Title: Layout Managers
1Session 30
2An Exercise
- Add to our CannonWorld a button that allows the
user to change the color of the cannonball from
blue to red to yellow to blue.... - Place the button on the lefthand side of the
3Steps to the solution
- 1. Add a button to the CannonWorld.
- 2. Add a listener class to CannonWorld.
- The listeners actionPerformed method needs to
tell the ball to take the next color. It could
have an if-statement that toggles the colors in
sequence, but... - Shouldnt the ball be controlling its own
color, rather than the application using the
ball? - So in my solution, I decided to have the
CannonBall respond to a nextColor() message and
toggle its own color.
4More Steps to the Solution
- The next question is, do I add a nextColor()
method directly to the CannonBall class, or do I
create a subclass? - In general, if we need a new kind of object, then
we should create a new kinds of object. - (If a particular method turns out to be more
generally useful than we anticipate, then we can
always refactor the solution so that the method
lives higher in the class hierarchy.) - So
- 3. Implement a ChangingCannonBall class.
- 4. Use instances of ChangingCannonBall in the
5Layout Managers
- JFrame is a subclass of the Container class
- so it can hold objects such as buttons, scroll
bars, etc. - layout manager assigns locations to these objects
within the container - the default LayoutManager is BorderLayout
6Layout Managers
- Five standard types of layout managers
- BorderLayout
- GridLayout - creates an rectangular array of
components - FlowLayout - places components in rows left to
right, top to bottom - CardLayout - stacks components vertically with
only one visible at any one time - GridBagLayout - most general, but most complex.
It allows for a nonuniform grid of squares with
components placed in various positions within
each square.
7Using GridLayout and Panels
- MemoPad uses GridLayout exclusively, but it nests
GridLayouts using Panels - MemoPad frame is GridLayout( 3, 1 )
- top row contains a Panel with GridLayout( 2, 2 )
- middle row contains a Panel with GridLayout( 1, 3
8Using GridLayout
- MemoPad frame is GridLayout( 3, 1 )
9Using GridLayout
public class MemoPad extends JFrame public
MemoPad() super() setLayout(
new GridLayout( 3, 1 ) ) setSize( 300, 140
) setTitle( "Memo Pad " )
database new DefaultMemoDatabase()
fieldPanel new FieldPanel()
fieldPanel.setSize( 300, 80 ) add(
fieldPanel ) buttonPanel new
ButtonPanel( this ) buttonPanel.setSize(
300, 30 ) add( buttonPanel )
messagePanel new MessagePanel( ".. No messages
.." ) messagePanel.setSize( 300, 30 )
add( messagePanel )
10Using GridLayout
public class FieldPanel extends JPanel
private JTextField keyField private
JTextField valueField public FieldPanel()
setLayout( new GridLayout( 2, 2 ) )
keyField new JTextField( 20 )
valueField new JTextField( 20 ) add(
new JLabel( "Key" ) ) add( keyField )
add( new JLabel( "Value" ) ) add(
valueField ) ...
11Using GridLayout
public class ButtonPanel extends JPanel
private MemoPad memos public ButtonPanel(
MemoPad p ) memos p setLayout(
new GridLayout( 1, 3 ) ) JButton
insertButton new JButton( "Insert" )
insertButton.addActionListener( new
InsertButtonListener() ) add( insertButton
) JButton findButton new JButton(
"Find" ) findButton.addActionListener( new
FindButtonListener() ) add( findButton
) JButton removeButton new JButton(
"Remove" ) removeButton.addActionListener(
new RemoveButtonListener() ) add(
removeButton ) ...
12Using Panels with BorderLayout
- BorderLayout seems very restrictive, but you can
use a Panel to hold several components in each
13An Exercise
- Place the change color button in a Panel with
the fire button along the top of the window.
14One Solution
- JPanel buttonPanel new JPanel()
- buttonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2) )
- JButton fire new JButton( "fire" )
- fire.addActionListener( new FireButtonListener()
) - buttonPanel.add( fire )
- JButton colorButton new JButton( "Change" )
- colorButton.addActionListener(new
ColorButtonListener() ) - buttonPanel.add( colorButton )
- getContentPane().add( "North", buttonPanel )