Title: Viruses of Mutualistic Endophytic Fungi
1Viruses of Mutualistic Endophytic Fungi
- Drew Porter
- Dr. Marilyn Roossinck Lab
2Three Way Symbiotic Relationship
- Plant
- Fungus
- Virus
- Geothermal Tolerance
- 2002 Thermotolerance in Yellowstone requires
plant/fungal symbiosis (Redman, etal, Science298,
1581, 2002) - 2007 Yellowstone plant/fungus symbiosis also
requires mycovirus (fungal virus) (Márquez, etal
Science315, 5811, 2007)
4Motivation for research
- Does the same three way symbiosis found in
Yellowstone occur in other geothermal areas? - MaybeCosta Rica?
5Volcán Rincón
- Geothermal area in Costa Rica.
6(No Transcript)
- In Costa Rica
- Collect plant
- Remove and grow fungi from plant
- Extract and enrich dsRNA
- Visualize on gel
- Send to America
- In Ardmore (me)
- Reverse transcription and PCR
- Ligation and transformation
- E-coli cloning
- Plasmid mini-preps
- Sequencing
8Host plant and fungus
Fungus Unknown
07 collected in 2007 HACG Hongas Area
Conservación Guanacaste 097, 099 sample
identification numbers
9Double Stranded RNA
- Fungal RNA is not double stranded, but viral RNA
is often double stranded. - dsRNA virus presence
- PhenolChloroform extraction followed by CF11
cellulose dsRNA enrichment and DNase digestion
10Visualization of dsRNA
- Visualized on Agarose gel
11Reverse Transcription and PCR
12(No Transcript)
13TA cloning
E-coli with new plasmid
14Plasmid mini-preps
- Picked colonies into LB medium with antibiotic
and let grow at 37oC in shaker overnight - Performed plasmid mini-prep to isolate only the
plasmid DNA, and not the host DNA - Hypotonic solution used to swell the cell
- Alkaline solution used to lyse the cell
- Sodium acetate used to precipitate out everything
but plasmid DNA.
15Plasmid mini-preps (cont.)
- Check for insertions using EcoRI digestion
- EcoRI sites located on both sides of insert
- Submit for sequencing those with inserts
16Sequencing Results
- 07-HACG-097 did not yield significant matches in
a BLAST search - Possible novel virus
- 07-HACG-099 was highly matched to both a
mycovirus, as well as a hypovirus - A virus was definitely involved in the
plant/fungal relationship.
Conclusion Most hits were fungal. However, the
hits were all from mRNA sequences which could
mean that we have an uncharacterized virus. The
Curvularia thermal tolerance virus RNA2 has two
ORFs with no significant hits in GenBank (Márquez
etal, Science315, 5811, 2007).
Conclusion Closest known relative is the
Coniothyrium minitans virus, which is a
totivirus. Other BLAST hits show that fungal and
possibly plant RNA was also amplified from this
19Future Work
- Sequence entire virus genome
- Sequence other dsRNA from the Volcan Rincon and
the same species from the non-geothermal areas to
determine the viruses role in the endophytic
relationship. - Determine the biological role of the virus in the
ecology of the geothermal plants
- Dr. Marilyn Roossinck
- Roossinck Lab
- Tracy Feldman
- Ping Xu
- MASS lab
- Steve Rhines
- Emily Edwards
- The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation
- Rhonda Schmidt
- Felipe Chavarría
- Dan Janzen