Title: 2006 Lines of Business LoB
1- 2006 Lines of Business (LoB)
- Presentation for ITAA
- May 17, 2006
2 Lines of Business Opportunities
OMB and the LoB Task Forces are focused on
business-driven, common solutions developed
through architectural processes.
Common Solutions A business process and/or
technology based shared service made available to
government agencies. Business Driven (vs.
Technology Driven) Solutions address distinct
business improvements that directly impact LoB
performance goals. Developed Through
Architectural Processes Solutions are developed
through a set of common and repeatable processes
and tools.
- The following LoBs are being
- undertaken in FY 2006
- Budget Formulation
- and Execution
- IT Infrastructure
- Optimization
- Geospatial
3Managing Partners and OMB Leads
- LoB Executive Sponsors
- OMB Office of E-Gov Karen Evans
- OMB Office of Budget Systems Beth Robinson
- LoB Program Manager Von Harrison, GSA
- IT Infrastructure LoB
- Managing Partner Thomas Brady, GSA
- OMB IEE E-Gov Portfolio Manager Jeff Koch
- Geospatial LoB
- Managing Partner Ivan DeLoatch , DOI
- OMB G2G E-Gov Portfolio Manager Stacie Boyd
- Budget Formulation and Execution LoB
- Managing Partner Andy Schoenbach, Acting
- OMB IEE E-Gov Portfolio Manager Jeff Koch
- OMB Senior Advisor Wayne Upshaw
- Chief Architect Dick Burk, OMB
4 High-Level Timeline
Kick Off Meeting 3/16/06
LoB Vision Plan Completed 3/28/06
Define/ Plan LoB
RFI Distributed4/6/06
RFI Responses Received Evaluated 5/5/06-5/15/06
Develop RFI
Proposed Common Solutions Draft
Architecture 6/9/06
Develop Common Solutions Target Architecture
Draft Solutions Architecture 5/26/06
Develop Business Case
Draft Joint Business Case due 6/9/06 Agency
Comments due 6-19
Final Joint Business Case Early Aug. 06
Monitor and Communicate LoB Progress/Status
5 Expected LoB Outcomes
The LoB Task Forces will identify common
solutions, develop a target architecture, and
develop a joint (interagency) business case by
August 2006.
6Overview of the LOB Process
- Task Force Staffing
- Agencies dedicating staff 75 time commitment
- LoB Task Force WGs and team leads actively
engaged - Effectively assess business processes
- RFI released 4/613/06. Responses from business,
government, non-profits, and vendors received
5/5/06 - Concurrent review of agency data, processes and
systems - Use VGO, agency reviews, RFI input to develop
common solutions, CONOPS and target architectures - Efficient, effective, standardized, optimized,
reduced cost - Develop FY 08 joint business cases (A-11
compliant) agency review final submission to
OMB 9/06 - Potential procurements in FY07, 08
7Cross-Agency InitiativeCONOPS
- Definitional Deliverables
- Business case
- Due diligence checklist
- LoB solution architecture
- Complete LoB FTF update
- Analysis Deliverables
- Problem statement
- Vision statement
- Performance Goals
- Reference architecture integrated to FTF
- Preliminary baseline inventory
- Request for information (RFI) - optional
- Operational Deliverables
- Service level agreements (SLAs)
- Agency implementation plans
- Updated LoB artifacts
- Updated LoB FTF entry
8 LoB Vision Statements
Optimized State of being standardized,
interoperable, extensible and cost effective
9IT Infrastructure Current State
- IT infrastructure costs are rising at a rate
faster than IT as a whole substantial savings
are possible - Costs for FY06 were 19.9B and IT budgets will
remain fairly static supporting - Telecommunications
- Data Networks
- Desktop/Seat Management
- Data Centers
- Help Desk
- Need to address cost efficiencies and ROI,
performance metrics, service levels,
interoperability and collaboration, governance,
standards, transition strategies, human capital
10Geospatial Current State
- Geospatial information supports many missions,
including national security, law enforcement,
health care, the environment, and natural
resources conservation - Twenty Five Federal departments and agencies
independently collect or produce geospatial
information, or invest in potentially duplicative
geospatial capabilities - Despite the prevalence of geospatial information,
there continues to be room for improvement in the
planning and coordination of geospatial
activities and procurement at the Federal level
11BFE Current State
- Most agencies do not have automated budgeting
systems to accomplish budgeting functions - Depend on general-use office tools such as
Microsoft Excel and Word - Some have database and integrating software
(including GOTS) to automatically incorporate
numbers in document production and interact with
other agency applications - A few agencies have implemented elements of BFE
systems that have significantly reduced workload,
but no agency has a system with which it is
totally satisfied. - Only one agency has the capability to transmit
data directly to OMB's MAX A-11 central budget
12BFE Current State (cont.)
- OMB's MAX A-11 central budget system is based on
an integrated relational database and uses
web-based technologies to collect data from
agencies. - It includes thousands of automated business rules
that dynamically evolve throughout the Budget
process - The OMB MAX A-11 desktop client must be installed
and periodically updated by agency users. - Increasingly restrictive agency LAN and
workstation security policies are becoming a
significant problem
13RFI Responses
- Asked practitioners of IT infrastructure,
Geospatial data and Budgeting systems,
components, and services to provide information
of value for common solutions at the enterprise
level for Federal agencies - Best practices, lessons learned, and attributes
of effective management and decision-making
processes - Architectural approaches that enable integration
of diverse solutions and facilitate increased
collaboration and secure data sharing - Received significant volume and quality of
responses for each LoB
14 Wrap Up
- LoB success requires public and private sector
commitment - Responsiveness to RFI was valuable contribution
- LoBs are prudent utilization of taxpayer
resources and unprecedented opportunity - To refocus agency resources on core mission and
citizen-centric services - Small investment for the potentially significant
benefit - LoBs have and will likely result in business
opportunities for private sector interests - Partnership can promote and advance technology,
standard setting, service practices and
governance infrastructure that contributes to
success beyond public sector use
15 Contact Information
- Von Harrison, LOB Program Manager
- von.harrison_at_gsa.gov
- Office 202 273-0721
- Responses for Frequently Asked Questions will be
posted under http//www.estrategy.gov and
Related Links at - http//www.whitehouse.gov/omb/egov/c-6-9-ioi.html
- http//www.whitehouse.gov/omb/egov/c-6-7-bfe.html
- http//www.whitehouse.gov/omb/egov/c-6-8-glob.html