GtkRadiant - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Make sure you select: Quake III Arena / Quake III: Team Arena ... the 'Make Hollow' Button (should be a red box with a dotted box inside of it ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: GtkRadiant

  • help session
  • CS 196-2
  • By Alex Rice

Accessing GtkRadiant
  • On a windows machine run
  • /course/cs196-2/Q3Editor/GtkEditor.exe
  • or
  • Download it at
  • were using version GtkRadiant 1.5.0 beta -
    build 01-16

On Start
  • Make sure you select Quake III Arena / Quake
    III Team Arena
  • If you are using it at home, you can enable
    logging, otherwise dont

  • Go to Edit Preferences Interface Layout and
    select your preferred layout
  • If you are working in the MSlab, copy the
    /course/cs196-2/Q3Editor/Quake III Arena
    directory into your directory, then go to Edit
    Preferences Settings Paths and set the path
    to be your Quake III Arena directory.
  • If you are working from home, replace the
    installed directory (probably C/Program
    Files/Quake III Arena/) with /course/cs196-2/Q3Edi
    tor/Quake III Arena
  • Then go to Textures Flush Reload Shaders

Navigating GtkRadiant
  • The grid views
  • Right click and drag to scroll sideways
  • Mouse wheel to zoom
  • Right click to bring up entity menu (explained
  • The rendered view
  • Right click to go toggle mouse-look mode
  • Use arrows (not wasd) to navigate
  • Working in this view (particularly when selecting
    things) can often be easier
  • Selecting
  • ShiftClick to select an object
  • AltShiftClick to toggle selecting an object
    (i.e. AltShiftClick once to select,
    AltShiftClick again to deselect)
  • Esc to deselect everythig
  • Backspace to delete selected object(s)

Adding Your Own Textures
  • Look in Quake III Arena/baseq3/scripts/ for
  • Add to this list to add new categories of
    textures (i.e. walls, floors, etc.). These are
    for your own benefit everything can be in the
    same category if you want
  • Heres an example, say we want to add a texture
    called default_wall.tga, and put it into category
  • Add walls to shaderlist.txt
  • Create a file in the scripts directory entitled
  • Add the following to walls.shader
  • textures/walls/default_room
    notice there is no extension
  • Go to Quake III Arena/baseq3/textures/ and create
    a directory called walls
  • Put default_wall.tga in Quake III
  • If GtkRadiant is running, select Textures Flush
    Reload Shaders

Beginning a Map
  • Create new map
  • File New Map
  • Create a small hollow room (make a box and hollow
    it out)
  • Make a box. In the XY Top window, click/hold your
    left mouse button at coordinates 256,-256 (upper
    left) - then drag your mouse to the -256,256
    (lower right) you should see a red square appear
    in grid
  • Make the box taller. Change to the 'XZ Side' view
    (CtrlTab) and the 'QE' tool (Q). Click/hold your
    left mouse button above the upper edge of the box
    and drag that bar up to about 256. you have just
    raised the height of the box
  • Make it hollow. On your Toolbar below the Menu
    bar, locate the 'Make Hollow' Button (should be a
    red box with a dotted box inside of it located
    under the M in Misc). Press that button. This
    breaks the box up into six pieces four walls, a
    ceiling and a floor. you should now see a hollow
    room in the texture view window

Beginning a Map cont.
  • Put in sky texture
  • Re-select the sides of the room (ShiftClick on
    something to select it, in this case it may be
    easier to select each side in the first-person
  • Press T or go to View Texture Browser
  • Select Textures Skies, something should appear
    in the Texture Browser. It should say Shader
    Image Missing. Click on the Shader Image
    Missing texture. Whenever you texture map
    something with on of the Skies textures, Dojo
    will ignore that object. We do this so we can
    use the Dojo skybox instead of the Quake 3
    version. You can, of course, texture the walls
    however you want when you create your own map
  • Press Esc to deselect everything

Inserting Geometry
  • Add a simple plane
  • In the XY view, click a point inside the box you
    made in the previous step and drag out another
  • In the XZ or YZ view, click outside of your new
    box and drag until it is 1 unit large in the Z
  • Adding Texture
  • Select Textures cs196-2
  • Press T, then select your texture of choice
  • Now, press S or select View Surface Inspector.
    This allows you adjust how the plane is texture
  • More advanced geometry
  • Select Curve Simple Patch Mesh and press OK.
    Look through the grid views to find the patch,
    you may have to adjust the size (click outside of
    it and drag) to be able to see it
  • Press the Select Vertices button (a cube with a
    blue dot in the corner).
  • Select (ShiftClick) some vertices, then press
    the Translate button (the blue axes)
  • You can now change the patch to whatever shape
    you want by moving different vertices
  • Explore the other curves as well

Adding a Spawn Point
  • Right-Click on one of the grid windows and select
    info info_player_deathmatch, a box should
    appear in the map where you clicked
  • Move the box around (using Translate). The
    character will spawn in the center of the box in
    Dojo, so make sure not to place the box insed
    other geometry

Adding Lights and Triggers
  • Lights
  • Right-Click in the grid view and select light
  • Position the light in the same way you place the
    spawn point.
  • Repeat as desired
  • Simple Triggers
  • Weve written two example triggers in Dojo, the
    first of which is the Score Trigger
  • Right-Click in the grid view and select target
    target_score, then position it where you want
    (remember, your character has to be able to reach
  • More complicated triggers
  • Weve also written an example of a jump pad
    called the Targeted Push Trigger
  • Drag out a new plane. Press Esc to deselect
  • Right-Click in the grid view and select target
    target_position. Press Esc to deselect
  • Select the first plane and right-click and select
    trigger trigger_push
  • Without deselecting the plane, select
    (ShiftClick) the trigger_push and press CtrlK
    or select Entity Connect
  • If it worked properly, an arrow should appear
    between the two

Saving, Compiling, and Running
  • Save your map (File Save)
  • To create the .bsp file, select
  • Build Q3Map2 (final) BSP -meta, -vis,
    -light -fast -filter -super 2 -bounce 8
  • This will put a file called .bsp in
    whatever directory you saved you map
  • Copy the .bsp file to dojo/scratch/build/install/q
    3maps/maps and copy your textures to
    dojo/scratch/build/install/q3maps/textures. Make
    sure you maintain the directory structure inside
    the texture directory (i.e. from the texture
    example, copy the entire walls directory).
  • Edit the line in App.cpp that reads
  • Q3Map map Q3Mapcreate("Map", "q3maps/",
  • to read
  • Q3Map map Q3Mapcreate("Map", "q3maps/", "
  • Dojo will now load your map when you run it.

  • Look in Help Manual, it has everything else you
  • There are many more features that arent
    currently supported in Dojo, but dont let that
    stop you. If you add support for something cool
    enough well give you extra credit
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