Title: COMP 320
1COMP 320
- Memory management basics
- Allocation Deallocation
- Read BO 3.8,3.11,3.13, 10.11.
- Read HS 5.2-5.3.
- Read VDL 10.
- For all data, memory must be allocated.
- Allocated memory space reserved.
- Arrays provide good examples for all the issues.
- Two questions
- When do we know how much to allocate?
- When do we allocate?
- Two possible answers for each
- Compile-time (static)
- Run-time (dynamic)
4How Much to Allocate?
- Static size specified by declaration
- Dynamic size uses malloc()
- Finds specified of bytes of unused space and
reserves it.
- Essentially equivalent to new in Java C.
char c int array10
include int array (int ) mall
oc(num_items sizeof(int))
5Using malloc()
int i i (int ) malloc(sizeof(int))
i 3
int array array (int ) malloc(num_items
array3 5
Arrays ? pointers to the initial (0th) array
6Using malloc()
- Always check the return value of system calls
like malloc() for errors.
- For brevity, wont in class.
int a (int ) malloc(num_items
sizeof(int)) if (a NULL) fprintf(stderr
,Out of memory.\n)
7When to Allocate?
- Static time
- Typically global variables
- Only one copy ever exists, so can allocate at
- Dynamic time
- Typically local variables
- One copy exists for each call. May be unbounded
of calls, so cant allocate at compile-time.
int value int main()
int f() int value int main()
8When to Allocate?
- Static time
- Some local variables
- One copy exists for all calls. Allocated at
int f() static int value int m
Not very common. Mainly an old efficiency hack.
Confusingly, local static has nothing to do with
global static!
9Allocation Summary
Global declaration
Local non-static declaration
Local static declaration
Constant-size malloc()
Non-constant-size malloc()
- Space allocated via declaration (entering scope)
is deallocated when exiting scope.
- Cant refer to y or array outside of f(), so
their space is deallocated upon return.
f() int y int array10
- Space allocated by malloc() is deallocated by
- Not automatically deallocated (garbage collected)
as in Scheme Java.
- Forgetting to deallocate leads to memory leaks
running out of memory.
- Must not use a freed pointer unless reassigned or
int a (int ) malloc(num_items
sizeof(int)) free(a) a (int ) malloc(
2 num_items sizeof(int))
- Space allocated by malloc() is freed when the
program terminates.
- If data structure is used until program
termination, dont need to free.
- Entire process memory is deallocated.
- Assumes virtual memory implementation is
- Bad assumption.
13Common Memory Management Mistakes
14Whats Wrong With This Code?
int make_array() int array10
return array
int f() int i return i
- Consider j f().
- Leads to referencing deallocated memory.
- Never return a pointer to a local variable!
- Behavior depends on allocation pattern.
- Space not reallocated ? works.
- Space reallocated ? very unpredictable.
15One Solution
int f() int i_ptr (int ) m
return i_ptr
int make_array() int array
(int ) malloc(10 sizeof(int))
return array
- Allocate with malloc(), and return its pointer.
- Upon return, space for local pointer variable is
- But the malloc-ed space isnt deallocated until
it is free-d.
16Whats Wrong With This Code?
/ return y Ax / int matvec(int A, int
x) int y (int ) malloc(N sizeof(in
t)) int i, j for ( i for ( jj return y
17Whats Wrong With This Code?
char p int i / Allocate space for
MN matrix / p malloc(M sizeof(char)) fo
r (i0 iar))
18Whats Wrong With This Code?
char p int i / Allocate space for
MN matrix / p (char ) malloc(M sizeof(cha
r )) for (i0 i) malloc(N sizeof(char))
19Whats Wrong With This Code?
char s 1234567 char t7 strcpy(t
, s)
20Whats Wrong With This Code?
int binheap_delete(int binheap, int
size) int packet packet binheap
0 binheap0 binheapsize - 1 size
- 1 heapify(binheap, size, 0) return(p
21Whats Wrong With This Code?
/ Search memory for a value. /
/ Assume value is present. /
int search(int p, int value)
while (p 0 p ! value)
p sizeof(int) return p
22Whats Wrong With This Code?
x (int ) malloc(N sizeof(int))
free(x) y (int ) malloc(M sizeof(int)
) for (i0 ii 1
23Whats Wrong With This Code?
void foo() int x (int ) malloc(N siz
24Whats Wrong With This Code?
struct ACons int first stru
ct ACons rest typedef struct ACons Li
st void foo() List list cons(1,cons(2
,cons(3,NULL))) free(list) return
A peek at how well define lists.