Title: Indirect Costs in Federal Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Contracts
1Indirect Costsin Federal Grants, Cooperative
Agreements, and Contracts
- Presented by Victor M. Lopez
- Chief, Division of Cost Determination BOC/OASAM
April 24, 2008
2Topics to be covered during this short
- Division of Cost Determination (DCD) Details
and contact info. - Website address for DCD, including indirect cost
proposal guidelines. - Composition of Total Costs.
- Who reviews/approves Direct and Indirect costs?
- When should organizations submit Indirect Cost
Rate Proposals? - Which organizations should submit Indirect Cost
Rate Proposals? - During grant application, what will DOL require
organizations to indicate regarding Indirect
Costs? - Details for Option A, B, and C.
3Division of Cost Determination, OAMS, USDOL 200
Constitution Ave., N.W. S-1510 Washington, D.C.
20210 (202) 693-4100 Â Our office has been in
existence since 1972. We are primarily
responsible for reviewing, negotiating, and
approving indirect cost rates and cost allocation
plans for entities receiving Federal funds
primarily from the U.S. Department of Labor, on
behalf of the Federal Government. We also
perform cost analysis on pre-award reviews, and
audit resolution. Our reviews are based on the
following cost principles
4(No Transcript)
5Indirect Cost Guide BookInternet Address
6Composition of Total Costs
- Direct Costs
- Plus
- Indirect Costs
- Less
- Applicable Credits
Re FAR Part 31.201-1
7Who reviews and approves Direct Costs?
- Direct Costs are reviewed and approved by the
program offices sponsoring the award. -
8Who reviews and approves Indirect Costs?
- Indirect Costs are reviewed and approved by the
organizations Federal Cognizant Agency (FCA -
agency providing the preponderance of direct
Federal funds to the organization. The
organization provides a proposal with supporting
documentation to negotiate a rate.
Note Allocated indirect costs to the grant
(based on FCA approval) are subject to
administrative limitations, ceilings, caps, etc.
established by the grant officer or program
sponsoring award.
9When organizations should submit Indirect Cost
Rate Proposals to the FCA?
- Proposals must be submitted annually
- No later than six (6) months after the end of the
organizations fiscal year. - New grantees/contractors must submit a proposal
within three months (90 days) after the effective
date of the award. - Extensions of time may be granted.
Re FAR Part 52.216-7(d)
10Which Organizations should submit Indirect Cost
Rate Proposals to the FCA?
- Those organizations receiving direct Federal
funds. - Organizations that are part of an Association
(Lead Grantees, as well as Associates).
11During grant application, what DOL will require
the organization(s) to indicate regarding
Indirect Costs?
- Fill out an Indirect Cost Form, indicating
- whether it has a current Negotiated Indirect Cost
Rate Agrement (NICRA) approved by the FCA,
validating the allocable indirect costs to be
billed to the grant. - whether it needs to be updated, or no indirect
cost rates have been ever approved by an FCA. - whether no indirect costs will be claimed.
12Regarding Option A Current NICRA submitted
- Note Future NICRAs, showing provisional/final
rates for each applicable fiscal year during
grant period, must be submitted to the Grant
Officer and/or GOTR for the entire agreement
period. - Some Federal agencies issue NICRAs that are
effective until amended. These NICRAs will not
be accepted by the GO if the last negotiated FY
shown in the agreement is more than one year past
the date of the USDOL award.
13Regarding Option B No NICRA updated or ever
- Note A Temporary Billing Rate, not exceeding
90 days, may be negotiated by the Grant Officer
to allow limited reimbursement. Future billings
of indirect costs, however, should be based on
approved NICRAs. - Within this 90-day period, organizations who
received the award must submit an acceptable
indirect cost proposal to their FCA to obtain a
provisional indirect rate. - Failure to submit an indirect cost proposal
within this 90-day period means that the
organization shall not receive further (if
applicable) reimbursement for indirect costs.
14Regarding Option C No Indirect Costs Claimed
- Per the cost principles, cost may not be shifted
between direct and indirect costs to overcome
funding deficiencies. - The organization will be required to certify that
the costs billed are direct costs by filling out
a form.
Contact Information Victor M. Lopez Lopez.victor_at_
dol.gov 202-693-4106