORK (MK p.122)
- white-collar worker
- permanent job
- skilled worker
- job security
- flexible labour market
- employment
- upturn
- economic recession
- regulation
- a growing gap
- a widening gap
- a reversible process
- stability
- stable
- white-collar worker
- permanent job
- skilled worker
- job security
- flexible labour market
- employment
- upturn
- economic recession
- regulation
- a growing gap
- a widening gap
- a reversible process
- stability
- stable
- blue-collar worker
- temporary job
- unskilled worker
- job instability
- stable labour market
- unemployment
- downturn
- economic recovery, upturn
- deregulation
- a decreasing gap
- a narrowing gap
- an irreversible process
- instability
- unstable
11Reading THE TRUTH ABOUT WORK (MK p.122)
- Find answers in the text around the lines below
- Lines(5-10, 15-20)
- Words/Expressions describing two types of the
labour market - Lines 30-35, 40-45
- What does the ILO research show for job tenure?
- 1.
- 2.
12- Line 50 Reasons for differences in job tenure
- among countries
- Line 70 Social groups and job tenure
- University graduates
- People with a medium level of education
- Employees in larger companies
- Junior workers
- Ageing core
- Younger workers
- Older workers
- Prime-age workers
- Line 105 Why such a perception of insecurity?