Title: Player creates a character 1
1Player creates a character 1
As a Player, I want to create a playable chara
so that a game can be played.
2Acceptance criteria 1
Scenario 1 The character is created
Given that a character by the name "Thorr" does
not already exist, When the Player chooses "Creat
e Character" and enters the name "Thorr",
Then a character has been created with the name
of "Thorr", And a Health level of 100, And the
player has been added to the game.
3Characters take turns being played 2
As a Player, I want characters to take turns,
So that turn order can be tracked.
4Acceptance criteria 2
Scenario 1 One character has been created
Given that one character "Thorr" has been
created, And the current turn belongs to "Thorr",
When the player chooses "Advance Turn", Then th
e system displays that the current turn belongs
to "Thorr". Scenario 2 Two characters have been
created Given that two characters "Thorr" and "As
trid" have been created, And the current turn bel
ongs to "Thorr", When the player chooses "Advance
Turn", Then the system displays that the current
turn belongs to "Astrid".
5Character takes damage 3
As a Player, I want characters to be able to ta
ke damage, So that the health of characters can b
e tracked.
6Acceptance criteria 3
Scenario 1 A character takes damage and health
remains above 0 Given that a character has a heal
th level of 100, And it is that character's turn,
When that character takes damage of 20, Then th
e character has a health level of 80.
Scenario 2 A character takes damage and health
drops below zero Given that a character has a hea
lth level of 10, And it is that character's turn,
When that character takes damage of 20, Then th
e character has a health level of 0.
7Character receives healing 4
As a Player, I want characters to be able to re
ceive healing, So that the health of characters c
an be tracked.
8Acceptance criteria 4
Scenario 1 A character receives healing and
health remains at 100 or less Given that a charac
ter has a health level of 50, And it is that char
acter's turn, When that character receives healin
g of 20, Then the character has a health level of
70. Scenario 2 A character takes damage and hea
lth raises above 100 Given that a character has a
health level of 90, And it is that character's t
urn, When that character takes damage of 20, The
n the character has a health level of 100.
9Character dies 5
As a Player, I want characters to die when they
run out of health, So that they will be removed
from the game.
10Acceptance criteria 5
Scenario 1 Health runs out Given that a characte
r has a health level of 10, When a game event red
uces that character's health by 10,
Then the character is removed from the game and
skipped in future turns.
11Characters can pick up and carry items 6
As a Player, I want characters to be able to pi
ck up items during game play, So that characters
can become more capable of completing the game's
12Acceptance criteria 6
Scenario 1 Character picks up an item
Given it is a character's turn,
When the player chooses to pick up an item,
And the player specifies the name of the item,
Then the character adds the item to its
collection of items, And the game displays the it
ems currently being carried by the character.
13Characters can pick up and carry items 7
As a Player, I want characters to be able to di
scard items they are carrying,
So that characters can unburden themselves of
unnecessary items.
14Acceptance criteria 7
Scenario 1 Character discards an item
Given it is a character's turn,
When the player chooses to discard an item,
And the player specifies the name of the item to
discard, Then the character removes that item to
its collection of items, And the game displays th
e items currently being carried by the
character. Scenario 2 Character tries to discard
an item when it has none Given it is a character
's turn, When the player chooses to discard an it
em, And the character is carrying no items, Then
the the game says the character is carrying no
15A character belongs to a particular species 8
As a Player, I want each character to be create
d as a member of a particular species,
So that a character can exhibit particular skills
and abilities characteristic of its species.
16Acceptance criteria 8
Scenario 1 Given that a character by the name "T
horr" does not already exist, When the Player cho
oses "Create Character" and enters the name
"Thorr", And also specifies a species of "Human",
Then a character has been created with a species
type of "Human", And a Health level of 100, And
the player has been added to the game.
Scenario 2 Given that a character by the name "T
horr" does not already exist, When the Player cho
oses "Create Character" and enters the name
"Thorr", And also specifies a species besides "Hu
man" or "Lizard", Then the game displays a messag
e that the only valid species types are "Human"
and "Lizard", And the player is given another opp
ortunity to specify the species.
17Each species has a standard default weapon 9
As a Player, I want characters to have a defaul
t weapon when they are created,
So that characters can fight opponents they meet
during gameplay.
18Acceptance criteria 9
Scenario 1 Given that the species is Human, Whe
n a character is created, Then that character has
a sword. Scenario 2 Given that the species is
Lizard, When a character is created, Then that c
haracter has a club.