Title: The Cost of English Divide of South Korea
1The Cost of English Divide of South Korea
- Gyonggu Shin (Chonnam National U)
- http//gshin.chonnam.ac.kr
2Dr. Norman Bethune (1890-1939)
- What we have here is an ethical and moral problem
in the field of social and political economics.
- Digital divide
- English divide
- Causes of English divide
- Measures to take
- Economic and non-economic gain of the measures
4I. Digital Divide
5Definition of digital divide
Socio-economic gap between industrialized
lesser developed communities due to the rapid
and efficient deployment of digital technologies.
6Digital divide of the world
Source ITU (internet host data Network Wizards,
Ripe 2000
7Results of digital divide
- A limited access to the ICTs will restrict the
scope of the social activities in - Receiving education
- Finding information
- Finding jobs
8II. English Divide
9English divide
- Definition A Limited access to the international
language will restrict the scope of the social
activities by - Limited access to the knowledge structures
- Limited commercial relationships
- Limited opportunities in finding jobs
- Marginalization in the social process
10III. Causes of English Divide
11Causes of English divide 1
- Theory-oriented language departments
- Non-professional management of the language
program - Low public expenditure
- Nonprofessional teachers
- Dependence on native speakers
12Theory-oriented language departments
13Other language departments
14Curriculum comparison
15Non-professional management of the language
16Low government expenditure
17Dependence on native speakers
- English Program In Korea (EPIK)
- As many foreign teachers as possible in most
schools and universities - Busan, Jeonnam
18Causes of the divide 2
- Non-professional management by the bureaucrats
primary school English, non-major English
teachers - Non-professional management of university
administration - Non-professional management of university
language programs - Dogmatic English department faculty
19Non-professional management of language programs
Language Center Directors Terms
20Non-professional management by university
- English certification Low quality but high
demand - No systematic long-term planning of university
language programs
21Non-professional management by the bureaucrats
- Primary school teachers with 120 hr preparation
- Non-major high school teachers with 200 hr
preparation - Non-standardized teacher training programs
Teachers with no confidence in target language
are certified to teach.
22Current situation 1 Voluntary colonialism
- Making all Koreans subjects of English empire
- Business firms higher criteria for language
proficiency of new employees Excessive emphasis
on the importance of English regardless of
positions - Government requiring English proficiency for new
recruits - Mass media actively propagating English
- Language business firms making the most of the
growing lucrative market - English teachers and KATE happy with more
influence of English
23Current situation 2 Impact on people
- English is a religion.
- English is a means of survival.
- People with no language talent lose
self-confidence (Poor performance by Korean
diplomats is no wonder.)
24Current situation 3 English divide
- Message English is the goal of your life.
- Reality You have to develop the skill on your
own. - Subjects Invest time and money, whatsoever, to
develop English language skill. - English divide Learning English is expensive,
and economic gap is readily transferred to
English divide. - Social injustice ruling class with English and
ruled class with no English
25National economy
- More emphasis on English is translated into more
waste of national wealth. - People spend seven billion dollars a year with
increasing amount every year. - Young people invest more time spent on language
learning than on major areas. - Families are willing to suffer the separation for
childrens language learning. ( brain drainage
- High expense low productivity Children of poor
daddy cannot speak good English.
27High expense US6 billion
28Low productivity
29IV. Measures to Take
30Measures in micro level
- Language department change- More applied
linguistics majors- More practical courses - Professional language programs
- Professional teacher training programs
31Important areas for students
32Measures in macro level
- Government side
- Investment for quality education
- 10 million for teacher development
- 10 million for college language program
- 10 million for HS language teaching
- 2. Control the irrational emphasis of English
- Quality education limitation of English
33V. Economic and non-economic gains from the
34Economic gain
35Non-economic gains
- Less or no English divide Linguistically better
integrated society - No lost of self confidence of the young people
who has low English proficiency - More work on major areas by students
36Thank youfor your attention.