Title: Qwest's Innovative Educator Grants
1Qwest's Innovative Educator Grants
Presented By Tammy Hernandez
- Description of AzTEA Awards
- - Innovation
- - Exemplary Website
- Description of Qwest Grant
- - Application
- - Learn about Last Years Winners
- Tips and Tricks
- Able IT In Schools Awards
- Questions
Bonnie Feather School Manuel DeMiguel Elementary
School District Flagstaff Unified Project I k
now What You Know!
Awarded 6,500.00
3AzTEA Innovation Awards
Award Cash prices, plaque, MEC conference
registration, one-year AzTEA membership
Deadline Feb. 27, 2009 Awarded MEC Gala, March
10, 2009
4AzTEA Exemplary Web Site Awards
Award 500, plaque, rights to display the AzTEA
Exemplary Web Site Award Logo on their sites
Deadline April 17, 2009 Awarded AzTEA WOW Confe
rence, May 2, 2009
Classroom TeacherMiddle School
Lili Carrasco'sSpanish Classroom Madison
Meadows Middle Sch
Madison School District
Web Award Rubrics http//www.west.asu.edu/achrist
5AzTEA/Qwest Foundation for Education Grant
Allocated 95,000 To Arizona Public, Charter
, or Private PreK-12 Teachers Purpose 1. Recogn
ize teachers who are using technology in
innovative ways with students 2. Increase awarene
ss of how teachers are using technology in the
classroom 3. Models best practices with technolog
y integration improving student achievement
7Recipients Requirements
- Digitally Video Taping lesson or showcase of
- Presentation
- Panel or poster session at WOW on May 2, 2009
- Break-out session at one of three AzTEA
Conferences or MEC
- Reports
- Expenditures of funds
- Narrative detailing goals met
- Review
- Step 1- Assurance Sheet
- Step 2- Project Goals
- Step 3- Use of tech w/ students
- Step 4- Impact of Student Performance
- Step 5- Budget Narrative
- Step 6- Budget
9Assurance Sheet
- Check for missing signatures
10Project Goals Narrative
- Make sure you
- Clearly indicate the learning and skill
development for STUDENTS that are RELATED to
project activities
- Clearly indicate the learning and skill
development for the TEACHER that are RELATED to
project activities
Robert Morse School Madison Camelview Elementary
SchoolDistrict Madison ElementaryProject
Data Collection in the Post-Butcher Paper
EraAwarded 6,965.00
11Use of Technology with Students in Innovative Ways
- Tips
- Clearly state the standards!!! Use Content
Technology Standards
- Use a Project-based learning approach
- Be creative and specific, not general
- Focus on the standards/curriculum NOT just the
- Think beyond just PowerPoint or SMARTBoard
12Student-Centered Use of Technology and Impact on
- Tips
- Clearly state how the technology will impact
student performance
- Include research
- Stay on the positive side- Dont get too wordy on
how needy your students are because of low SES,
low test scores, lack of technology.
13Budget Narrative
- Clearly state what you are going to do with the
equipment you are purchasing
- Budget amounts that are realistic and clearly
relate to items mentioned in the body of the
- Tips
- Do your research, find out how much the
technology costs
- Shop around and find fair deals (watch out for
companies who charge too much for shipping)
- Include any In-Kind from your school/district
(e.g. teacher time, equipment already in room,
jump drives, CDs, professional development)
- Include only necessary items to implement the
project (dont include paying teacher stipends,
replacement items for years to come)
15Things to Keep in Mind
- The legal rights to do whatever you are
- Do not assume outcomes. You must clearly show how
the project will be implemented and what direct
assistance you will receive.
- Gaining strong administrative support from your
school and district
Don Hotz Teresa Kelleher School Blue Ridge El
ementary School Snowflake High SchoolDistrict
Blue Ridge School DistrictProject iPods as a
Language Acquisition Tool Awarded 9,952.00
16Successful Proposals May Include
- Professional and staff development
- Involvement of at-risk or minority students
- In-class or extracurricular activities
- Demonstrate creativity
- Involve risk taking
- Possess visionary quality
- Promote exciting and innovative activities to
motivate students
- Novel instructional strategies
- Curriculum development and implementation
- Multidisciplinary or interdepartmental
- Innovative uses of technology and educational
- Involvement with the community or industry
- Collaborative programs among students and
teachers (Think globally, too)
17Before Submitting
- Set it aside for a few days
- Come back, read it with fresh eyes and look for
ways to improve it
- Have an uninvolved colleague read your proposal
and give suggestions
- Check for missing components
- Make sure you didnt exceed the page limit
- Verify the deadline and get it in on time
Mark Greenberg School Phoenix Union Cyber High
SchoolDistrict Phoenix Union High
SchoolProject Lupine Project Creating Video
Games to Enliven InstructionAwarded 10,000.00
18After Submitting
- Don't be discouraged if you aren't selected for a
grant the first time you submit a proposal
- The most successful grant writer often have
many rejection letters in their files.
- You might re-work your proposal for
different grant programs, or for re-submission
the following year.
Jeannie Wager School Amphitheater Middle School
District Amphitheater UnifiedProject
MathSmartsAwarded 4,956.22
19Other Grants/Awards for Technology
Able IT In Schools Awards http//www.awards4it.co
m/ Best Buy Teach Schools http//communications
HP Technology for Teaching Grant Initiative http
ing/index.html Lowes Toolbox for Education ht
SMARTer Kids Product Grants http//www.smarter
p American Express Philanthropy http//home3.a
Karl Ochsner School Pope John XXIII Catholic Sc
hoolDistrict Diocese of PhoenixProject Kids
Building CharacterAwarded 7,739.98
20Able IT In Schools Awardshttp//www.awards4it.com
Awards 1st Place- 30 Notebook Computers and Ca
pacity Cart, 2 Wireless Access Points, 4
scholarships to (AGSE) 2nd Place- 15 Notebook Com
puters and Capacity Cart, 1 Wireless Access
Point, 3 scholarships to (AGSE)
3rd Place- 8 PC (stationary), 1 Wireless Access
Point, 2 scholarships to (AGSE)
Deadline March 31, 2009
Awarded In May
21Intel Schools of Distinction Awards
Does your school demonstrate excellence in math
and science? Who Wins? Two categories Math
and Science 18 Finalists 3 each in grade group
K-5, 6-8, and 9-12 6 Winners 1 Star Innovato
r for 2009 (one school selected from the 6
winners) Awards 10,000 each and more than
100,000 in products and services
Trip to Washington, DC. One school will receive
a total cash award of 25,000
Deadline February 17, 2009!
22Web and Email Addresses
AzTEA http//www.aztea.org/awards.html Innova
tion Awards innovationawards_at_aztea.org Web Awa
rds webawards_at_aztea.org Quest Foundation qwes
Lynne Cote School Mountain View High SchoolDist
rict Marana UnifiedProject Exploring the
Universe in YouAwarded 4,993.80